Will of Noah MERRICK 11 September 1787

Proved: 30 December 1788
Wit: Chancy Merrick, Margaret Merrick
Submitted by Fred Merrick

In the name of God, amen. I Noah Merrick of Carroline county in the state of Maryland, being weak of body but of sound and disposing memory, thanks be to God for the same: and calling to mind the uncertainty of this life and knowing it is appointed for all men to die, do consitiute and ordain this my last will and testament this eleventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, in manner and form as follows.

Item. I give and resign my soul unto the hands of God who gave it, and my body to be decently buried by my executor as he shall think meet, hoping at the general resurrection when soul and body shall reunite again, I shall have a happy admittance into the kingdom of God, in and through the merits of a dear redeemer; And as touching my worldly goods wherewith it has pleased God to endow me with in this world, I give in manner as follows:

Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved brother Israel Merrick all my personal property with all my debts due me whatsoever, of and whom the said Israel Merrick I constitute and appoint my whole and sole executrix of this my last will and testament, revoking all other will or wills or testaments, heretofore made be me, and for this, and this only, to be my last will and testament, in witness I have hereunto set my hand and assigned my seal this day and date above written.
                                                                                     /s/ Noah Merrick

Signed, sealed, published and declared and pronounced to be his last will and testament in presence of us who have assigned our names as witnesses by the request of the testator.
Witness: Chancy Merrick; Margaret Merrick

Caroline County
The 30th December 1788. There came Israel Merrick, the executor named and appointed in this will and made oath on the holy evangels of Almighty God, that the within and foregoing Instrument of Writing is the true and whole will and testament of Noah Merrick, late of Caroline County deceased, that have come to his hands or possession, and that he doth not know of the other of a later date.
        certified by Richardson, Registrar.

The 30th December 1788. There came Margaret Merrick, one of the subscribing witnesses to the within last will and testament of Noah Merrick, late of Caroline County deceased, and made oath on the holy evengels of Almighty God, that she did see the testator herein named sign and seal this will, andthat she heard him publish, pronounce and declare the same to be his last will and testament; that at the time of his so doing, he was to the best of her apprehension of sound disposing mind, memory, and understanding, and that she subscribed her name as a witness to this will  in the presence and at the request of the testator, and in the presence of Chancy Merrick, who she also saw subscribe her name as a witness to this will in the presence and at the request of the testator.
        certified by Richardson, registrar.


Last Updated: January 2021