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ing as Church Wardens and Chose Messrs.
Rhoda Adams and Jeremiah Gray in their
stead. On the same day Mr. Warren
Dent Delivered a Certificate of qualifica-
tion of inspectors for ye Warehouse at
Chicamuxen, viz. Richard Speake and
Ignatius Luckett." The other Inspectors
at the Chicamuxen Warehouse that year
were Francis Boucher Franklin and John
Madox. The Inspectors for the Ware-
house in Nanjemoy were Reuben Dye,
John Keibeard, William Dunnington and
Thomas Perry.*

Those were exciting times in the Ameri-
can colonies, but there is no political refer-
ence in the Vestry Book until page 9 when
we find at the top of the page, under date
of Nov. 15, 1775, reference to "his majes
ties Customs," and at the bottom of the
same page, under date of September 1776, a
Certificate of the election of Tobacco In-
spectors, addressed "To the Governor for
the time being, or the Convention, or the
Council of Safety." This was the last Ves-
try meeting attended by Mr. Fendall. In
November 1776, the old establishment
ceased by an act taking away the pay of
the clergy. After that we learn nothing
more of the rector who, doubtless, left the
Parish. Mr. Fendall is said to have been
one of the best read clergymen of his
times and is mentioned with distinction in
an old memoir. He is said to have been
an ardent advocate of American freedom.
But his patriotism did not save him, as he
went down with the other clergy.

Turning again to the Vestry Book we
next find the "Oath of Fidelity and sup-
port to the State of Maryland." The first
signatures to which in June, 1779, are
Warren Dent, Gerard Fowl, Will. Harri-
son, Will. Winter Jr., Will. Elgin, James
Muncaster, Will. Adams. Then there is a
Note - "The Death of Mr. Richard Speake
happened before the Oath was copied into
this Book which is the reason why his
name is not subscribed. John Elgin,
Reg'r." These signatures were renewed
every year by the Vestrymen when elected.
On September 6,1779, the Vestry resolved to
raise a subscription to defray the charges
of the Parish and a committee was ap-
pointed to go to the Glebe and see what
condition the said lands were in.+ In
October, 1779, the Register was instructed
to publish in the Annapolis and Baltimore
papers this advertisement: "Twenty thou-
sand pounds of Crop Tobacco annually
will be given as a Salary to any clergyman
of the Church of England of a fair charac-
ter, and who can give Satisfaction as a
Preacher, for the term of four years, by
the Vestry of Durham Parish, which hath
besides, a Glebe that rents for Two Hhds.
of Crop Tobacco per annum." In re-
sponse to this advertisement the Rev.
Walter Hanson Harrison wrote a letter
offering his services to the Parish on the
terms set forth, which the Vestry accepted,
and Mt Harrison agreed to come before
the second Sunday in December. He
was a native of the Parish and had been
ordained by the Bishop of London and
licensed for Maryland in 1774. Returning
to America he became curate of St. Paul's,
Prince George's County, where he re-
mained until 1776 when he was made
rector of Queen Anne Parish in that coun-
ty. Coming to Durham in 1779 he con-
tinued to hold the rectorship until 1797 a
period of eighteen years. He died in 1798.
"Parson Harrison" rented out the Glebe
lands and lived on his own estate, "Holly
Springs," which is to this day, one of the
finest old places in the Parish. He built
the house, but undoubtedly obtained the
land by inheritance. Just before his death
the estate was purchased by Capt. (after-
ward Gen) Mitchell and here was the
birthplace of the late Rev. Richard H.
B. Mitchell and his brother Walter Mitch-
ell. Their brother John H. T. S. Mitch-
ell came into the Vestry in 1809. "Holly
Springs is now owned by Mrs. Emily
Millar, widow of the late Col. Thomas
Millar, of Nanjemoy.


* It will soon be seen that there were two tobacco Warehouses in Durham Parish - one on the land of Richard Harrison in Nanjemoy - Query, Was it located at "Nanjemoy Stores"? - and the other on the land of William Smallwood in Chicamuxen. The inspectors were appointed by the Vestry during the colonial period. How long these Warehouses continued in existence, in uncertain. The Nanjemoy Warehouse is referred to in the Vestry Book as late as 1810.
+ In 1779 the Legislature passed an act to establish Select Vestries, and vested in them, as trustees, all the property that had belonged to the respective parishes while they were part of the Church of England. These Vestries were anxious at first to "have all the Protestant inhabitants taxed for the support of the Church but of course this idea was abandoned and subscriptions were taken for current expenses and other purposes. The usual subscription in Durham Parish was "25lbs. per poll." The Vestry Act, as modified in 1798 is still in force in Maryland, and "it puts the relation of Church and State and the tenure of religious property on a somewhat different footing from that which prevails in most other states."

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