Submitted by:Doris Counts

The Frontier News

The Frontier Sept 30,1880 The Frontier O'Neill City is to have a railroad in 1880, that is a settled fact. Charlie Jones 14, and James Marley 10, ran away from home on Monday and haven't been heard from yet. 1000 cottonwood trees delivered to O'Neill $1.00 Construction bids of a mill dam on Oak Creek near Saratoga to be let. The Chattel mortgage of Jeremiah Fitzgerald is for sale. The following have proved up on their land claims- William E Bailey, Franklin L Jones, Thomas J McGovern, Dwight L Pond, Milo Goodrich. Jan 13,1881 The Frontier Died Dec 26,1880, Nellie May Mitchele, the daughter of Henry and Jennie, aged 16 months and 1 day. The following have proved up on their land claims- Albert Dodge, John Hall, Michael Callahan, Charles E Diehl, Erin Cleveland. The Stephen Keyes, deceased, property is for sale. April 21,1881 The Frontier Died Otis Perrine, on the 22nd of apoplexy, He was a banker in Niobrara. Married Dan Crowley and Melva Hazard at Red Bird on the 19th by Rev C Smith The following have proved up on their land claims- Harry Spindler, Neil Brennan, David Huffman, Sarah Judd the widow of William C Judd deceased, Alice Atkins and William Atkins are separating. May 12,1881 The Frontier The following have proved up on their land claims- Michael Dillon, Patrick Hagerty,Thomas N J Hynes, William Fallon, Patrick S Hughes, Thomas Cain, John Fallon, Neil Brennan, Sarah Judd, May 19,1881 The Frontier Died Elma D Wheeler on May 20, age 19 years 6 months 29 days, the daughter of Theo Wheeler. She was born Oct 22,1861. Disappeared, Rebecca Puckett, age 13 years, while herding her father's cattle. A new flouring mill A new bank, The Cheney,Adams and Co. The young son of John Taylor was bit by a rattlesnake one week ago last Monday and died last Saturday night. On Monday afternoon last a son of Mr Hudson, living near Cleveland, was bit by a rattlesnake and it is thought he will die. Married David L Darr and Ella Jones by Esquire Knight. John Fritz opened a grocery. Atkinson chose a site for it's town. The following have proved up on their land claims- James McFarling, Thomas Cain, William Fallon, Patrick Hagerty,John Fallon, Patrick S Hughs, Thomas N J Hynes, Daniel Griner, Michael Dillon, Bastian Syberson, Ole Syverson, Elijah H Thomphson June 2,1881 The Frontier Drowned Michael Hagerty and Isaac Thomas in the Elkhorn River on Sunday the 6th. The following have proved up on their land claims- James McFaring, Griner, Michael Dillon, Byron Parker, Barnabus Welton Aug 18,1881 The Frontier The following have proved up on their land claims- Nannie M Osborne, Nannie J Osborne, Joshua A ?, Charles H Cornell, James H Perry, Perry O Summers, Scha Sha C Day, Richard McDonald Mary Jane Billings of Ford, Holt County is separating from Isaac F Billings. Aug 25,1881 The Frontier The following have proved up on their land claims- James H Skirving, John DeLos Wilson, Joshua A Hitt, Nannie M Osborne, Nannie J Osborne, Charles H Cornell, Perry O Summers. The land office is moved from Norfolk to Neligh. Wanted - information on Julius Ellerman, last seen in O'Neill on June 6th. Mrs Scott received her 7th son. Sept 22,1881 The Frontier The following have proved up on their land claims- Charles I Deltz, Clayton Troth, Vincent M Ross, Joshua A Hitt, James H Skirving, John De Los Wilson, Nannie M Osborne, Nannie J Osborne, Charles N Sweat, Charles H Cornell, George W Hulton, Hezekiah Chambers, Edward Murphy, Jacob Dohualder,W H Campbell is a stone mason Oct 6,1881 The Frontier Died Charley Fuller, while hunting with three companions and by the carless handling of his gun caused his death. Funeral was held Monday, Rev G F Smith officiating. Dec 1,1881 The Frontier Mary Isabell Gillett is separating from Emmit B Gillett. Married Ed Munroe and Ella Sanford at the residence of John Sanford in Inman on Wednesday The following have proved up on their land claims- Jordon L Smith, Randolph Smith, William D Berry, Addie Inman the widow of William H Inman, Henry Razey,Samuel Spear, Dec 20,1881 The Frontier Long Pine News editor is T J Smith Married Walter O'Malley and Julia Welch on the 25th at the Catholic Church, Rev Father Smith officiating. Jan 5,1882 The Frontier The following have proved up on their land claims- Joseph Preise, Clement Lamourouex, Lorenzo D Wood, Jesse Scott, Peter H Anderson, James Fitzgerald Jan 26,1882 The Frontier Married at the residence of the bride's parents in Long Pine, Charles S Beeman and Lizzie E Hartsell on the 15th by S Lickens, justice of the peace. The following have proved up on their land claims- Charles Welton, Joseph Prebs, James O'Neill, Thos F Malloy, John Grady, Joseph R Morrison, James Fitzgerald, Patrick Fitzgerald, John Fitzgerald, John Grady, The Chattel mortgage of George W Howenstein is for sale. Henry DeYarmon was married Andrew Robinson is opening a saloon in Atkinson Feb 9,1882 The Frontier Gillespie Dutchner trial verdict Charlie Arndt of Steel Creek became insane and taken to Lincoln Asylum. Joseph Tomlinson of Steel Creek was killed by the caving in of a well The following have proved up their land claims- James O'Neill, Peter H Anderson, Mr and Mrs Bert Eghert lost by death their infant boy on Wednesday last. Will Belknap died Saturday last at the residence of his father on Big Sandy of inflammation of the bowels. Mrs Hughes, old lady judged insane and taken to Omaha last spring for treatment, died a few days ago. The remains were brought to O'Neill and buried in the Catholic Cemetery. By her death, the Catholic Society of this place comes into possession of two or three thousand dollars worth of property. Feb 16,1882 The Frontier Mary Cook , who lived in this city for four years, and who about two months ago went to New Jersey on a visit, died at Jersey City on the 8th of Typhoid fever. Dennis Daly and Mr Smith both filed claims for the land where Long Pine is located. Mr and Mrs Evan's little nine month old babe is dangerously ill with inflammation of the bowels. The doctor is sitting with him. Wife of Helger Gaulekson, a Norweigan homesteader on the Keya Paha, was brought to O'Neill yesterday. The woman is violently insane and taken to asylum in Lincoln. Mr Gaulekson also became insane and he was brought partway to O'Neill with the expectation that he would also have to be taken care of, but that he appeared to get over the trouble and was rational and so was sent back home. There are three small children left to the charity of the world. Mr and Mrs are first cousins and insanity is hereditory on both sides. Wool flannel is 20 cents a yard. Seven pounds of coffee for $1.00 E H Clark is prepared to make boots. Feb 23,1882 The Frontier Farmers began plowing Feb 9 on the Saratoga. Sold for $33.00, a 13 year old cow, a yearling heifer and some hogs. Married Issac Deninmings and wife on the 5th. Mr Gaulekson was taken to the asylum in Lincoln. John Welch, one of the first settlers, died at the residence of Patrick Hughes, 3 miles west of O'Neill on Monday morning last. Aged 39 years. Webster fell from the Long Pine bridge, 95 feet, landing in the creek, and lived. The following proved up on their land claims- William S Wisegarver, James O'Neill, Thos F Malloy, Fritz N Warren. March 9,1882 The Frontier Charles Arndt, insane person had toe amputated $13.00 Inquest on the body of Bartley Kane George Brown was a merchant at Red Bird J S Bartley was postmaster at Saratoga S H Hazledine left for Los Angeles Mr and Mrs John McGinley mourned the death of their twin babies, one passing away on Friday and one on Saturday morning. Clayton Troth was merchant and postmaster at Inman The following proved up on their land claims- John H DeYarmon, Fitz N Warren, William S Wisegarver, March 23,1882 The Frontier The following proved up on their land claims- Rhebe A Riley, Charles S Poor, Charles Bauman, March 30,1882 The Frontier The following proved up on their land claims- Martin Goldsmith, Thomas J Gallagher, William Veal of Rock Falls was made daddy to a fine baby girl. Inman burial ground has been given and laid out April 6,1882 The Frontier Down at the mouth- it's a girl again at A N Hargraves Mr and Mrs Seger was called to mourn the loss of one of their younger children on Thursday evening last. Funeral on Saturday. A child of Mrs Darnells of Knoxville, whose death was caused by being scalded in a pail of hot water was buried in the Apple Creek Cemetery last Tuesday. Mrs John Kelly is at death's door, a large cancer being the cause of her illness. The following have proved up on their land claims- Samantha Day, Married at the valley house in O'Neill City on Tuesday April 4,1882 by Rev J D Wilson - Floyd Gray to Cora Petteys and Jas H Lockard to Rosa Petteys. April 13,1882 The Frontier Mary J Billings eloped with L M Davidson last summer. Married Ed Wadworth to Mrs McAllister and J Booth to Nellie Wads by Rev T H Pallock on Sat eve last week. Married Homer L Cochran and May Belle C Barker, Squire Wool officiated. Died on Wed night April 5 after an illness of 2 weeks, Alice, daughter of Mr and Mrs Chas O'Neill, aged 1 years 10 months and -days. "Little Budge" is the 2nd child Mr and Mrs O'Neil have lost within a year. Funeral occurred at Catholic Church on Fri afternoon. Newest and freshest and liveliest addition to O'Neill is the Mon morning arrival at Herr John Fritz's- a daughter- The following proved up on their land claims- Edgar Aplin, James McDonald, Semantha Day, John Clark, April 20,1882 The Frontier Married Matthew E Timms and Semantha C Day on 9th by Rev C Smith at the residence of Mrs A Monroe at Keya Paha. Charlie Schultz ledt for Shelby Iowa Fanny has four puppies and only 382 are spoken for. C M Mulford of Stuart is rejoicing over an addition to his family, in the shape of a 12 1/2 lb boy. Mary Malloy is moving to Omaha Married at the parsonage, Inman, by Rev J D Wilson on Thur the 13th, Eugene Knapp and Molie Rever. Something in the shape of a man shot 12 of Squire Everton's sheep at Apple Creek using a 32 calibre revolver- shot each through the head. On Tue afternoon of this week at the City Hotel by G M Cleveland esquire, were united in matrimony Charles H Schultz and Emma Hazard. April 27,1882 The Frontier A handsome tombstone with iron railing around it has been placed over the grave of his little son by Mr Issac Billings. Some of the boys with lots of "Nerve" have chipped in and sent east for a bicycle and some of the "other boys" are anxiously awaiting to see some one get his neck broke in attempting to ride the "animal" A milk skimming machine has been invented which separates the cream from new milk without waiting the slow process of having it "Rise". The following have proved their land claims.