HITCH Will Abstracts

Submitted by Mike Hitch


In her will written June 15, 1857 and probated August 11, 1857, Ann R. Hitch, being weak of body:

· Give son Samuel S. Hitch, $50 at $10 when he reaches age 16 and $10 annually afterwards
· Give daughter Miriam Hitch the same when she reaches age 14
· Give stepson Ezra M. Hitch mantel clock
· Give stepdaughter Ann Emily Hitch white bed spread and two table cloths
· Give daughter William Catherine Gray residue of estate when she reaches age 21.

Friend and cousin Alexander P. Soulen, executor.
Witnesses: James R. Manship, Aaron A. Griffith.

(Caroline County Will Liber WGN, Folio 56)


In his will written April 27, 1867 and probated April 20, 1869, Samuel S. Hitch, being "sick and weak":

· Give L.E. Hooper, son of Mrs. Matthew Chilton, $400 when he reaches age 21
· Give half-brother Ezra M. Hitch $500
· Give sister Miriam Hitch the rest

James W. Saulsbury, executor.
Witnesses were Spencer Hitch, Matthew Chilton, William T. Willis.

(Caroline County Wills, Liber WGN, Folio 263)


In her will written September 30, 1880 with codicil written May 15, 1881 and another codicil written February 7, 1884 and finally probated on April 24, 1885, Sarah Hitch of Greensborough states:

· Wish to be buried in the M.E. churchyard in Greensborough, with suitable tombstone and install galvanized railing around remains of me, my family and the late John Russum and wife

· Give James M. Whitley, $400
· Give Alonzo Whitley, son of above, one set of silver tablespoons
· Give niece, Catherine Pritchett, $100
· Give Elizabeth Harper Hendris, $100
· Give Dr. John Lowry of Thomas, $10
· Give Mary I. Lank, daughter of Robert Lank, set of silver and $100
· Give Marietta Hignutt now living with me, furniture and house and land where I now reside in Greensborough opposite the new schoolhouse if she does not get married and continues to live with me single for the balance of my life.  If not, she does not get the house and land but will get the rest.  Then the house and land to be sold and she shall get $200.

James M. Whitley, sole executor.
Witnesses: Samuel J. Jarman, R.J. Ormell, George W. Betson.

Codicil 1: Change to give Marietta Hignutt all furniture.

Codicil 2: Change to give one silver sugar dish to Lizzie McClement Carter, daughter of Samuel M. Carter.

(Caroline County Wills, Liber WGN, Folio 683)


In his will written January 20, 1868 and probated July 22, 1873, Spencer Hitch:

·  Give wife Sarah Hitch all of real and personal estate, also a mortgage executed by George W. and Ann V. Betson for
the sum of $200.

Sarah Hitch, executor.
Witnesses were A.B. Roe, H.V. Green, M.M. Andrew.

(Caroline County Wills, Liber WGN, Folio 374)

A three dollar bank note from the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Greensborough, MD dated Aug 15, 1862, signed by Spencer Hitch, bank President. 

Last Updated: January 2021