JESSEE HUBBARD Last Will and Testament

30 September 1807, Caroline County, Maryland, Liber JR #C, Folio 122
Submitted by Herb Thompson

In the name of God, amen. I Jessee Hubbard farmer of Caroline County in the State of Maryland, being weak and sick in body, but of perfect sound disposing mind, witnessing to God, amen and calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die, do therefore make ordain and publish this my last will and testament in form and manner following, that is to say.
First and principally of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of almighty God who gave it and my body to the earth to be decently buried in a christian-like manner at the discretion of my executors herein after named, and after my debts and funeral charges are paid and my wife’s third taken out. I devise and bequeath this remaining part of my property as follows to will.

Item, I give and bequeath to my son Edward Hubbard all that part of my land whereon he know lives agreeable to the “Stevenson” side on land between him and my son Peter Hubbard, and also a small piece about lying my son EdwardHubbard’s field supposed to contain about four acres which I swapt with James Douglass, to have and to hold unto him the said Edward Hubbard, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Peter Hubbard all the remaining part of my land on that side of the main road leading from Potters Landing to Northwest Fork Bridge wherein he now lives and also the Blacksmith’s tools which is now in his possession to have and to hold to him the said Peter Hubbard, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my two grandchildren Nicey Hubbard and Ennalls Hubbard, children of Tilghman Hubbard deceased, one hundred acres of land where my son, Tilghman Hubbard formerly lived, to be laid off in the following manner to will. To begin at my outline at Chapman’s field at Edward Hubbard’s line and to be laid off as near as possible to four four-square so as to make one hundred acres of land including the buildings, farm and improvements where my son TilghmanHubbard formerly lived, to have and to hold unto them the said Nicey Hubbard and Ennalls Hubbard children of Tilghman Hubbard to them their heirs and assigns forever, with this proviso that their mother Mahala Hubbard shall have the rents or income of the said land during her widowhood for support to her and her children if she shall behave in a prudent manner and not otherwise.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Jessee Hubbard all my dwelling plantation where on I now live together with all the land I own adjoining it, together with all and singular the improvements thereon, to have and to hold to him and his heirs or assigns forever.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my son John Hubbard all the land which I bought of George Collins lying and being in Caroline County, containing one hundred and sixty seven and three quarter acres more or less, with all and singular the improvements thereon, to have and to hold to him, his heirs and assigns forever with this proviso, that whereas my son Jesse Hubbard will have use of timber and there is plenty on the part I willed to my son John Hubbard it is my will and desire that my son Jessee Hubbard shall have liberty of getting firewood or other timber from of the land willed to my son John Hubbard where he clears ground or has it done and there is more than he wants for his own use.

Item, I give to my son Jessee Hubbard, one young mare which he now claims for his.

Item, I give to my son John Hubbard one young mare that is of the mare I give to my son Jessee.

Item, I give to my daughter Sarah Lucas, wife of William Lucas a new walnut table.

Item, I give all the rest and residual of my property, both real and personal to be equally divided amongst my three daughters Margaret Watkins, Nicey Collins and Sarah Lucas to have and to hold at their free will and disposal forever.

~ And lastly, I leave my beloved wife Priscilla Hubbard and my son Jessee Hubbard whole and solo executors of this my last will and testament, will and truly execute, do and perform all things therein written according to the best intent and meaning of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the said Jessee Hubbard have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this thirtieth day of September anno domini eighteen hundred and seven.

/s/ Jessee Hubbard

Signed sealed published and declared by Jessee Hubbard the within named testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence, and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
Frederick Holbrook
Thomas Stack
Levin Cremean

Whereas, I Jessee Hubbard of Caroline County have this 30th day of September 1807 duly execute the within mentioned, my last will and testament in writing which said last will and testament, and every claims, bequest, devise therein contained I do hereby ratify and confirm, but having neglected one thing which intended to mention therein. I do therefore hereby make this my codicil with which I will and direct shall be taken and held as a part of my said will and testament in manner. In form following, that is to say, wheras I am owing a balance to George Collins for the land I bought of him, it is my will that my son Jesse Hubbard and my son John Hubbard shall pay the same, as the land I have willed to them is of more value than that to my other sons; or if my Estate is compelled to pay it before they are of age that they shall pay as much to my daughters, as it amounts to when they shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, each of them paying one half to be equally divided amongst my daughters within mentioned. And it is my desire that the land willed to my daughters shall be sold and the money equally divided amongst them. I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal this 30th day of September 1807.

/s/ Jessee Hubbard
witnessess: Fredk. Holbrook, Thomas Stack, Levin Cremean

The 13th October 1807 Then came Priscilla Hubbard and Jessee Hubbard the witnesses by the will named and appointed being two of the people called quakers and did solemnly declare and affirm that the aforegoing instrument of writing is the true and whole will and testament and codicil of Jessee Hubbard late of Caroline County, deceased, that has come to their hands or possession and that they do not know of any other of a later date.

Caroline County }
The 13th October 1807 }

Then came Frederick Holbrook and Levin Cremean two of the subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing will and testament and codicil of Jessee Hubbard, late of Caroline County, deceased and serially made oath in the holy evangels of almighty God that they did see the testator herein named sign and seal this will and codicil that they heard him publish, pronounce and declare the same to be his last will and testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound disposing mind, memory and understanding and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will and codicil in the presence and the request of the testator and in the presence of each other and Thomas Stack who they saw subscribe this will and codicil in the presence and the request of the testator.

Certified by Richardson Ryle

Last Updated: January 2021