- James McDonald and Joseph L Hatley, May 4,1882 The Frontier Married A W Webb and Mattie J Maynard by esq Doty on Sunday last. Fred Pfunder opened a harness making business. Dan Crowley is now a papa. The following have proved their land claims- William Campbell, John M McStay, Joseph Laney, Archahal P Brooks, John Hayes, Charles Chapman, stepson of Joseph Tomlinson, accidentally shot himself in the side last Thur, causing instant death. June 1,1882 The Frontier New arrival at Mr Pond's, it's a girl and weighs 7 pounds. Barrett Scott is proving his land claim. A daughter of P G Carney died one day last week after a protracted illness June 15,1882 The Frontier The following have proved their land claims- James P Weekes, Wallace J Sprague, Louis H Hallmadge W H Wilbert was judged insane Norris Mulford, the 17 years old son of Charles Mulford, shot self while plowing the field. June 22,1882 The Frontier The following proved their land claims- Elizabeth Titer, John Donohoe, Isaac Baldwin James Smith and Nellie Blain were made happy for life one day last week. Mr Mansford recently married, returned on the cars accompanied by his wife. Mr Troth's wife presented him with another heir- it's a boy. Robert C Bennett, a man about 50 years of age, who, with 2 sons was working hard early and late to fix up an attractive home for the wife and younger one's yet in Iowa, died. The boys took the body of their father back to Iowa for burial. Will Dickerson and Miss Davis were married yesterday at Sam Wolf's, also another couple. J R Smith and Nellie Blain were married on the 12th at the residence of the bride's father. Rev B Blain , about 3 miles from the Lambert post office. June 29,1882 The Frontier The following proved their land claims- Fritz Tienken, Fred Moore, Married at the residence of the bride's parent on June 21 by R N White, esq- N W Miller and Sophia Hovey Died, one of Mrs Davidson's children, which occurred last week, a boy 4 years old. He was taken ill on Wed evening and died the same night. Burial Thur in the Cemetery at Ford. A young man by the name of Walter Anson, living near Walnut Grove, was struck by lightning and instantly killed, together with the horse he was riding, during the thunder storm last Sat evening. July 6,1882 The Frontier The following proved their land claims- Joseph S Axtell, Henry K Scott, Frank Morse, Charles P Johnson, Patrick Carney July 13,1882 The Frontier The following proved their land claims- Joseph A Estep, Theodore H Smith, A bran new boy put in an appearance at Esq Jones on the 21. July 20,1882 The Frontier T H Glover proved his land claim Horace Oakes, who lived near the O'Neill road a few miles from Ash Creek was buried on July 4th. The cause of his death was asthma. July 27,1882 The Frontier Death entered the home of Mr J P O'Donnell, on Tuesday last, taking an infant son, Tommie. Aug 3,1882 The Frontier Death of Mr and Mrs Gilbert Smith's infant child, one week old. Funeral on Monday The following proved their land claims- Chas N Thompson, Peter Trainer, Theode H Smith, Arthur Barrett Aug 17,1882 The Frontier The following proved their land claims- Daniel Desmond, Michael W Flanigan, Michael D Long, John G Matthews, died in Sioux City, Iowa. Leaves a wife and child. Aug 24,1882 The Frontier T R Tracy moved his stock of general merchandise from Atkinson to Stuart. John Grout Matthews died at Sioux City,Iowa from enlargement of the spleen, aged 35 years, with the 92d Reg Co G Ill volunteers for three years, then worked for them and Union Pacific. He left a young wife, (dau of Wm B Judd) and one little daughter. Alfred E Dart, age 20 years, died at the resident of his parents, E A Dart in Leonie. He was a bright young man of promise. Harry Spindler threshed out 28 bushel of winter wheat from one acre. James DeYarmon had his first crop of grain in Nebr last week; 295 bushel of oats, making an average yield of 50 bushel per acre. Wheat went 16 bushel per acre. Salt is $2.25 per barrel at Fritz's & Co. Sept 7,1882 The Frontier Frank Campbell's mourn the death of their infant daughter, Maude, aged 3 months 9 days, who passed from earth on Monday Aug 4,1882. Funeral services took place at the Catholic Church on Wednesday at 10 o'clock a.m. Sept 14,1882 The Frontier Married at the Commercial Hotel in O'Neill on Sunday evening last, Libbie Maynard and James Smith. Judge Cleveland performed the ceremony. Married on Wed. last at the Catholic Church, Rev Father Smith said the words that made John Lappan and Nora Hunt husband and wife. Today the ceremony takes place at the Catholic Church that unites Frank Toohill and Belle Canauburg in the holy bonds of matrimony. Sept 21,1882 The Frontier Kenny McClellan was in town last Friday settin' 'em up because he was a bran new father to a 7 pound girl. Mrs Imspon, mother of Reuben Impson, died last Monday night and was buried Wednesday. The old lady was 86 years. Married at the residence of the bride's parents on Sept 13th, Chauncey D Keyes and Lilly R Clark, both of Inman Sept 28,1882 The Frontier Hanora McGreevy died on the 18th at the residence of Mr Hanahran, about 10 miles east of Atkinson, in the 60th year of her age, and was buried in the Catholic Cemetery at this place on the 15th (Atkinson Graphic) Married at Jesse Scott residence in Red Bird Valley, A E Akin and Fannie Scott by Judge Cleveland. Oct 12,1882 The Frontier Died at Long Pine Sept 30th, Clifford, son of Dan and Nellie Crowley, aged 5 months and 6 days Oct 19,1882 The Frontier Married at the residence of the bride's father in Pleasant Valley by Rev B Blain on Wed evening, Oct 11th, Alphonzo L Rouse and Mary H Griffith. Oct 26,1882 The Frontier Married at the residence of A Astelford at Scotville Oct 24,1882 by Rev B Blain, Peter Kelley of Red Bird and Emma J Astleford of Scottville. Nov 9,1882 The Frontier A 7 year old dau of Michael Gallagher choked to death on a kernel of pop corn, the funeral occurred Wed. Mrs Alfred Hargrave living on the Black Bird, died Monday afternoon of typhoid fever Nov 16,1882 The Frontier Married on Thursday, Nov 9 at Commercial House, by Rev D Mallory, Frank Skinner and Caddie McCreary of Cleveland. Nov 30,1882 The Frontier Married at Commerical House Nov 27 by County judge, A Lewis and Mamie Smith, all of Iowa precinct. James Leighton, alias "Teddy Reed" of Fort Niobrara hog ranch fame, will hang Friday next. Dec 14,1882 The Frontier John D McRobert born Rutland, Vermont April 15,1813, a pioneer in Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado, Utah,Montana and Nebraska, died Dec 3,1882, buried from his residence at Leonie, He left a wife of more than 50 years, a son and daughter. Charlie Millard was made daddie to a ten pound speck of humanity of the male persuasion on Wed last. Dec 21,1882 The Frontier Several months ago, one Brigham, living at Long Pine, deserted his wife and three children, eloping with a sister of his wife. Although left in destitute circumstances, Mrs Brigham managed to make a living until a few weeks ago, when she went to Lancaster Co, There she expected to find a home among relatives, but was met with a cold reception. The authorities there sent her to O'Neill and she is now a burden on Holt County. Mrs Brigham is quite an intelligent appearing woman, but her great troubles have prayed upon her mind until at times she has fits of lunacy. During the past few days she has been under the charge of Sheriff Welton and Marshall Smoot. Some provision will be made by the County for the maintenance of the unfortunate woman and children. The dastardly Brigham and degraded woman with him should be hunted up and properly dealt with. Jan 4,1883 The Frontier J H Deyarman and his young wife and that "blessed baby". Jan 11,1883 The Frontier Tuesday morning occurred the marriage of John Hayes and Julia Cronin. Miss Cronin is a daughter of our respected fellow citizen, Jno Cronin, Feb 8,1883 The Frontier School teacher Richard J Malloy disappeared on Thursday Jan18th. Feb 15,1883 The Frontier Mrs Harvey of Ewing was buried on the 12th at Sugar Camp Hill. She leaves two daughters, two sons and a husband. Captain Brewer of the ranch on the Keya Paha is dead. He was captain in the Regular Army. Married yesterday in O'Neill by Judge Cleveland, Andrew Christian and Margaret Bartel. W J Hamilton, the station agent, leaves for Missouri, where he will be married. March 1,1883 The Frontier Married on Thursday at the residence of the bride's parents in O'Neill by Judge Cleveland, W R Merriman to Mary Slocum. Malloy, the missing school teacher, is still missing,his empty pocket book was found at the school house. March 15,1883 The Frontier The shoeman at Stuart, a man named Davis, died on Friday morning, a few days before he accidentally cut one of his fingers with a sharp knife. As the cut was slight no particular attention was paid to it. Blood poisoning set in, resulting in a terrible and untimely death. A wife and three children are left in destitute circumstances. . July 5,1883 The Frontier Mrs Dennis P Kelley died on Monday and was buried yesterday. She leaves a wife and 8 small children, the youngest a babe only a few weeks old. This is a sad case indeed. Stranger at the residence of Charley Mix, weighes 8 pounds July 12,1883 The Frontier Married Fred Tesch and Huldah Buchman John Kirwin died yesterday morning, after a brief illness. 54 years of age, leaves a wife and 8 children July 19,1883 The Frontier City of Stuart is rising 27 miles west of the county seat of Holt County July 26,1883 The Frontier John Hoyt separated from Martha Hoyt Aug 9,1883 The Frontier John Radcliff will not pay any bills made by Lucinda Radcliff or her son Clement W C Marks, died Aug 4, age 45 years Aug 30,1883 The Frontier J D Moore, living near Inman, was kicked by a pony on Tuesday noon, and died last evening. Married Rev A J Calverd and Beile Mallory Ed Bowden has taken the last foot of Vacant land in Green Valley Sept 6,1883 The Frontier Married in Stanton, Nebr on Sunday ,Sept 2nd, N A Hagenstein and Ida Mittelstadt. Joseph Laney refuses to pay any bills for Lorvina Laney Household sale for D J Sheers Sept 20,1883 The Frontier The youngest child of W B Petteys, living near Agee, died on Wednesday last of summer complaint. This bright baby girl had just reached her first birthday and her death was a hard blow to her parents. Information wanted on Julius Ellerman, last heard of in O'Neill, four years ago, latter part of June in 1879. He is medium height, pretty heavy set, 24 years of age, dark complected. Information sent to her brother, Henry Ellerman, Box 2812 Denver, Colorado, will be rewarded. A man by the name of O'Brien, neighbor to Bradley, was killed by lightning Thursday evening while assisting Bradley in stacking hay. As he was in the act of lifting a forkful to the stack the fluid passed down his arm and across his chest, killing him instantly. Mr Bradley, who was on the stack received a severe shock and was burned about the head and shoulders, but will recover. Oct 4,1883 The Frontier Married Charlie Fields and Miss Campbell Oct 18,1883 The Frontier Dell Atkin got a baby girl last Tuesday night. Married at Neligh Sunday Oct 7th by Rev A E Marsh- William J Jacoby and Amelia Krollman Clarence Hann was killed by John Keyes, sheriff Married Oct 15th by Rev B Blain, LC Kerns and Elizabeth Berdine Married Oct 15th by the county judge, F