12 September 1805
Caroline County, Maryland
Liber JR No. C, p. 88

Transcribed and Submitted by E. J. German

In the name of God Amen, I Clair Holliss, widow of Clark Hollis late of Caroline County, des., being weak in body but of perfect sound disposing mind and memory, do make ordain and publish this my last Will and Testament in form and manner following.

To wit: First and principally of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christianlike manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter mentioned and as to what Worldly property it has pleased the Lord to Bless me with in this life, I give and bequeath in forma and manner following.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Andrew Lord all and singular my Personal Estate, Goods, Chattells, wearing apparrell, Debts, dues and Demands, with every part and parcel thereof whatsoever which doth or may in any wise belong or appertain unto me, to have and to him and his lawful heirs forever.  Provided that the said Andrew Lord shall pay or cause to be paid unto my son Crutcher Lord the sum of fifteen pounds current money when he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years or at any time thereafter when he shall need the same.  And lastly I leave my son Andrew Lord whole and sole Executor of this my last will and Testament well and truly to Execute and perform all things herein Written According to the true Intent and meaning of the same, in Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this twelfth day of September Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and five.

            Clair  x  Holliss

Signed Sealed and acknowledged published proclaimed and declared by the said Clair Holliss as said for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who saw her sign seal and acknowledge the same.

  Abraham Collins
  Fred'k Holbrook

Caroline County to wit ) Then came Andrew Lord the Executor in and by this will
the 22d October 1805  ) named and appointed and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the aforegoing Instrument of writing is the true last will and testament of Clair Holliss, late of Caroline County, deceased that hath come to his hands or possession and that he doth not know of any other of a Later date.

       Certified by
       __________ Richardson, Regstr.
Caroline County __    )  Then came Abraham Collins one of the subscribing
the 22d October 1805 )  witnesses of the foregoing last will and testament of Clair Holliss late of Caroline County, deceased, etc.

 (Notes:1. Clear/Clarah Lord was the widow of Abel Lord per his 24 Oct 1784 will, that was probated Feb 1785.
 2. Abel's will mentions Andrew, but not Crutcher Lord.  If Crutcher was conceived in late January, 1785, he would be just shy of his 21st birthday on September 5, 1805.
 2. Clark Hollis' will was probated in 1790.
 3. Claradine Hollis is listed as head of household in the 1790 Census.
 4. Abraham Collins was Andrew Lord's father-in-law.)

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