WILLIS Will Abstracts

Submitted by Sandra L Willis

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 20 Nov. 1846
Recorded 12 March 1847
Liber WAF-A Folio 382
Charles Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Wife: Margaret Willis
Son: Denard S. Willis land "Blacks Venture"
Son: Charles Henry Willis land "Betts Range"

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 9 Jan 1871
Recorded 27 June 1871
Liber WGN-B Folio 309

Charles Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Wife: Tamsey
Son: James H. Willis
Son: William A. Willis
Son: Edward Thomas Willis
Dau: Elizabeth Emily Harris (Rufus C. Harris)

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 24 Nov. 1795
Recorded 25 Nov. 1795
Liber JR-B Folio 310

Dorothy Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Gives all to Russell Andrew

This Will was - "Declared by word of mouth"

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 17 Oct. 1798
Recorded 7 Feb. 1799
Liber JR-B Folio 440

James Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Son: Aaron Willis

Joshua Willis and Peter Willis

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Recorded 23 Jan. 1764
Liber CC-A Folio 108

John Willis of Dorchester Co. in the Province of Maryland

Wife: Elizabeth
Children - Eldest son John Willis born of first Wife Mary, 5 shillings

Mary Clift
2 shillings and sixpence
2 shillings and sixpence
Elizabeth Killingsworth
2 shillings and sixpence
2 shillings and sixpence
2 shillings and sixpence
2 shillings and sixpence
Dorcus Nicols
2 shillings and sixpence

John Willis III the son of my now wife Elizabeth and my son Gervey what is left of my estate after wife Elizabeth lives on it the rest of her life.
Gives to wife Elizabeth all my land known by the title of "Willis's Regulation" with the appurtenances thereunto belonging for and during the time of her natural life.

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 1 Oct. 1793
Recorded 20 Nov. 1794
Liber JR-B Folio 246

John Willis, planter of Caroline County, Maryland

Wife: Keziah
Son: Philemon Willis
Son: John Willis
Son: William Willis
Son: Lewis Willis
Son: Nicholas Willis
Son: Henry Willis
Dau: Sarah Nabb (John Nabb)

To son John he gives "Willis's Regulation" containing 163 acres of land more or less also land called "Willis's Grove" - if no issue then to son Lewis. Also gave John 2 mares valued at 800 pounds each.

To daughter Sarah Nabb 15 pounds to be paid out in sundries and wearing apparel from son John's Store. Also mentions that son Philemon should pay sister Sarah 5 pounds for clothes.

Gave son-in-law John Nabb 1 shilling plus his daughter.

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 15 July 1862
Recorded 19 Aug. 1862
Liber WGN-B Folio 130

John G. Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Son: William Thomas Willis
Dau: Elizabeth Ellen Hooper home on North side of Choptank - west of road between Denton and Hillsborough - Also listed in area know as Stewart's wharf in same approximate area

Grandson: John G. Willis
Grandson: Leander Reese Hooper
Grandson: Charles Willis

Mentioned Mary Elizabeth Stack to receive $50.00

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 9 July 1859
Recorded 4 July 1860
Liber WGN-B Folio 108

Joseph Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Dau: Jane Willis
Dau: Sarah Davis
Sarah's children: Wilmina Jane Davis
Sarah C. Davis
Franklin Davis

Dau: Susan Turner (William Turner)
Susan's children: Sarah Elizabeth Turner
Joseph Turner
Cilia Turner
William H. Turner

Son: John Willis
John's children: Thomas Foster Willis
Mary Todd Willis

Gave to Daughters Sarah and Jane - farm where he now lives until death or marriage of both. At death land to be divided 1/2 to Sarah Davis's children, the other 1/2 to Susan Turner's children. Mentions that the land "abuts Mrs. Connellys lot and Thomas Connelly's old tract"

Son John - all lands on East side of above division line.

Joseph gave Susan his negro girl Sarah Catherine for 10 years after his death then she should be freed. He also had a servant boy who was to be bound to serve until 1879 after which he would be free. He was to be hired out and any and all wages to be divided between Joseph's 3 daughters.

Witnesses: Willis Corkran
Rebecca Corkran
Mary Sain

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 28 March 1813
Recorded 9 Nov. 1813
Liber JR-C Folio 240

Lovey Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Son: William Willis
Son: Charles Willis
Daug: Charity Bonwell
Daug: Elizabeth Willis
Daug: Henrietta Grayham
Daug: Peggy Willis
Daug: Anne Willis
Granddaug: Elizabeth Medford

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 15 Feb. 1834
Recorded 15 Oct. 1834
Liber WAF-A Folio 145

Peter Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Wife: Elizabeth Willis
Son: John Francis Willis
Dau: Elizabeth Willis
Dau: Margaret Maria Willis
Grandson: William Thomas Everngam

He expressly orders and directs that house and lot at Cabben Creek in Dorchester County deeded to him by James Medford shall be deeded to Margaret Willis widow of James Willis after she pay the judgement against her (by Peter) in Dorchester County Court - If she doesn't pay then land etc. goes to his 2 daughters.

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 4 Jan. 1897
Recorded 15 Nov. 1898
Liber RJ-8 Folio 34

Peter Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Erect a substantial fence around family burial Plot

Wife: Martha Willis
Daug: Annie
Son: Charles
Son: Penn
Son: John M.
Son: Joseph A.

Tract of land - east side of road between Harmony and Preston - Adjoining lands of Harriet McNash and William Dean on road between Harmony and Fowling Creek Mill.

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 12 Feb. 1823
Recorded 3 April 1823
Liber JR-C Folio 465

Richard Willis of Caroline County. Maryland

Wife: Britania all that part of my land lying on the north west side of the County Road whereon my dwelling house stands, during her natural life or widowhood and after her decease to my youngest son Peter Willis to him and his heirs forever, it is also my will and desire that my daughter Ann Willis shall have a home in my dwelling house during her single life without being interrupted.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Senah Willis all that part of my land laying up the County Road and on the south east side of said Road down to a cross fence opposite the mouth of my lane and with that fence a straight line out to the line of said land to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Foster Willis all the remaining part of said land lying on the south east side of said Road the cross fence before named to be the division line between them to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Zachariah Willis all the lands which I purchased from Phillip Clark and Levin Stewart so far as it is lying joining together to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give unto my two daughters Rebecah Corkren and Dorcas Willis the sum of fifty dollars each of them out of my moveable estate also fifty Dollars to my daughter Elisabeth Stevens to be paid as aforesaid.

Mentions 4 sons - Senah, Foster, Zachariah, and Peter again.

Then states - It is also my will and desire that there be no administration on my estate whatever.

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 17 May 1812
Recorded 29 Sept. 1812
Liber JR-C Folio 213

Sarah Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Son: Joseph Willis
Son: Charles Willis
Son: Peter Willis
Dau: Sarah Andrew (Norton Andrew)
Dau: Francis Wheeler (James Wheeler)

Mentioned land called "Hab-nab at a venture"

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 19 July 1882
Recorded 22 April 1884
Liber WGN-B Folio 616

Tamsey Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Lived in Federalsburg.

Son: William Adams Willis

Abstract of Last Will and Testament
Made 22 Aug. 1792
Recorded 27 Nov. 1792
Liber JR-B Folio 208

Thomas Willis of Caroline County, Maryland

Wife: Sinia Willis
Son: Milbry Willis
Son: Jessee Willis
Son: Joshua Willis
Son: Thomas Willis
Dau: Milley Willis
Son: Elic

No administration on estate - if any dispute the Elders of the Meeting of Friends shall decide.

Last Updated: January 2021