P Kerns and Mrs Malinda Kerns Oct 25,1883 The Frontier William Thompson, age 78, father-in-law of Samuel Graves, died at Emmet yesterday of Apoplexy. Mrs Thompson died 6 months ago and now the couple who journed their lives together are reunited. Nov 1,1883 The Frontier Mrs I R Smith passed from this life on Monday forenoon at 11 o'clock after a lingering illness of over a year. Leaves a husband and 6 small children. Funeral occurred Wednesday Nov 15,1883 The Frontier Rustlers were rounded up Married Devilla Bailey and Ella Shobe on Nov 14th Married, Owen Koloran and Maggie Feerick at the Catholic Church by the Rev Father Nov 22,1883 The Frontier Kid Wade was hanged. Married, Jessie Hayden and Judge Cleveland Married on Nov 11th, John Robertson and Florence Hudson The father of Miss Murphy was hanged, she wants to know the details. Nov 29,1883 The Frontier War against Horse thieves Married at Waukegan, Illinois on Nov 14, John R Markley and Ida M Wilder Married at Pierce, Nebr on Nov 21, Walker Chrisman and Laura Secrist Died H P Hanson, aged 44 years Weatherwak and Stuart were hung. Married on the 18th, Frank J McCormick and Maggie E Griffith Dec 6,1883 The Frontier Died, Hamlin Died, Charlie C Meckling on the 30th, son of J H and Villa Meckling, aged 9 months. Died on the 29th, Frank A Millard, son of Charles C, aged 2 years 27 days Married at Olympia, Washington Territory on the 21st, Patrick J Doyle and Mary Ann Fitzgerald The son of Neil McIntosh died Dec 13,1883 The Frontier Ralph Adams, died on the 10th, son of WE, aged 11 months Dec 27,1883 The Frontier Hamlin was murdered. Married on the 25th at Ottumwa, Iowa, George H Bowring Married on the 29th, W D Watkins and Lizzie Hayes Feb 7,1884 The Frontier Hamlin murder Married on Jan 27 near Paddock, at the residence of the bride's uncle, Mr V Ross, Mr William A Spickelmeir to Eva C Hull, all of Holt Co, Nebr. By Wm C Aley. Land claims were settled by Edward Kirby, Edwin Gidsin, Livingston Wagers, Charles Blitezke, David J Wynkop, Moffat Netherington, Willie F Taylar, John S Kirwin, James A Graft, Calvin J Hundell, Margaret Burke, John J Giblin, John Cronin, Thomas W Green, John T Smith, John Hunt Jr Feb 14,1884 The Frontier Kid Wade was hung. Wilson, age 7 years and Joe age 11, returned to Mr Ong, their father. Mr James Hall wears a brand smile, all because it's a girl. Land claims were settled by Stephen McCauley, Patrick O'Connell, Johannah Burk, Daniel D Murphy, Thos Kearns, John Liddy, To be married today, O Biglin and Maggie McCann. Married yesterday morning at the Catholic Church by Father Smith, William Ryan and Belle O'Neill. Dist #16, Leonie on Feb 8,1884 student, Orville Harrison and Joseph Harrison, Charles Hewitt, Jessie Lang, Eugene Bradstreet, David Hanson, Charles Morison, Delmar Morison, May McGowan, Chas Hubby, Gertrude Hubby, Nettie Hubby, William Hubby, Mary Maybee, Hattie Maybee, Frederick Maybee, Minnie Beavers, Frank Beavers, Thaddeus Hicks, Stephen Hicks, Mary Hodgkin, Julia Hodgkin, Anna Robertston, Nonia Robertson, Feb 28,1884 The Frontier The unexpected death of Birdie Stafford, aged 13 years, eldest child of Mr and Mrs M J Stafford, cast a gloom over the entire community. Birdie was a perfect little lady of winning disposition, a general favorite. She was ailing for two weeks, but was not considered in a critical condition until the day before her death. Born to John Horisky on Feb 22, twin boys. Mrs Hannah Barden, of Inman, aged 68 years, died at the resident of her son-in-law, I W Riggle Patrick O'Connell, one of the early settlers of this colony, died at his residence near O'Neill Wed night, Feb 13. He had been a long sufferer and no doubt, death came as a welcome messenger. The funeral took place at the Catholic Church on the 16th inst Aug 7,1884 The Frontier At Lambert, W. Van Conet has the best barn in the neighborhood...painted red The Presbyterian Church will build a church soon on Van Connett's southeast corner. Married John Addison and Rose Duxbury by Elder Blain at Evans House. Married on Sun at Judge Roberts residence by the judge. Walter Marmaduke and Mary Maring. Aug 14,1884 The Frontier Letter from T H Smith Land claims were settled by Andrew Byers, Rody Hayes, Josiah Brown, Eugene Parsons, David Harley, Alexander Boyd, Mark Murphy, Amanda Harmon, John Sullivan, William Tepoel, William Case, Cyrus Julien, Frank Cochran, Abraham larue, George Damon,Charles Crandall, Geo Hayes, David Stanton, Wm McCarthy, Solomon Julien, David Lemon, Joseph Davidson, Wm Maybe, Hugh Stuart, Henrietta Sawyer, Geo Hand, Timothy Welsh, Wm Ashton, Parick Fahy, Aug 21,1884 The Frontier J S Bartley of Atkinson losses a loving baby daughter Mr and Mrs John Ham Jr are in mourning over the sad death of their darling little boy, Willie, which occurred on Tue morning after a brief illness. Willie was 10 months old, just learning to walk, talk and was bright and winning. Sept 4,1884 The Frontier Frank Bitney has just completed at Atkinson one of the finest skating rinks and opera houses in the valley. Gus Handlen came to work on Mon morning with a 24 inch gauge smile running across his phiz, a step as elastic as a politican's conscience and the pride of a Lucifer and all over a little thing that weight only 9 pounds. Sept 11,1884 The Frontier Married at Commercial Hotel, O'Neill, Tuesday Sept 9, by Judge Roberts, J C Strawn and Molora Dykeman. Judge Roberts issued licenses to A C Jenks, giving legal authority to any one duly qualified to unite him in the holy bonds of matrimony to Sadie Robertson. Married by Judge Uttley, Mike Meagher and Rose Fellows. Sept 18,1884 The Frontier Married Patrick Rowby and Annie Fleming in O'Neill, Sun by Rev Father Cullen Married at Judge residence in O'Neill by his honor on Sept 13, J F Herzog to Mrs Maria C Bowman Born to Patrick Hagerty on Sat, last, a daughter Last Monday morning, at residence of J M Campbell in this city, Judge B F Roberts married James A Noble and Mollie Albertson. Sept 25,1884 The Frontier Married at residence of bride's father, John Harmon on Sept 21, by Rev B Blain, Francis Grantham and Amenda Harmon. A monster smile plays over the face of Arthur Colgan when you mention the new last Friday girl at his house, we always smoke on such occasions. Oct 2,1884 The Frontier W M Kureger was killed Mrs Benjamin, sister-in-law, of Bennett Martin, died at the home of her father, Wm Aley, Tues night. The funeral takes place today. Married by Judge Robert at the Commercial Hotel, O'Neil, William White and Mary Stubbs. Died on Thur, morning last week at 1 am, Clara Ann Harvey, wife of John Harvey, of this county, daughter of A M and Amanda M Ross of Boone Co, Iowa. . Dec 4,1884 The Frontier A fifth child of Mr and Mrs cooper's was buried on Saturday afternoon. Married, Lincoln Seward and Hattie Cottrel in South Dakota. Married, Michael Engelhaupt and Minnie Van Cleave on Thanksgiving Day Dec 11,1884 The Frontier A K Wertz had a new addition to the family. O H Smith and Patrick McNally fight. Nellie, dau of Mr and Mrs W J Gordon, died of membranous croup Monday morning at half past 6 o'clock after a short but painful illness, age 5 years. A little son of A B Willsie, who lives north of town in the Martin settlement, died on Tuesday night, and was buried today in the O'Neill Cem. Mr Willsie has had a heavy siege of typhoid fever, and is now confined to his house. Six year old boy was sent on the SC&P train to his grandfather, D. Ridgeway, farmer, Star Route, 12 miles from O'Neill City, Nebr. A young man named William Wilson, aged about 24 years was taken ill on Tuesday night. His lifeless body was put in the care of his brother and taken to Greene, Iowa. CC Dodge charged with stealing a horse from Thomas Berry Dec 25,1884. Married LeRoy Florer.. Jan 1,1885 The Frontier Patrick Irwin, quite an old gentleman, father of Mrs Michael Gallagher, died last Wednesday and was buried on Saturday, his friends and neighbors turning out generally to pay their last respects to a good man. Santa Claus was very good to Nory Ellis and wife, and when he telegraphed Nory that he had left a brand new boy at his house, he lost no time in reaching home, where he is now after a long absence traveling for the Sioux City Nursery. Matthew McCormick lost most of his fingers freezing them while attempting to go from O'Neill to his home on the Blackbird. Samuel Spear, one of the oldest settlers, died at his residence near Lavina post office on Saturday night last. A good man gone Married Dec 25th at Middle Branch by Rev B Blain, Jacob Dye and Gertrude Haynes, all of Iowa Precinct, Holt County, Nebraska Fisk and McClure bought the City Meat Market of Wadley and Welton The cells for the new jail arrived. The cost of the jail will be $1000. when the jail is completed the business of Marshall will be turned over to Sheriff Hershiser. Jan 8,1885 The Frontier B L Bader froze his nose while going to O'Neill. W W Worthley froze the side of his foot while shoveling snow from the lumber. S Ridgeway froze the side of both feet while shoveling snow from the door so he could get out. Temperatures 20 to 30 degrees below zero, snow 18 inches deep Mrs Blank died on Jan 4th at Middle Branch. WW Mills received a bouncing baby of the Jim Blaine variety on the 30th day of Dec 1884. Jerome Clifton had his hands badly frozen while coming from Eagle Mills B S Gillespie, on behalf of the state, on a warrant issued against Sherry and Carl Leslie to keep the peace, a change of venue was taken to Paddock precinct, before Justice Aley, who found a bill and bound over Sherry Leslie under one hundred dollars bond. Frank Toohill is happy over the advent of a fourteen pound boy at his house, which put in an appearance on last Sunday evening. Married at the Evans House parlor, Monday Jan 5th, with Judge Roberts officiating, C F Carson to Minnie R LaRue, all of Holt County. Long Pine Journal has enlarged to a six column quarter, John Berry is prospering. Died on Dec 17,1884 the infant son of F B Squire, who reside near Leonie, of scarlet fever, an older son has been sick, but is out of danger. A sad accident occurred up on Spring Creek, in Brown County, on Christmas Day. A young man named Bordner was going some distance to shoot for a prize, and hitching up the team he and two other men and a lady started for the place, after riding part of the way, Mr Bordner and one of the other men got out to walk, laying a gun, which had been loaded with goose shot, in the hind end of the wagon, walking behind. As the wagon started down a little ravine, one of the barrels was discharged, the contents entering Bordner's breat. He was taken to a neighboring house, where he almost immediately expired. His full name, as near as we can learn, was Tide Bordner, and while a great favorite in the neighborhood, he was very reticent about his family, who are supposed to reside in the vicinity of Terre Haute, Indiana (Stuart Ledger) Jan 15,1885 The Frontier Little Evans Sott put in an appearance last week George Brown has finally got married, after so long trying John