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                           NOTE D.
                 THE GLEBE LANDS

Durham Parish has had a Glebe almost
from the beginning of it's history. In the
returns made to the Sheriff of Charles
county, in 1698, we find notice of a Glebe
called "The Addition" which had been
"given by will of one Richard Randall
towards the maintenance of a Protestant
minister" in Charles county. In 1724
Rev. William Macconchie (or Machoncie
as he spelled the name) reported to the
Bishop of London that Durham Parish had
a "very mean glebe and no house." The
land was undoubtedly, of little value as,
in 1751, an act of Assembly was passed,
authorizing the Vestry to sell and buy land.
It was at that time (probably) that they
came into the possession of the estate in
Chickamuxon which is mentioned so
frequently in the Vestry book. This Glebe
was always rented out. It was divided
into two portions until 1821 when the
Vestry decided to consolidate the lands
into "one tenement." In 1824 the Glebe
rented for $90. It steadily decreased in
value, and was sold a good many years
ago, as at that time it was not necessary to
provide a home for the rector, The Rev. Mr.
Prout. About fifteen years ago the present
Glebe, "Durham Rectory," was purchas-
ed. This is one of the most desirable
rectories in Southern Maryland, the house,
and grounds, and farm, being greatly ad-
mired by visitors.

                          NOTE E.

From the proceedings of the Vestry I
cull a few items of interest:
Sept. 27, 1779. "Ordered, That Mr.
John Elgin get a new Dial-Post and fix
the Dial belonging to the Parish, thereon,
in a neat manner and that he bring in his
account for the same when done."
August 20, 1791. "Ordered that Genial
Smallwood prepare and prefer a petition
to the General Assembly at their next
meeting on behalf of the Parishioners of
Durham Parish, to pass an Act authorizing
the Inhabitants of said Parish to meet and
choose a Vestry for the present year, and
that he solicit the representatives from this
county to advocate the same in the Assem-
bly."(See page 9) This was the last Vestry
meeting attended by General Smallwood,
who died during the month of February,
1792. A few words concerning this dis-
tingushed patriot cannot be out of place
here. He was, not only the most famous
citizen of Charles County, during the Revo-
lutionary ere, but also Maryland's greatest
soldier. William Smallwood was the last
male representative of a Maryland family
that was always prominent in colonial his-
tory. His grandfather, Major James Small-
wood, settled in Charles county at an early
date, being a delegate to the General As-
sembly in 1696. His father, Bayne Small-
wood, Esq., was both a merchant and a
planter upon a large scale, and filled the
various offices of justice of the peace, and
member of the House of Delegates for a
number of years. His mother was a Miss
Priscilla Heaheard, of Virginia, a lady of
family and fortune. Bayne Smallwood
died before the Revolution , Priscilla Small-
wood survived until 1783. William Small-
wood was sent at an early age to England
to be educated. (See Society of Seventy-Six
Publications, Edited by T. Balch, vol.IV.)
He never married and lived with his moth-
er until her death. The family estate is
called "Mattawoman" in a letter which he
wrote to Gov.Paca in 1784. I have visit-
ed the "old Smallwood mansion" in the
Chicamuxon district. It is a well built
brick house, one story and a half high,
with a tall steep roof having dormer win-
dows on each side. There are four rooms
and a hall on each floor. The Smallwoods
had a road cut from their place down to
Durham Church which is known to this
day as "Smallwood's Church road." There
are hazy traditions that the General used
to drive down to Church in great state, at-
tended to by colored flunkies and outriders.
All this style may have been an imitation
of his illustrious friend, General George
Washington, who corresponded with Gen.
Smallwood and (it is said) occasionally
visited him here. Of William Smallwood's
gallant services, during the Revolution, we
cannot write here. Suffice it to say that he
was the Commander of the Maryland For-
ces and came out of the was "covered with
glory." He was elected Governor of Mary-
land in 1785, and his portrait hangs in the
Governor's room at the State House in
Annapolis. The General died in 1702.
He was buried a few rods from his front
door. Efforts have recently been made
to have the State Assembly make an ap
propriation to erect a monument over his
remains, which it is hoped will soon be
successful, as his grave has a neglected
appearance that does little credit to the
State which he served so well both as sol-
dier and statesman.

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