Power of Attorney given Frisby W. Yoe of Marion Co., OH

Settlement of John Prouse Sr. Estate
  July 12,1853
Submitted by Randy Prouse

Power of Attorney given Frisby W Yoe of Marion Co., OH
Settlement of John Prouse Sr Estate
July 12, 1853
Index: PRPO033 P. 568

Thomas F Garey Clk } Be it remembered that on the twelfth day of July in the year of our Lord Caroline County
to Wit one thousand eight hundred and fifty three came Frisby W Yoe of Marion County of Ohio & brought a Power of Attorney with two endorsements thereon and prayed to have the same enrolled among the Records of Caroline County and on the same day and year aforesaid the same Power of Atty and endorsements were enrolled as follows to wit:

Know all men by these presents that We George Prouse of Pickaway county Ohio one of the six children of John Prouse Jr deceased Thomas Anderson and Ann Anderson his wife of Pickaway county Ohio the said Ann Anderson being one of the six children of John Prouse Jr. deceased and Henrietta Prouse of the county of Pickaway Ohio one of the six children of John Prouse Jr deceased and the said John Prouse Sr decd being one of the children of John Prouse Ser decd late of the county of Caroline in the State of Maryland do hereby nominate constitute and appoint Frisby W Yoe of the county of Marion in the state of Ohio our Attorney for us and in our names to bargain sell and convey in fee simple by deed of general warrantee for such price upon such terms of credit and To such person or persons as he shall think fit the whole or any part of our intent and estate of the lands situated in the county of Caroline in the state of Maryland of which John Prouse Ser died and to whom the said George Ann Henrietta are grand children and further we hereby authorize our said Attorney for us and in our names to receive from the Executor of the said John Prouse Ser decd or other person having the possession of the same any sum of money or moneys to which we may be entitled out of the personal estate of the said John Prouse Ser and authorizing our said Attorney to give sufficient receipts under seal or otherwise for the same hereby ratifying and confirming all such bargains receipts for purchase money agreements and deeds as shall be made executed or acknowledged in the premises by our said Attorney the same as if we were personally present and did the same In witness whereof we have hereto set our hands and seals this thirteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three
George Prouse [Seal] Henrietta Prouse [Seal]
Thomas Anderson [Seal] and Ann Anderson [Seal]
Executed in the presence of John Ludning K N Henges In the state of Ohio Pickaway County SS

Personally appeared before me John Ludning a Justice of the Peace in and for said county. George Prouse Henrietta Prouse Thomas Anderson and Ann Anderson his wife and acknowledged the execution of the forgoing power of Attorney to be their voluntary and lawful act and deed for the purpose thereon expressed And the said Ann Anderson being at the same thime by me examined separate and apart from her said husband and the contents of the foregoing power of Attorney being by me made known to her she then and there declared herself satisfied therewith Given under my hand officially this 13th day of April AD 1853 John Ludning Justice of the Peace of Pickaway Co. The state of Ohio Pickaway County SS

S J Ambrose Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for said County do hereby certify that John Ludning Esq. before whom the aforegoing Power of Attorney was acknowledged was at the time thereof an acting Justice of the Peace within and for the County of Pickaway aforesaid duly Elected and qualified and that his signature thereto is genuine. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said Court at Circleville this 13th day of April AD 1853 S J Ambrose Clerk.

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