Clark, of Red Bird, persuaded Miss Reynolds to change her name last week. Irvin Smith, of Minneapolis, nephew of Rev D W Rosenkrans, arrived here on Christmas Day and started back Jan 5th, taking with him one of our fairest girls, Retta Coleman, as his bride. The John Binkerd's buried their infant daughter, Bessie, a sweet little flower, Dec 26th. F I Jones' also buried a lovely little girl, Jan 3rd. Charlie Keep and Mary Mix were married by BB Wells, Justice of the peace. Also Neil Cook and Hattie Mix. Death on Sunday last deprived the little family circle of John C Lawrence of a fine and devoted wife and loving mother. Aged 28 years, sick only 18 days, she leaves 4 small children behind. William Jordan Jr took Nettie Chatterton for his bosom companion last Sunday. Jan 22,1885 The Frontier Charlie Welton has a fine boy at his house. Mr Clifton has a new boy at his house, weighing 2 pounds 6 ounces. Died at the residence of his son, A T Lane, near Stuart, on the morning of the 8th, Thomas Lane, aged 84 years 8 months, An old resident of Granct Co, Wis. Billie Ryan and J P O'Donnell are both happy over the arrival of a boy and girl, respectively at their homes. A story about the Nebraska Cowgirl, Is she the 7 year old daughter of Frank Morris or the 15 year old dau of John Seargeant. Jan 29,1885 The Frontier Joe Miller has been caught in the matrimonial net by Annie Spaulding of Inman. E Ridgeway is the proud parent of a twelve pound son. Mrs I H Pine, died at her residence northwest of Star, Jan 20th. She leaves a husband and three grown children. Remains interred in the Star cemetery. William Curtis is quite a large man but feels as if he weighs a ton because he has a little girl at his house. Charlie Cole has located in Atkinson where he has a jewelry business. Herman A Hills of Atkinson and Annie Marley of Inman were married at the parlor of the Commerical, Saturday evening, Jan 24, Judge Roberts officiating. Charlie Blabon and Kittie Selkirk were married yesterday afternoon by Rev B Blain, at the Evans House. Matt McCormick refused to have his fingers amputated. Preferring to permit the fingers to rot off Sheriff went to Stuart and brought back two boys, Ira Melvin and Walter William Tanner (Turner) aged 13 and 11 years, charged with attempting to shoot a boy older than they. When interviewed it seems Deit Adams, his father and John Stubbs had a lot to do with it. Feb 5,1885 The Frontier Charles Griner sold 6 steers for $3.60 per hundred. The funeral possession of Mrs Stewart passed through town last week on its way to Dorsey, where the remains were interred. (Mineola Matters) Married at Norfolk on Tuesday, Henry Connelly and Emma Mehilg Reese Mayes bought the Ainsworth News Feb 12,1885 The Frontier Thomas Wilson, lived a short distance south of town died. (Atkinson Graphic) B S Gillespie had a little girl boarder came to his place and ask his protection. Al Nay has a little girl at his place, weighs 9 pounds Capt Jack Thomas bought Ed Hershiser's stock of drugs. O'Neill Dentist, A H Corbett married Sadie Coy Kendall at Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon Feb 8,1885. 25 degrees below zero. Johnny Hecker left for Wisconsin to get married Feb 19,1885 The Frontier Father of D S Ludwig of Hainesville, died Died on Friday Feb 13 at the residence of her parents, at Leonie, Mary I Maybee, aged 15 years 4 months 45 days. Funeral took place on Monday, Rev Doremus preached Married at the Catholic Church by Rev J T Smith on Monday morning, Arthur J Hammond and Sarah Fitzsimmons, both of Omaha. The Bride is a sister of the Golden Brothers. The infant son of C W Swain of Inman, died last Monday, and was buried in the cemetery at O'Neill Wednesday Feb 26,1885 The Frontier The marriage of Alice, daughter of Squire Eckly of South Forks to Jacob D Hoffman, a gentleman from Platte County, took place Wednesday morning at half past eleven, Parson Wood of the Baptist Church officiated. The case of Welton versus DeYarmon was adjourned today until some time in April (Greeley Grabs) Charlie Ross brought down from Stuart, was known there as William Bodish. The insane commissioners will look after his case Married at the Methodist Church on Saturday by Elder Riggle, Ezra Sanders and Lois Addison Sam Wolf got a baby girl on Sunday night. March 5,1885 The Frontier Samuel Evans, living near Emmett, one of the most respected citizens of the county, died on Monday evening last, of lung fever, his funeral took place at the Presbyterian Church, O'Neill on Wednesday. March 12,1885 The Frontier S Darnell and S Burnett eloped. Mrs Cram has returned from Minnesota, but she changed her name to Mrs White. She has sold her homestead and is returning to Minnesota. Miss Kate Zoll and Miss Staten start for Valentine tomorrow to hold down their claims. Died at the residence of his father, E H Tomphson, four miles east of O'Neill, on Sat morning, March 7th, Ezra Tomphson, aged 23 years and 9 months.. He was born in Sauk Co, Wis. The funeral was at the Methodist Church on Sunday, remains buried in the O'Neill Cem. Died at his home near Emmett, on March 24th, Samuel Evans, aged 43 years, He was born NH, Married 1855 to Anna Thompson, had one daughter. He lived for 30 years in Allemaker Co, Iowa. March 19,1885 The Frontier Married on Wed, March 18 at the residence of William Ryan, O'Neill, David Hansen to Clara Dorne, Judge Roberts officiating. On Friday evening, March 13th, Judge Roberts said the words which join for life the fortunates as well as the hearts and hands of George M Cherry, of Lambert and Mary Wagers, of O"Neill Frank Jones story about Indians stealing his horses March 26,1885 The Frontier Postage went up to 2 cents for an ounce. Died on Monday evening of consumption, Mrs Bridget Collins, aged 28 years, dau of Patrick Mullen, funeral occurred yesterday. Died at the residence of her son, Cargil Graham, near Chambers post office on March 23rd, Mrs James Graham , aged 77 years. She leaves 4 children, 3 here and 1 in Iowa, and a husband, now 87 years of age. The body will be taken to the old home in Ohio for burial. April 2,1885 The Frontier Married on April 1st at Eddyville, Iowa, Ernest S Riggs and Nettie Hoopes April 9, 1885 The Frontier On Monday Judge Roberts married Clinton Welke and Miss Mitschete. Also on Wednesday, Bernard Newhaus and Mary C Peterson. Married on the 31st of March by Rev J R Gortner, at the residence of the bride's parents 3 miles north of Inman, Josiah Benson and Ellen Wormon. On Monday April 6 at 1/2 past 10 o'clock am, Michael Mullen, father of Barney and Arthur Mullen, died at home about 6 miles north of town of liver and kidney disease. Funeral took place from Catholic Church today.. He was born in Ireland 1821, 64 years at time of death. Age 10 years went to Canada, came to Holt County 3 years ago. Leaves wife and ten children. Death has visited this family twice in two weeks, First taking a loving sister next the doting father. April 16,1885 The Frontier The new town site of Amelia is located on Mr Bliss' farm. Married Homer Dutcher and Emma Damroe Popular Doctor Mr Walker married R Leatherman, from Iowa. One of Mr Wolsey's boys shot himself in the mouth with a pistol on Monday last Fred Horr, formerly of the Graphic, purchased the Long Pine Journal. Harry White of Plum Creek will be the printer for Mr Cross. Johnson Sowards, who resides several miles north of O'Neill lost his wife not long since, who left to the care of Mr Sowards, two children, twins born Jan last. Clara Bacon, through her son, Charles, petitioned the probate court to grant her letters of guardenship over one of the children, the little girl (one was a girl, the other a boy), but the Judge after hearing the evidence on each side, decided adversely for the petitioner. The case was warmly contested by Cleveland for the plantiff and Kinkaid for the defendant, attracting much attention from the public, a goodly number being present during the trial. Mrs Bacon is the grandmother of the children. Bryon Davis, living 9 miles northeast of Ewing, Monday morning was engaged with his brother in digging a well, when down about 10 feet the sides caved in on him and buried him alive. Funeral services were held Tuesday. Remains interred Tuesday evening on the farm. (Ewing Item) April 23,1885 The Frontier Married on Wed, the 15th, last, John Cottrell and Ida Brownton. Also on Sat the 18th Albert Randall and Mollie Schindler. Curtis' lost their little girl, buried Friday. Rev Eastman preached. The case of Welton versus DeYarmon came up today before Justice Greeley. WW Page feels just $1000 richer since the advent of a young blacksmith in his family, born April 19. Two little boys of J B Kemp, residing 8 miles up the Loup Valley were burned to death on Wed. At noon, Mr Kemp directed his 10 year old boy to fire a straw stack standing about 40 rods from the house. Their little girl, 8 years old accompanied them, leaving, as they supposed, their little 6 year old brother at the house. The father went to the field to plow. The straw was fired by the boy, and when the flames were leaping over the top of it, the screams of the 6 year old boy were heard from the flames on top of the stack, he having either preceded or followed his brother and sister, unknown to them and taken that fatal position. The oldest boy mounted the stack, passed through the roaring flames, grabbed his little brother, and carried him down, laying him down upon the ground with his clothes burned off and his body burned horribly, and then with his own clothes on fire ran towards the house, reaching there with his clothes burned off. The little girl ran to call her father. Dr Blinney was sent for and everything possible done for the relief of the little sufferers, but the youngest died that evening, while his brother lingered in anguish till Thursday morning when he passed away. Married at the residence of the Bride's father, G M Candee at Lambert on April 16th, William Lord and Jennie Candee, Rev J C Sylvanus officiating. Married Sunday 10 o'clock at Wrede residence, Leanie Wrede and Jas Rupenkamp. Judge Roberts tied the knot. Married on Monday April 20 at the bride's home near Chambers, Rev Sackett officiating, A B Miller and Mary Sackett. CC Sturgess, former resident of Inman died of typhoid fever at Jackson, Florida, March 19th. Remains taken to old home in New York for interment. Memorial services were held at M E Church in Inman Sunday April 26th, Reverends Blain, Gortner, Riggle and others participating. On Monday April 20, at the home of her sister, Mrs Foster, Postmistress at Lambert, Mrs Mallory departed this life in her 61st year. April 30,1885 The Frontier Wedding at Brother Sackett's. Mary Sackett and A B Miller, our creamery man. The oldest son of Mr Wolsey died on the 11th, after one week's illness. Caused by shooting himself in the mouth with a pistol. His age was 4 years 10 months. Married on April 23 at Catholic Church, Jerry McCarthy and Mary Dwyer. Mrs Matt McCormick has commenced suit against the saloons of O'Neill, William Ryan's excepted, for