Boyd County,
NEGenWeb Project

Posted Queries for July 2001 thru January 2002


BRANDVIG, JACOBSON posted by Carol Vaughan on Sunday, July 8, 2001

My husband's grandfather, Julian Jacobson was born in Gross in 1898. His father owned a farm called "Sylvan". The whole family moved from that area to California in the 1920's. Does anyone have any idea where this farm would have been located? Julian's parents' names were Severt Knut Jacobson and Anna Marie Brandvig. Also his mother, Anna is buried in Rosedale Cemetery. Does anyone know where this is located?

BOYD posted by Sherri on Tuesday, August 7, 2001

I am looking for info on the family of William and Susan BOYD, my great-grandparents. They moved to Naper from Meadows of Dan Virginia around 1900 and lived in Naper until at least 1930. Their children were William Freeman, Virgie, Velva, Nora, Fred Allen, Uel, and Tressa. I think all children were born in Naper. If any one knew this family or has any info please contact me.  Thank you, Sherri.

BOLLINGER posted by Joe E. Thurstenson on Friday, August 10, 2001

I found a photo in an inherited bundle of "things" that has caught my attention. The note on the back "Our good neighbors - Mr. and Mrs. Bollinger - Anoka, Nebr before 1913". The Bollingers would have been neighbors to Peter and Ida Thurstenson during this time.  The Thurstensons were living on a 160 acre farm with the Valley View School at the NE corner of their farm. This location is NE of Anoka and about 1 mile south of the SD state line. I have scanned the photo if anyone is interested in it and I would like any information someone might have on this couple.

YENGLIN posted by Marvin Yenglin on Wednesday, August 22, 2001

Looking for any information on any Yenglin people. My gggrandfather, ggrandfather lived in Gross, NE., from 1890-1940. Jonathan & Charles Edward Yenglin. Also William Henry Yenglin lived west of Gross around 1900. Eva Yenglin married a Martin Olson. Samuel Yenglin my grandfather lived around Boyd County and then moved to Gregory, SD. All info. appreciated.

ELLIOTT, HARRIS, KEELER posted by W. Keith Sankey on Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Seeking information re: Adeline (1852-1937)and Ida (1851- Aft. 1937) HARRIS, daughters Samuel and Abigal Harris. Adeline married Willis E.ELLIOTT. Ida married unknown KEELER. Family records mention Anoka, Lynch, Spence. Friend Keeler ( belived to be Ida's son Married Orvada BILLITER 20 Oct.1935
Keith Sankey -

REYNOLDS, YEISLEY posted by Rob Peacock on Sunday, November 25, 2001

I'm looking for information concerning Clyde Emmett Reynolds, b. 1/7/1878, married to Clara Schofield Yeisley. Had at least one daughter, Evelyn Ellen Reynolds, b. 8/3/1906, d. 1/1994. Evelyn is my grandmother.
Would also like any info on the Yeisley clan.
Thanks, Rob

LUTH, WEISSER posted by Judy A. Armstrong on Sunday, December 2, 2001

Hoping to find clues about my Weisser and Luth families! Looking for any information on Christian or Margaret Reich Weisser who lived in Tyndall, SD in the late 1800's. They came from a small German town in Russian, possibly around 1874, to the United States (South Dakota). Their children were Christian, Michael, John, Pauline (my ggrandmother), and Julia. Julia's married name was Carter. One of the brothers may have lived in Washington state or Oregon in the 1930's (Michael probably). Some family info says that Margaret took in laundry and Christian was a brewery worker. They may have been in the Boyd County, NE area at one time.
Pauline married Alois Kraemer (had son Frank) and, later, in Boyd County, NE, Pauline married August G. Luth (their daughter, Violet, was my grandmother). August's family has ties to Boyd County.
If anyone knows of this family or has any info, please let me know. Thanks!

GOLDSMITH, PETERSON posted by Trisha Carlson on Tuesday, January 1, 2002

John Frederick Goldsmith, b 1885, married Elsa Pearl Peterson b 28 Jan 1892. Their only child Meredith Arlene Goldsmith Carlson was my husband's mother. Fred and Elsie died in Lynch, NE sometime late 1950s or early 1960s (my husband can't remember exactly). Interested in information on where they are buried, etc. John's parents were William H. and Wilhemina Goldsmith. His siblings were Lillie A. and William W. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

DODGE posted by Kent Turner on Thursday, January 10, 2002

Trying to LOCATE THE BURIAL PLACE of C. C. DODGE who was shot (?murdered) in (??) Boyd Co., NE on 20 Dec 1891. Can't find an actual printed obituary. See additional information in obituaries section of Boyd Co., NE web page on newspaper articles from Adel, IA (previous home of C. C. DODGE. Not even sure the shooting took place in Boyd County but based on newspaper articles published in Adel, Dallas Co., IA and also the fact that it was near the Niobrara River, I'm assuming this was Boyd County.
THE FRONTIER, O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, December 24, 1891, Vol. XII, No. 24, Front Page, Column 4
                      C. C. DODGE SHOT.
   This morning W. E. McROBERT of Leonia came into town bringing with him one George WILKINSON, who gave himself up to the sheriff, stating that he had shot C. C. DODGE, of Dodge's ferry on the Niobrara river yesterday afternoon and although he did not know positively he believed Mr. DODGE was dead. Mr. McROBERT informed THE FRONTIER reporter that it was a case which grew out of some land trouble. WILKINSON filed on an island just across from DODGE's old home and upon which DODGE had built a house and expected to put a filing but as we understand had not, for some reason, been able to file. WILKINSON built a house and went over recently to occupy it. DODGE went yesterday afternoon, armed with an ax, to run WILKINSON off. An alternation ensued. WILKINSON states that DODGE came at him and knocked him over a log, striking at him with the ax, and as he was getting up came at him again. WILKINSON pulled his pistol, a 32 calibre, and fired six times, one or more shots taking effect in DODGE's body. DODGE started for his house and when near there was seen to place his hands to his breast and fall forwards. WILKINSON is in jail here and will have a preliminary hearing soon. His father-in-law was an eye witness of the quarrel. It is a sad affair all around and its fatal results must be deplored. We trust, however, that it is not as serious as feared.

THE FRONTIER, O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, December 31, 1891, Vol. XII, No. 25, Front Page, Column 6
    The worst fears concerning the shooting of Capt. C. C. DODGE have been realized, as the shot proved fatal. WILKINSON, who did the shooting was taken over to Boyd county Monday by Sheriff JAMISON, and a preliminary hearing given him. We have not learned the result of it, but presume he will be bound over. We did not learn particulars of the funeral, either.

posted by Shelly Aljets on Monday, January 14, 2002

I am trying to find a Cemetery called Phoenix around the Butte area. Has anyone heard of it or has the name changed? I have 4 grandparents there.

CULVER, CUNNINGHAM posted by Karolyn Simpson on Friday, January 25, 2002

Searching for burial location and an obituary for Katherine Culver Cunningham. She was born 21 October 1862 in Iowa County, WI (parents Jacob & Eliza Culver) and died 5 April 1905 in Butte, NE (Boyd Co). Katherine was married to Henry O. Cunningham in WI and had 2 sons. Also, any information about sons would be appreciated.

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