the recovery of $10,000. damages, because of the loss of Matt's hands last winter. Married at the residence of John Grieve, the bride's father on Cache Creek April 25th by Rev John C Sylvanus, Hazen J Little and Helen C Grieve. A man by the name of Madden, who was section boss at Newport, was buried in the Catholic Cemetery Monday May 7,1885 The Frontier Alfred Mohr's only daughter died Friday May 1 of lung fever, aged 2 years 2 months 25 days. A new arrival at the home of F Hart, It's a girl and Frank is quite happy. Died at the Farmer's Home on Sunday May 3, Peter Schlicht in his 31st year of that fell destroyer, consumption. Buried Monday afternoon Born on Sat May 2nd to W H Stamp, living near Inman, triplets. All boys, one of which died. All 3 of them weighed 17 pounds. May 14,1885 Died on Tuesday evening May 12th at their home in O'Neill, Mrs Sarah Bland, mother of our fellow townsman, John Bland. Dropsy of the heart. Born in Ohio Aug 29,1814. she married James Bland 1831. and had 7 children. She leaves a daughter in Arkansas and son John. The funeral occurred at the Presbyterian Church Wednesday at 2 o'clock. May 21,1885 The Frontier ... Sept 15,1887 The Frontier Died the son of David Stannard, age 6 weeks Mary Cahill died and was buried in the Catholic Cemetery in O'Neill Mary A Sherman died on the 21st, age 42 years, wife of Theodore F Sherman of Mineola Maggie Anderson died the 17th, age 17 years, the daughter of J E Anderson The infant child of Mr and Mrs Darnell of Star, died last week Roy Sterling died on the 16th, age 6 months, 19 days,the son of F P and Emma Sterling The son of C B and Mary Crumbie died on the 17th, age 4 months. Feb 2,1893 The Frontier Married in Kearney on Jan 25 Charles H Allyn and Minnie B Tesch by W S Barnes of Presbyterian church. Married Ed Purdy and Mary Bell by Rev Ellis, 16 miles north east of O'Neill at the resident of Mr Benson last Sunday at 2 pm Settled estate of Joseph Turgeon, deceased. Land claims, James Timlin, Charles Medic, Timber claims of John Friel. Feb 9,1893 The Frontier Lou Schillinger brought his bride home to his rooms over the First National Bank. Mr and Mrs Will Gray had 20th anniversary dance and cards L Weatherby was found dead on the road between his place, the Richey farm and the N Grass farm on Jan 31, Funeral at Page. Con Keyes explained why he stopped payment on a check to Nick White Land claims to James Timlin, Jacob B Martin, Charles Medic Feb 16,1893 The Frontier Killed by snow plow, Nute McCleary and Will Moore of Inman Married Fred Swingley and Mary Bertolet, last Saturday at Leaf River, Illinois they will occupy the former residence of J W Thomas. Land claims of James Timlin, Charles Medic, Jacob B Maring, Moses Gaughenbaugh, Thomas B Maring. March 2,1893 The Frontier Married Elva Wesley J Jillson and Elva M Miner by the county judge Married Albert B Newell and Polly P Nichols by Rev R H Sparks in Pittsburg, Kan Mrs Cain died at 58 years of age, left 4 daughters, 1 son, buried Catholic Cem Antonie Webber born Feb 13,1869, died at 24 years of age, married Frank Webber, left 2 small children. Buried Catholic Cem. Iola H Shellhart died. Born 1870. Married L L Shellhart. Left a boy age 6 years, and girl age 4 years. Reuben Taylor died Feb 24,1893, age 34 years 8 months. Born July 16,1858. Married Jeanette Shannon, left 2 small children. March 9,1893 The Frontier John M Graham left for California. He was known as "Sambo Sunflower". John A Harmon returned from Ann Arbor U as a full fledged lawyer J P Lansworth sold a cow to Mr Sargent of Scottville for $135.50 March 16,1893 The Frontier George Foster left for Edgwood, Iowa Robert Marsh's stable burned RR Dickson sold his abstract business to A J Hammond March 23,1893 The Frontier Mrs A T Potter died March 18,1893, age 60, left 4 children, a son named Fred The father of Ed F Gallagher and Mrs T Birmingham died at the age of 80 years S J Doud left for Kansas Farms for sale- Walstrom, DeGunther and Simonson March 30,1893 The Frontier John McCarthy died in a mine explosion Married march 28 by Judge Bowen were W S Hough and Minnie Danials. The father of A T Potter died in Janeau, Wis at the age of 91 years April 6,1893 The Frontier Married at the Catholic Church by Rev M F Cassidy were Louis Rupenkamp and Carrie Wrede C R Parker had an auction April 13,1893 The Frontier A Twister hit Page Lou Bannon might have drowned on the 6th. April 20,1893 The Frontier Twister got the buildings of J W Hall and Van Scheetz Kid King trying to get uniforms for the O'Neill Militia Company George W Jones died at the age of 45 years 5 months, He was born Oct 20,1847. He left eleven children, the oldest being 20 years and the youngest 22 months. C P DeLance left for Boone, Iowa Grace Ackermann Perry died April 10, at the age of 18 years 11 months 10 days. The wife of A L Perry, She had a son on Wednesday and died on Monday. April 27,1893 The Frontier William T Hayes and Mary A Joice were married by Rev M F Cassidy at the Catholic Church Martin Armstrong died on the 22nd. He was 18 years and 5 months, the son of James Armstrong. Martin was born Nov 25,1873. The funeral was at the Catholic Church. William B Judd died on the 22nd at the age of 78 years. He was buried in Sioux City. His daughter was Mrs Harry Matthews. Eggs for sale 50 cents for 13 eggs. Luthena Simpson died at Portland, Oregon on March 28 after an illness of nine days. She was located near Dustin in Holt County. She leaves three daughters, Mrs L C Chapman of Atkinson, Mrs John Taylor and Mrs Rolla Ellis of Butte. May 4,1893 The Frontier Mrs Margaret Kearns died of Brights Disease at the age of 59 years and 4 months. She was born n Killkenny Co,Ireland in Dec of 1833. She married Thomas Kearns on Feb 5,1855 in Oxford Co, Canada. She leaves a husband, 3 boys and 2 girls. A son named James. Harry Coffin of Burwell married Mary Halloran on May 1 , Rev N S Lowrie officiating. Mrs Ed Butler died Fred Bowdlear and Florence Hayden were married in Sioux City, Iowa The D P O'Sullivan home burned L C Colburn and Annie Veale were married April 30 by Rev Ellis at the bride's parents resident at Ray, Holt County. H Anderson married Minnie Thompson on May 3 at the court house by the county judge Bowen. May 11,1893 The Frontier George Cavanaugh left for a fruit farm in California J C Gromer left for McFall, Missouri The fireman tournament will be held in Chadron June 13. The team members are Jim DeYarmon... Died at her residence 2 miles east of Stafford on May 15, at the age of 71 years was Mrs Patrick Grady. She was buried at the Catholic Cem, Her husband died about a year ago. May 25,1893 The Frontier Adrian Smith and Lizzie Stannard were married May 24 at catholic Church, Rev M F Cassidy officiating. June 1,1893 The Frontier Married on May 31 at the office of the county judge by judge Bowen were C C Jones and Ross E Eriner. Married A Bosshardt and Mrs L Ruth at Running Water, SD June 8,1893 The Frontier Married at Sand Creek at the home of the bride's parents by Elder Julian were Professor S L Anderson and Mary Ingles on June 6. June 15,1893 The Frontier The cowboy race will be held from Chadron to Chicago. Died Conney Bokhof June 22,1893 The Frontier Cow boy race is on Died Thomas Kearns on June 19, age 79 years 5 months. He was born Nov 14,1813. He left 5 children, a son named Thomas. Dr Middleton donated to a blind man June 29,1893 The Frontier Berry was the winner of the Cowboy Race. Married was Rev Bartley Blaine on June 22 Died Ed Smith, killed by lightning. He left a young child July 6,1893 The Frontier Scarlet fever is in Staffard- a notice by the health department July 13,1893 The Frontier Indian child was killed at Butte during the 4th celebration. The Holt County Bank closed its doors. Miss Hoyt conveyed to asylum for insane in Norfolk. Old Aunt Dina left O'Neill July 20,1893 The Frontier Married in Omaha on July 17 by Rev Savage were R R Dickinson and Druse Ethel Beck July 27,1893 The Frontier William Schumacher died on the 24th Aug 2,1893 The Frontier John Newman left for Waterville, Washington Burtwood 22388, a good son of a great sire was bought by the B A DeYarmon of the firm of DeYarmon Brothers,proprietors of the Idle Wild Stock Farm, He was bought in Lake Geneva, Wis, a bay stallion foaled in1889. 15 1/2 hands high, 1000 pounds, one white hind ankle. A picture was included. Aug 10,1893 The Frontier John Moshier married Myrtle Landis on the 26th. Aug 17,1893 The Frontier Grandpa Sackett of Chambers died at the age of 80 years. the funeral was Monday at Chambers. Molien Wagons. Aug 24,1893 The Frontier Committed sucide, Mrs Annie Ashton at Sioux City, on Tues evening, mother of a small baby which now is a member of the I R Smith family circle. Jack Hazelet married Mrs Andy Potter at Boone, Iowa Died on the 21st Andrew Russell, age 28 years 21 days. Born 1865. Married Married on the 22nd at Inman by Rev N S Lowrie were K C Christensen and Eva Vandlstine. How much is Scott worth to Holt County? $2000. Aug 31,1893 The Frontier Died at south Omaha on the 28th of typhoid fever, Henry Killmurry, age 23 years. His father is Richard Killmurry. The funeral at the catholic church. J J McCafferty's barn burned Gillespie, the son of B S Gillespie was shot by the Indian Campbell. Gillespie pretented to be shot and fell from his horse, he shot Campbell when he came to check on Gillespie, not expected to live. Sept 7,1893 The Frontier Died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs Chas Adams in O'Neill on the 3rd of cholera was Frank Brown, age 56 years. The funeral was at the Methodist Church. Died at the home of his parents of Bliss, Holt County on the 2nd, the 2 month old baby of Mr and Mrs V V Hays. He was born July 2. The funeral was Sunday. Sept 14,1893 The Frontier Chas Enright's house burned Died the 2 year old girl of E O Blake, Mildred "Dottie" Sept 21,1893 The Frontier Arthur Cruise had stolen 150 head of steers. Died the 2 month old child of Mr and Mrs Thos McDonald, who reside about 12 miles north east of this city. Was buried in the Catholic Cem in this city this morning. James Michaels, residing near Emmet for several years committed suicide yesterday in Colfax County by hanging himself. He had recently sold his farm and deposited the money in the Holt County Bank. The loss caused despondency and drove him to the harsh act. Mrs Back Berry of Paddock died at her home of typhoid fever. Mr and Mrs Berry were among the early settlers of Holt having resided in the county for some 20 years. Scott is now worth $3000. Sept 28,1893 The Frontier James Michaels was in town, If he committed suicide, he didn't do a very good job. Married at the Catholic chruch onthe27th by Rev Father Cassidy were Dennis Carlon and Alice Slattery. Mrs J B Berrey died on the 19th. She was Cynthia A Ross, born April 13,1852. She left 10 children Bernard McGreevy invented the corn husker Oct 5,1893 The Frontier Died at the residence of her parents on the 29 of quick consumption was Katherine Irene Sullivan, age 20 years 2 months 9 days. She was born July 20,1873, the daughter of James Sullivan. The funeral was at the catholic church. Died James Laviollette of Norway, Michigan from a kick of a horse. Oct 12,1893 The Frontier Thomas Kearnes brought the body of his little daughter who died a few months ago in park City, Utah here for interrment Married at the Catholic Church on the 11th by Rev Cassidy were T D Hanley and Della Marsh. Oct 19,1893 The Frontier Bessie, the two year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Pfunder died last evening after an illness of a few weeks of scarlatina. The funeral will occur tomorrow. The 8 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Thos Coin, who resided about 7 miles northeast of this city, died last Friday of Dropay, and the remains were interred in the Catholic Cem, Sunday. Died the 2nd, Meryl, the 2 year old child of Mr and Mrs Charlie Hamilton. The little one was buried Tuesday. Rev Churchill conducted the funeral services. Married on the 17 by Judge Bowen were Dan Davis and Annie Sanford. Oct 26,1893 The Frontier Married at the residence of the bride's parents on the 27th were George E Marsh and Lida Wheatland of Little. Rev EE Hosman officiated. Nov 16,1893 The Frontier Married at the residence of John Skirving, by Judge M P Kinkaid were C J Skuse and Myrtle Watters. Nov 23,1893 The Frontier Married Martin Gallagher and Mary Gayhan by Rev Cassidy at the Catholic church Nov 30,1893 The Frontier Married Catherine E O'Neill and Richard J Dieyer on the 30th Died at the residence of her son, Mary Pfunder, age 82 years 7 months Funeral at Methodist Church,Burial at Protestant Cem. Dec 14,1893 The Frontier Married at the residence of Dr Lewis were C S Anderson and Lema Lamouraux by Judge Skuse. Died at the residence of his brother in O'Neill of consumption were Herbert O Dobbs, age 29 years 1 month. Left 2 children. Buried Winona, Minn Cem. Died at his residence 3 miles east of this city of consumption was Wilson Hozie, age 43 years, the IOOF Lodge had the funeral. He left 3 children Dec 21,1893 The Frontier Died at her home in Dorsey,Nebr on the 6th, was Willomina P Goodheart. Age 63 years. She was born May 30,1830. She married James E Bader. They had 6 children. Marriage license issued to L B Homeman and Mary French and Allen Bishop and Viola Springer Dec 28,1893 The Frontier Charley Tillman died. He left one child. The funeral was at Sioux City. Aug 2,1894 The Frontier The 2 year old daughter of M M Sullivan died last Friday morning after an illness of about two months. Aug 9,1894 The Frontier Judge Skuse got a bald headed son, just like his Dad Aug 23,1894 The Frontier Born to Con Keyes on Tuesday morning, Aug 21, a son The little daughter of Wm Betheal died last Monday noon of chlorea infantum. The remains of Mrs Mary McGuey were brought up from California Junction last Friday and buried in the Cemetery in the evening Sept 5,1895 The Frontier Marriage license issued to J C Ingles and Alice Dobney Marriage license issued to V Millspaugh and Ina Ingling One year old daughter of Fred Anthony died last Thursday morning after a short illness. Funeral occurred from the house Friday, remains interred in Protestant Cemetery John Hazelet left Sunday morning for Tenn., in which state he will travel for an Iowa jewelry house. His family will remain here for the present Richard Cross is principal of Atkinson High School Bee Riley died at her home in Sioux City, Sept 2 of consumption, aged 26 years. Buried at Catholic Cemetery, O'Neill Checker Barn, DeYarman, manager Sept 12,1895 The Frontier Opened the Fallon Barn opposite the Checker Barn- P F Thompson E S Kinch reported his father of Penn., passed away Sept 19,1895 The Frontier Born to Charley Porter, last Sunday, a girl. 9 year old Charley Anderson, son of S W Anderson, shot by Howard Greeley, while herding cattle, arm amputated. Marriage license issued to W A Hennel and Laura J Elby Marriage license issued to Adolphus Julius and Anna Baker Downey and Watson's General Store at Inman robbed, thieves ate a watermelon and smoked cigars. Vigilantes warned Jim Binkerd by letter mailed at Inman to leave the country or take the slake out of a rope. He left, his family is still here. Also warned was John Menzie,he immediately went to town and had his life insured to benefit his family, returned home and sent word that he was ready to balance accounts at any time and place. Thomas Kearnes sold his sheep ranch to Chicago Parties for $38,000. W J White arrived and will take charge of the ranch. Norfolk College will open its doors 25th of Sept. Tutition fee is $1.25 per term. Sept 26,1895 The Frontier Born to Fred Reed, a girl Lucinda Downs Haynes, born Nov 26,1832, died at Inman, Nebr. Sept 19,1895, aged 62 years 9 months and 24 days.. The wife of Henry W Haynes. Had two children, a deceased daughter and a son. Buried Protestant Cemetery in this city. April 9,1896 The Frontier John Hannigan died at the residence of his son Michael, 3 miles northwest of this city, last Thursday morning. The deceased was born in the parish of Patree, County Mayo, Ireland, in the year 1798. He came to the US in 1866 and settled in St Louis where he remained until he moved to this county in 1876, when he settled upon a farm 3 miles northwest of O'Neill. The deceased leaves a wife and four children, two sons and two daughters; Michael, Mrs John O'Fallon, and Mrs John Heenan, who reside here, and James, who lives at St Louis. Mr Hannigan was one of the oldest residents of this county, as well as one of the oldest persons, in the county, being 98 years old. His wife, who survives him is 99 years old. The funeral took place Saturday from the Catholic Church and was largely attended Oct 15,1896 The Frontier Infant daughter of W Long died yesterday, buried today at Chambers Married James N Blakeree and Mrs Betty Klinetob, by Judge McCutchan. Groom aged 55 years, Bride aged 54 years. . Oct 22,1896 The Frontier Charles H Davis and Pauline C Mlinar of Atkinson were granted a marriage license last Monday by county judge, McCutchan. Oct 29,1896 The Frontier Married Charles F Lantes and Edith P Cornish, by Judge McCutchan on Tuesday. Married Henry Haynes and Mrs Julia Lyons , by County judge McCutchan, last Wednesday morning Born to John Dressier, Monday, a son Born to John McNichols, a girl . Nov 5,1896 The Frontier Frankie Manring shot by Ira Coleman Grimer, age 5 years. Nov 12,1896 The Frontier Married William C Kelly and Maysle Brumbaugh by County Judge McCutchan, last Wednesday afternoon. We learn that Peter Ryan, who lives 2 miles east of Inman, lost 35 head of steers last week and the general supposition is that smut killed them. Several head are affected and the loss to Mr Ryan will reach nearly $1,000.00 Jan 28,1897 The Frontier John A Anderson and Lottie E Thomas obtained marriage license by County Judge McCutchan last Friday Tillie Gallagher, sister of Martin Gallagher, died in Omaha Monday John Gallagher of Laurel, Nebr, died. Mrs Lee Hershiser died at Waterloo, Iowa Feb 4,1897 The Frontier Mr Lamoureux, father of Mrs Sanford Parker, died at his home in Keya Paha County last evening, remains will be brought to this city for burial Married last Saturday evening, Jan 30, Earnest G Adams to Ella Davidson, Rev E T George officiating. Bride dau of O E Davidson. They have gone to housekeeping in the Gwinn building on fourth street Madison Star-at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning at Catholic Church by Rev Father Jerome Phenie Lintiner and John H Murphy were married. Charles A Pratt and Mattie V Estes granted marriage license last week Infant dau of Mills died last Monday evening, and was buried Wed, the remains being interred in Protestant Cem Harry O Calhoun of Hot Springs, SD and Zelda Baker of this city married last Sun evening at Presbyterian Church. Rev S F Sharpless officiating. Fort Hartsuff military reservation, of 1200 acres being sold. June 1,1899 The Frontier Married John Sullivan and Rosanna Smith The baby of Mr and Mrs Wm Kessmeho, who reside on the Mason place 5 miles south, was buried in O'Neill Monday. June 8,1899 The Frontier N B Bisbee died at his home 3 miles west of Chambers yesterday of consumption. June 15,1899 The Frontier John Oaklief killed on the Rock Island ft drain at the Union Pacific yards in Omaha Married Frank Hornling and M Florence Hurst by Rev Grant E Hutchinson. June 22,1899 The Frontier Mary Johnson died at her home near Ray on May 31. Married Harry Thornton Mathews and Myrtle Coger Sept 24,1903 The Frontier Mrs Henry DeYarman, who has been visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs Hicks in O'neill several weeks, returned to her home in Springfield, Mo, Tuesday, having received a telegram that her husband was very sick. Thomas Marshall Morris married Jennie Ray Awry at Battle Creek, Nebr on Sept 16. S G Smith buried Oct 1,1903 The Frontier Thomas Belt, a Chicago northwestern Freight brakeman was killed at Stuart Sunday last. Married Thomas Carnell and Maud Gregg on Monday by County Judge Morgan. Married Dr D E Thompson and Rose Sturdevant Married Arthur Horan and Rinda Coppoc, on Sept 23 by Rev J L Coppoc, father of the bride Mrs Hugh Allan put in Lincoln asylum George Bowden family was poisoned by eating head cheese Bank robbed in Ewing. J H Addison died at his home 15 miles northeast of O'Neill on Sat Sept 26, at age of 82 years, 6 months and 2 days. Funeral at Minneola Church and interment at cemetery. Born in Cambridge St John, England March 24,1821. Married Sophia Carpenter in Nov 1852. had five children, J C, Mrs C W Kocher, Mrs F A Duxbury, Mrs F B Williams, F M, Mert C was an adopted son Oct 8,1903 The Frontier 25th infantry stays for a day in O'Neill, and band gives concert. Mrs J H Addison is selling and moving to Minn. Married Edward Tierney and Cleora Flennor on Tue by Co Judge Morgan 50th wedding anniversary of Capt and Mrs W T Shively. Stanton Brothers selling farming equipment and animals. Son born Sunday to A Baker Ernest Adams has been circulating a box of cigars on the strength of a pair of husky boys that arrived at his home Tue morning. Oct 15,1903 The Frontier Judge Harrington case Son born on Oct 8 to H F Ihne. Married at Catholic Church at 6 am Dr George Muller and Nora Holland Oct 22,1903 The Frontier Married on Tue by Co Judge Morgan, Jerry Sullivan and Helen McAllister Mrs Lessenger, former residence of Stuart died the 27th of Sept in her home in Mission, Wash. She left a husband and five children Edward, 12 year old son of Adam Long was shot and killed by 14 year old son of Albert Wall. Mrs Margaret Griffith, widow of the late William Griffith died at the home of her son, Frank Griffith, near Blackbird on Oct 3 of heart disease. August Eppenbach died at his home near Minneola on Oct 11 at the age of 56 years Mr and Mrs John Howard were called to Fremont Tues on the mission of attending the funeral of Mrs Howard's father, who death occurred the day previous as the result of being kicked by a horse Dec 3,1903 The Frontier Word comes from Atkinson of the death by smothering of the 2 month old babe of Albert Johnson of Butte. James Liddy died in O'Neill on Nov 17, age 18 years and 2 months. Dec 10,1903 The Frontier Married Charles Howe and Ella Thompson by county judge Morgan on Monday Cummins killed Dec 17,1903 The Frontier The sad news of the death of 10 year old son of Patrick Murphy, frozen to death on the road Married DeWitt Derby and Nettie Goree on Dec 9 by county judge Morgan Dec 31,1903 The Frontier Married James Hughes and Anna Rodenwald Dec 24 by Rev Bowen Former sheriff H C McEvony has a mine in Montana Jan 4,1906 The Frontier Robert Marsh Sr passed from the scene of earth on the last day of the old year. Laura Perkins filed for divorce from Frances E Perkins on Jan 2,1906 Jan 11,1906 The Frontier Marriage licenses issued to Scott Connor and Rhoda Styer and HL Grund and Bessie B Connor Married in Fairfax, SD on Tue by Judge Starcher were Bert A Parshall and Elnora Lamphfire Eldest son of Mr and Mrs E C Luce recently killed in a railroad wreck in Colorado. Married Tue at County judge's office were Fred H Kemper and Hannah M Hagerty Married Van Humphrey and Mrs Bessie Humphrey in Sioux City on Wed. Last Friday EW Tower gave up all that is mortal and passed on to the great unknown. Jan 18,1906 The Frontier A girl was born to George and Bessie Gaughenbaugh yesterday Elizabeth Kernan died at her home in O'Neill on Sun morning Married by Judge Malone were L R Pinkerman and Maude E Wilson Married Dan Hall and Mary Hall by Judge Olsen at Bassett on Jan 3 Jan 25,1906 The Frontier Marriage license issued to John J Maslonka and Katie Inawerted John Hunt died at his home in Atkinson Friday last. Minnie Seger filed for divorce from Leopold John Seger , they were married in Stuart on Nov 1,1904 H M Banks and family left Monday for an extended visit in Missouri and Michigan Feb 1,1906 The Frontier Married on Tue at the county judge's office were Oliver P Stevens and Pearl Lane Married at St Patrick's Church on Feb 6 were Michael Jenright and Mary G O'Fallon John Murphy died Wed at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Mark Murphy Mrs Frank Brown received word by telegram Tue of the death of her mother, Sarah Simmons The remains of Ira Dibble, son of John Dibble, arrived in Atkinson yesterday John Dibble received a telegram last Tue from Wallace, Idaho, informing him that his son Ira had died of Appopelexy. Hallie D Thompson, son of Harry L Thompson, who formerly lived on Holt Creek, died at Kossuth, Iowa Jan 19,1906 A boy of the usual weight and size arrived at the George Collins house March 21,1907 The Frontier Bennett Martin died, age 59 years Will Palmer died on March 12 Married Frank Cronk and Carrie M Finch on Saturday last William F Smith died, age 57 years Henry Hoxie's father died, John Frey's widow, is asking $30,000 of brewers for the death of her saloon keeper husband, from alcoholism March 28,1907 The Frontier Married John A Springer and Lena B Stowell by Rev Bowen, Wednesday last Married William M Green and Lillie B Applby at Ewing on Tuesday Married Roy Pierce and Mrs Edna Pierce on Monday by Judge Malone Married John W Stites and Bessie Hawkins on Saturday at Ewing Mrs Henry Martfeldt died, the former Mary Frances Evans, left 5 young children. Mrs Julia White passed away Mary Stein, wife of Joseph Stein died at her home in Rockfalls Township on Thursday last of Cancer Probating the wills of John Lawless, Hiram G Hodkin, and Mary Harrington April 4,1907 The Frontier Daughter born to Daniel and Ellen McCarthy Tessie Mohr divorced from John H Mohr. Wrapped in a copy of the State Journal of Feb 13, a dead baby was fished out of the river at Norfolk yesterday. Married John J Grutch Jr and Pearl Moler, last Wednesday at Presbyterian Church in O'Neill Married Rose Hahn and Charles Coleman at Omaha last week. April 11,1907 The Frontier Capt Walker went to Hot Springs, SD Soldiers Home Married James H Miller and Martha M Ross Married Charles Hoyer and Gertrude D Hanson Henry Alfs smallest child died unexptectedly and suddenly last week. Married Tuesday at Atkinson Methodist Church were Joseph Kaplan and Julia Mickalek, by Rev Kirk April 18,1907 The Frontier Married Ralph B Price and Katie Gallagher Marian McGrew returned to the insane asylum in Illinois E Gilmour died, lest five children. Married Joseph P Shanner and Mrs Ida May Weekes The 9 year old daughter, Edna, of Fred Jungbluth died Tuesday morning, Funeral services are to be held to day. Interment in the Chambers Cem Jane J Walrath passed away, the mother of CH April 25,1907 The Frontier Married M F Jones and Bessie Cherry Married William Blake and Maud Fluckey Married Lewis P Moss and Etta Mann Son born to R A Baker on April 20 Son born to Alex McConnell on April 23 Son born to Albert Roseler on April 24 Married Grover Shaw and Julia Carney Henry Gerrard died on April 16. age 73 years 11 months, left five children. Married Jed Landen and Lenora Rockwell. John Brion of Nauvbo, Ky died Neil McIlravic died April 16 at Ketchian, Alaska, he married the daughter of E H Thompson. May 2,1907 The Frontier Joe O'Donnell was shot and killed by companion while hunting. He was 15 years old. Married Thomas Quilty and Nora O'Malley at St Patrick's Church on Wednesday Married Fred P Oetter and Georgia Simpson S P Miller passed away Wednesday morning at Atkinson Joseph G Wagner died suddenly of apoplexy near Phoenix. Perry Miller died at the home of Dave Namphier in Atkinson May 9,1907 The Frontier Undertaker Frank Biglin was at Inman Monday to officiate at the funeral and burial of Mrs Jewel, age 68, who died at her home there Saturday. Mike Welsh of Portland, Oregon died, remains will be sent here for burial, the funeral to be held next Sunday from the family home four miles northwest of town, at 10 o'clock. Lawrence Casey died at his home in Shields Township on Thursday night last at the advanced age of 94 years. A native of Ireland where he was born Jan 16,1813. The funeral was held in O'Neill on Sunday May 5. Married Grover Disney and Minnie Major on Wednesday by judge Malone. Married Ernest E Wilson and Ethel Elliott Married Charles Barum and Hattie Doherty, Monday by Judge Malone. Mr Bell died of drugged liquor, his wife, Birdie Dean became insane, but wrote her 14 month old son, John Edward Bell, a letter and gave him up for adoption. May 16,1907 The Frontier Married Vencle Kozisek and Rosella Kaplin Married David Leonhart and Martha Freilich Married Leon A Van Hove and Claire Lansworth on Monday by Judge Malone Jerry McCarthy funeral held William Menish died Walter F Copple and wife were slain by hired man M J N Haskin had the body of his brother, George, who was drowned 21 years ago, and buried on the school section, now known as the Laird Ranch. Moved and reburied in the Stuart Cemetery. Married Ernest Wilson and Ethel Elliott on Wednesday by Rev Postlewait May 23,1907 The Frontier Son born to M H McCarthy Married Chester LeRoy Fitzgerald and E Lillian Cavanaugh at San Rafael, Cal on April 27 William Menish died, left children,Mrs R J Marsh, Francis and Arthur. Thomas B Maring died Michael Welsh died May 6, born Sept 3,1867, buried O'Neill Cemetery Morgan Hayes died Monday May 13 at the home of his son, J F. Born in Limerick, Ireland on July 14,1820, leaves wife and 6 children. A Civil war veteran, buried at Atkinson Cem. May 30,1907 The Frontier Count Della Gunistra Reggia Salavodare of Palemoro,Italy visited O'Neill because of a bet. Married May 22, Edward Larson and Clara M Bedford by Rev Hulhorst W D Matthews Jr, died May 17, son of Harry Matthews. Thomas B Maring died May 22, age 74 years 5 days. Born May 17,1833, married Hannah M Marshall, left nine children. Buried O'Neill Cem June 6,1907 The Frontier Four people drowned at Wunda's Lake, eight miles southeast of Page-Clinton Samson age 44 years, Morris Sampson age 20 months, Blanche Tracy age 30 years, and Alice Drum age 20 years. Married Thomas M Morrow and Margaret L Rank on May 30 Married Jesse E Warrington and Vesta Barnett Mrs I R Smith died at the home of her sister, Nellie Purdy at North Platte on May 23, after a short illness of Bright's Disease. June 13,1907 The Frontier Taft came through O'Neill Mrs Thomas McCoy was shot by her 11 year old son, a widow, she leaves 5 young children. William R Butler, attorney in O'Neill, charged with contempt of the Supreme Court June 20,1907 The Frontier Married Mayme F Ecker and Mat H Boyle at Winside on Tuesday Mr Whelan came looking for his land and sheep Married William G Carpenter and Lula E Thompson Mrs Thomas McCoy murdered June 27,1907 The Frontier Nellie Whitney died at Van Setter, Wyoming Married Anna Coffey and T P McPharlin on Tuesday Henry J Hershier died at his home, 2 miles west of O'Neill on June 25, born Sept 20,1832, had seven children Married John H Leese and Edna Bullard Married George R Tibbets and Cora P Cole Estella Shaw divorced from Henry H Shaw Mrs R A Haskins of Stuart died yesterday as the result of burns sustained in a gasoline explosion, the daughter of W B James July 4,1907 The Frontier Daughter born to Edward and Mary Graham M C Van Etten died Thursday last at the home of Henry Thieroff of Star, buried on Saturday in Star Cemetery, carried the mail on various rural routes out of O'Niell. Married in Seattle, Washington on June 26, RT King and Ethel Maud Hamilton Married June 24 by Rev M F Cassidy, T P McPharlin and Anna Coffey July 11,1907 The Frontier George A Miles sued for slander Mae Scofield charged Earl Schofield with desertion July 18,1907 The Frontier Married Florence May Lowrie and David E Watkins at Lincoln. R E Bowden died of blood poisoning, buried Agee Cem, left children, George and Free July 25,1907 The Frontier Married Capt H A Walker and Mrs Melvina Simmons Anna, the 15 year old daughter of Rob Conrad, died Saturday of typhoid fever. Funeral held at St Patrick's Catholic Church Sunday forenoon. 250 O'Neill baseball fans go to Atkinson. Bassett boys were easy victims at bat Aug 1,1907 The Frontier Knights of Columbus to build $15,000 structure. Women could not be granted saloon licenses. Bassett defeated again, 9 goose eggs handed them Aug 8,1907 The Frontier A W Dodge passes away at age of 85 years. Died Aug 1, born June 22,1822. Married Angelina A Mead and Mrs Julia Clark. Buried O'Neill Cem Aug 15,1907 The Frontier Cornellus O'Connell and John Rotherham traded lead John Crogham has brain concussion Baseball battling grounds Lewis Sullivan drowns while parents in town trading, age 11 years, buried O'Neill Cem . May 20,1910 The Frontier Married James O'Donnell and Marie Krier Married Murray J McGrew and May C Campbell by county judge Malone Married R A Hunt on April 27 in Fremont, Nebr. Oct 12,1911 The Frontier Word was received in this city last Friday that Mrs Peter Ryan died at Wilmington, Del, the day before. Mrs Ryan went east last spring and had been visiting relatives at her old home. She was taken seriously ill about a month ago and her husband and daughter, Miss Anna Duncan were called to her bedside, and were with her when she passed away. Married Ira L Snyder and Syiva Eby, last Saturday by Rev D H Ralston Marriage license to Jacob O Greiser and Rachael Erb Nellie Coburn died, daughter of William Coburn who ran a barber shop in this city. Born in O'Neill on Feb 27,1887 Oct 19,1911 The Frontier Marriage license to Harry D Snyder and Lillian L Hoffman Marriage license to James Welsh and Ethel Brimsmead. Married Henry Just and Mrs Anna Johnson, last Tuesday by County judge Malone.. Died, Jim Stout, a resident of this city for many years. Funeral at Blair. John Carr shot Joe McHugh Marriage license to John E Douglas and Marcella Campbell. Mr and Mrs J A Donahoe returned from wedding trip. June 24,1915 The Frontier Died Sarah Elizabeth Mason Norton. Brn July 24,1855, married M F Norton, had 12 children Marriage license to Simon Schaaf and Julia Bouska, both of Atkinson Married Orval N Kellar of Missouri Valley,Iowa and Helen Hamilton of Spencer, by Judge Carlon Married Adrain Robinson and Gertrude Young of Walnut,Nebr, by Judge Carlon. Died August Grothe, age 71 years, 7 months 14 days Died Jacob Rocke July 1,1915 The Frontier Died Pearl Roberst Evans, born June 20,1888, died June 21,1915, age 27 years, married Joseph C Evans Died August Grothe, born Nov 8,1843, married Henrietta Polzin, had four children, son William F Died David Baker, age 60 years, buried Atkinson Cem, had children Charles E, Dean, Allen, Earl Marriage license to Benjamin H Wright and Anna Kazada, both of Atkinson Died W R Sprague, buried Scottsville Cem, had dau, Mrs R H Mills James H Riggs died age 57 years, buried Waterloo,Nebr Cem, had two dau, one son July 8,1915 The Frontier Marriage license issued to Robert W Carr and Pearl Iliff, both of Atkinson Marriage license issued to Ralph E Kirkpatrick of Coleridge, Nebr and Cora L Johnson of O'Neill July 15,1915 The Frontier Nettie M Smith Sparks died, born Nov 2,1873, age 41 years 8 months, dau of P B Smith, married F M Sparks, buried Ewing Cem Lena Zabereski, age 21 years, taken to insane asylum at Norfolk Died Maggie Muret, buried Catholic Cem Married Herbert E Pearson and Ruth Boehme by Judge Carlon Married John Allison of Pilger and Merle Michellis of Dorsey by Rev G W Bruce at the Methodist Parsonage Married William McNichols and Lillian Weldon at Lexington,Nebr Married Joseph Daley at Denver, Colorado July 22,1915 The Frontier Married Clarence Parker, son of Sanford Parker , and Jennie Kane, dau of John Kane. Married in Omaha Marriage license to Gus J Marek, 48 of Osmond and Catherine C Goree, age 19 of Stuart Married Frank Dexter and Harriett Schanafeet, both of Atkinson, by Judge Carlon Died M J Roach M A Ritter of Rottmisch, Germany (where he went to visit from here) needed word that he was not already married here, so he could get married there. July 29,1915 The Frontier Marriage license to D L Bell and Dora Renninger, both of Chambers Aug 12,1915 The Frontier Died Aug 9,1915, Col Neil Brennan, born 1850, buried Catholic Cem, O'Neill, married Margaret Keyes, had children, Sarah Ryan, John, Nell Donahoe,Margaet, Neil P, Francis, Tom, Bernadette Aug 26,1915 The Frontier Died Charles McShane , buried Atkinson Cem Died John Galligan, buried Atkinson Cem Died infant child of Mathias Smith, buried Catholic Cem, O'Neill Died Mary Smith Marriage license issued to B C Shore of Agee and Carrie Sargent of Meek Marriage license issued to V A Chase and Florence Stevens, both of Verdigris Died Aug 15, Leonard France, son of Z T France, buried Dorsey Cem. Sept 2,1915 The Frontier Died Mrs W T Hayes, had a dau Charles T Allen divorcing Mary , were married in Omaha July 19,1909 Marriage license issued to Robert Morrison and Joy A Miller, both of Stuart Sept 9,1915 The Frontier Died W L Handy, buried Wood Lake Cem, had dau Mrs Ed Welton Died E P Hicks, buried Protestant Cem, had son Steven and dau Mrs DeYarmon Died Conrad Bohme, age 72 years Died Alexander Maring Sept 16,1915 The Frontier Died Annie, wife of T V Golden, born Sept 16,1860, buried O'Neill Cem, had 9 children, Parnell,Lillian, Martin, Thomas, Bernice, Clair, Maxwell Died Neil Brennan, born 1848 Mrs A J Spindler, beloved wife of A J Spindler, died at her home in this city, buried Meek Cem, was 82 years old. Sept 30,1915 The Frontier Died Laura Tompkins, age 69 years, had three dau, two sons, buried Inman Cem Married Sept 15, John B Kleintobe and Miss Tweed, dau of R S Tweed Married John Timmerman and Sarah Clark, both of Page, County Judge Carlon did the honors Oct 7,1915 The Frontier Died Mary Driscoll, age 107 years, born 1808, buried Catholic Cem, had children, son, dau, Mary Hanley and Margret Married Ralph W Merriman and Anna Kilmurry on Oct 6 by Rev M F Cassidy. Marriage license issued to Joseph N Ramm and Hanna S Batenhorst, both of Stuart Marriage license issued to George I Kelley and Ada Bateman, both of Swan Married at Catholic Church, J R Rhodee of South Omaha and Agnes M Stanton, of this city, by Rev M F Cassidy Oct 14,1915 The Frontier Born to Mr and Mrs Floyd Keyes, last Tuesday, A 11 1/4 pound girl, mother and babe are feeling fine Funeral of Mrs Driscoll, who died last Tuesday morning, held from Catholic Church in this city,last Friday morning Married Claude A Oakley and Ceceilia B Sherwood, both of Atkinson, by County Judge Carlon Died John Kane, buried Wisner,Nebr Cem, married Ceceilia Ann Boyle, had children, Cecelia who died 1883, age 4 years; Mrs Frank Leahy; S D, J P, T P, Martin, Gene, John, Mrs Clarence Parker, Mildred Oct 21,1915 The Frontier Died Dorothy Davidson Haskins, married R A Haskins, buried Protestant Cem, O'Neill, age 32 years, dau of O E Davidson, had two small children, one age 3 years and one age 9 months Married Walter K Hodgkins of O'Neil and E Ruth Ayers of University Place, Nebr, on Oct 12, by Rev Henry Ainnecker in Pierce, Nebr Born a son to J B Ryan Married Frank Gaskill and Marie Fleek, both of Chambers by County judge Carlon Married Margaret Englehaupt and Edgar Johnson Died N B Nesbit, buried Riverton,Wyo, trainer of bird dogs, age 73 years Oct 28,1915 The Frontier Marriage license issued to Fred R Mack and Ella Prussa, both of Atkinson Married Arthur Wundercheck and Rose Matousek, both of Atkinson, by Judge Carlon, last Tuesday Married S W Collins and Maggie E Butterfield, both of Venus, by Judge Carlon last Wednesday Nov 4,1915 The Frontier Marriage license issued to Stanley Peter and Clara Goldfuss, both of Atkinson Marriage license issued to William A Nicholl and Myrtle M Rakow of Page Marriage license issued to Jesse Ferguson and Gladys Wood, both of Long Pine Married S W Collins and Maggie E Butterfield, both of Venus, by County judge Carlon, last week Died Mrs J P Hennessey Married James Sevans and Martha Smith, both of this city, at Sioux City, Iowa, last Tuesday, dau of Mary Smith Nov 11,1915 The Frontier Marriage license issued to Henry Schmidt of Long Pine, and Florence Cosgrove of Bassett John Cosgrove died in the Asylum at Hastings, been an inmate for 30 years, buried this city, his wife Catherine still lives here Married James J Shorthill of Emmett and Jetty Mullen , by Rev M F Cassidy at Catholic Church,Emmett, last Tuesday, Dauof J P Mullen John R Slutts divorcing from Ethel, married May 16,1914 Married Soren Sorenson and Sarah Morgan, both of Opportunity, by Rev George Bressler, son of Anton Sorenson, dau of Charles Morgan Nov 18,1915 The Frontier Married Ivan E Hubbard and Beulah Elkins,both of Chambers, by County Judge Carlon Died Frank McCafferty Nov 25,1915 The Frontier Marriage license issued to Rudolph Thramer and Cecil Lydon, both of Ewing Marriage license issued to John Vinzenz and Elenora Schumecker, both of Atkinson Died Swan Alm, of Mineola country, Charles Allen divorcing from Mrs Allen Dec 2,1915 The Frontier Married Mayme Murray and John P Kane by Rev Stephen L Dowd, dau of Anthony Murray, Dec 9,1915 The Frontier Died Jarvis Culbert, age 39 years, buried Protestant Cem Dec 16,1915 The Frontier Renah Fowler of St Coud ,married Bert Powell of O'Neill, on Dec 8 at Presbyterian Church Married Izetta Hagensick and W C Shaw Matie Theiroff died at Creighton, age 28 years, Dec 30,1915 The Frontier Marriage license issued to Nicholas E Baker and Maude Greene, both of Lynch Marriage license issued to Thomas P Mundy and Hazel M Much,both of Chambers Marriage license issued to William Phillips of Jonesville, SD and Ida Boshart of O'Neill Marriage license issued to William Gifford of Thurston and Alice Killinger of Inman Jessie M Manny divorcing Leo Manny, married Rock Co on Feb 24,1892 Mae Porter passed away on Christmas Day at her home 5 miles south of Inman. Died Mrs OL Walker Jan 6,1916 The Frontier Neil Asher and Mrs Freda Korner of Page, married by county judge yesterday afternoon Clyde E Elkins of Chambers, and Olive Martin of O'Neill got marriage license on Dec 28th Thomas Atkinson died at Chambers, wife got divorce several years ago. Judge Job J King died in Kelso, Washington, born May 11,1842, died Dec 29,1915, age 73 years 7 months 18 days, veteran, married Ann Eliza Gray, had four children, Mrs J E Shore, Clyde N, RT, Henry Theiroff died at home at Creighton, postmaster at Star, had six children, George, Albert, Ona, Rose Weber, Victoria, Sapphronia, Mattie, was 70 years of age Ira Lampham probate notice Albert Winkley probate notice. March 11,1920 The Frontier James Wesley Mills died in Dubuque, Iowa, age 75 years. His children were Laura Mussehl, Myrtle Schiltz, Alonzo, John and Thomas. March 18,1920 The Frontier Married Mae Alta Enbody and Jory Reuben Yarger Mrs Henry Keating died last week. Gilbert F Smith died March 11. His children were Edith Taggart, Franklin H. March 25,1920 The Fronteir Married E V Bishop and Ruth H Lelay Married Walter A Dickau and Lillian M Hofman by Rev Rust . June 22,1933 The Frontier J O Brady died shortly after his arrival Monday Jerry Brennan is hurt by auto at Norfolk Gertie Ann Fink Snyder died Mrs D D Murphy died after heart attack Oct 7,1937 The Frontier Francis Gunn loses right foot in gun accident Carol Walker married James McNally Ethel Hartland married Raymond Schmidth Married Leslie C Brown and Lea B Crooks by county judge C J Malone Married Henry G Kerchloff and Alice E Criss Married Raymond Schmidt and Ethel Hartland Married Jesse R Bennett and Rose Lynch at Presbyterian Church by Rev H D Johnson Married Basil E Boles and Mrs Esther Smith Roberts by Rev H D Johnson Daniel Murphy, oldest resident of the Michigan Settlement died Dec 5,1940 The Frontier Fred Lorenz died, age 69 years Four people killed when car hits a parked truck- Mathew Brophy, A W Johnson, Frances Mullen, and Beulah Rogers. Frank H Griffith dies. Dec 12,1940 The Frontier Monica Vandersnick Bazelman died, age 60 years Married in Lynch, Mabel Hansen and William Mulhair Dec 19,1940 The Frontier Michael Hayes dies, Leslie M Wertz died, Myrtle Hoxsie Coats died, John Henry Gifford dies, Dec 26,1940 The Frontier James A Robertson died Michael J McNally died

Copyrighted 2005 for Boyd county by Doris Counts

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