Gleanings From Early Newspapers

All notices and articles were taken from the Denton Journal

Saturday, January 11, 1873, page 5

A SAD ACCIDENT—Mrs. Nancy Leverton, widow of Lemuel Leverton, on the 28th of December last, at her son’s, John Wilson, fell down stairs and breaking spectacles, which she had on at the time, sticking the fragments into her head.  She spoke but a few words afterwards, and died the next day.  She was a sister to the Rev. Sol. Kenton, deceased.  She was 71 years of age, and has been an exemplary Christian from early youth up to the time of her death.

Saturday, February 8, 1873, page 3

KILLED BY LIGHTNING-Mrs. Nathan Smith, living in the neighborhood of Burrsville, in this county, was killed by lightning on Tuesday night last during the thunder storm that prevailed in this section at that time. She had started to walk across the floor of her house with a plate in her hand, and when about half way was instantly killed.  A death from such a cause, at this season of the year, in this community, we presume has never occurred before.

Saturday, March  15, 1873

A TERRIBLE CASUALTY—Near Hillsborough, a gentleman by the name of Barcus had in his employ a native of Poland and his wife, also a German boy; and we learn on Sunday, the boy took down a pistol from its usual place, saying that he intended to show them how they shot rabbits in his country.  It is supposed that the boy did not know the pistol was loaded.  He pulled the trigger and the load passed just under the arm of the lady of the house into the body of the Pole’s wife.  She died in a short time. The husband became almost frantic, but the family did not apprehend further trouble than the grief it was natural for the terrible disaster to occasion.  In a short time after the death of the wife, however, some one on the farm had occasion to go to the barn, when they found the disconsolate man hanging by the neck, also dead.  His troubles were more than he could bear.

Saturday, June 28, 1873, page 4
THE JURIES—The following juries were drawn by Judge Wickes on Monday evening last, to serve at the October term of the Circuit Court for this county.
Francis Neal
Chas. Wright
Jas. A. Dixon
Jas. Hall
Sim. N. West
D. J. Zacharias
Wm. Noble
R. R. Emerson
Herbert A. Mason
R. O. Hicks
J. P. Fiero
J. T. Sangston
Jehu Blades
Thos. Melvin
Tilgh. Hubbard
Isaac J. Bell
O. C. Blades
J. H. Bernard
Wingate Neal
Tate F. Barton
Benj. Coursey
Wm. Morgan

G. W. Raughley
Thos. Hardesty
W. E. Saulsbury
N. Davis
Thos. Roe
Wm. Hynson
Jno. Nichols of E.
H. C. Culbreth
Sam’l Nichols
D. R. Heathers
C. W. Clarke
J. N. Marshall
Thos. F. Corkran
J. M. Whitby
S. Liden
R. J. Willoughby
W. H. Watkins
W. F. Liden
J.P.J. Hubbard
Owen Jones
Wm. H. Bullock
J. W. Hignutt
L. W. Pool
Geo. W. Collison


The following gentlemen were appointed by the Board of School Commissioners for this county, at an adjourned meeting held on the 3d inst., as District School Commissioners for the ensuing year.


  • Marydel, No. 1 – Wm. W. McKnott, David R. Heather, Simeon West
  • Bee Tree, No. 2 – Jas. Graham, Thos. H. Smith, Jas. Jones
  • Cool Springs, No. 3 – R. A. Spencer, Robert B. Culbreth, Wm. Hymen
  • Castle Hall, No. 4 – Dr. A. Hardcastle, Saml. J. Jarman, Henry C. Culbreth


  • Moore’s, No. 1 – Samuel Blank, Wm. Huison, D. S. Moore
  • Whiteleysburg, No. 2 – Johnathan Longfellow, Esma Lowe, John Carter
  • Greensborough, No. 3 & 4 – Wm. C. Satterfield, Dr. H. C. Comegys, Dr. Geo. W. Betson
  • Barcus, No. 5 – Robt. Jarrell, Wm. Pennington, Edward V. Morris
  • Bridgetown, No. 6 – James Hall, Dr. L. W. Evans, Wm. T. Jarman
  • Oakland, No. 7 – Jas. A. Roe, Jos. B. Orrel, Trustin Pippin
  • Ridgley, No. 8 – Jas. K. Saulsbury, Sylvester Smith, Wm. H. Vernon


  • Hillsborough, No. 1 – Chas. E. Jarrell, James B. Bishop, Hugh Duffey
  • Thawley’s, No. 2 – J. W. Clark, L. W. Jewell, George Sperry
  • Long’s, No. 3 – R. C. Carter, R. R. Emerson, Dr. E. E. Atkinson
  • Boonsboro’, No. 4 – Wm. Wilson, Thos. Dawson, Chas. A. Meede
  • Saulsbury’s, No. 5 – Edward Saulsbury, Henry Wilson, A. Draper
  • Denton, No. 6 & 7 – Jas. C. Redden, J. Boon Dukes, William Fell
  • Piney Grove, No. 8 – A. J. Greenly, Matthew Garey, W. W. Medford
  • Chipquapin, No. 9 – Thos. Hardesty, Wm. B. Stephens, Saml. M. Carter
  • Camp Grove, No. 10 – Wm. H. Deweese, Jas. W. Thawley, Alex. Russell
  • Willoughby’s, No. 11 – Wm. S. Eviits, Wm. H. Willey, Aaron Willoughby
  • Anderstontown, No. 12 – Wm. H. Charles, T. Nuttle, T. Andrew
  • Oak’s, No. 13 – Thos. H. Slaughter, S. Hobbs, C. Kirby
  • Harris’ Chapel, No. 14 – John R. Griffin, Eli Gorly?, John E. Williams


  • Hunting Creek, No. 1 – John E. Wright, Geo. W. Carroll, E. Satterfield
  • Poplar Neck, No. 2 – Willis Wright, Samuel R. Buckley, Peter Covey
  • Preston, No. 3 & 4 – Dr. H. F. Willis, J. B. Fletcher, Wm. Sisk
  • Union Grove, No. 5 – Robert Patton, Jehu Blades, J. W. Harris
  • Harmony, No. 6 – Danl. Sparklin, Chas. McNash, Thos. F. Corkran
  • Laurel Grove, No. 7 – M. P. Hutchinson, L. Duhadaway, N. Corkran
  • Gravley Branch, No. 8 – Thos. F. Johnson, Elijah Towers, Chas. H. Todd
  • Bethlehem, No. 9 – John A. Dillon, A. A. Griffith, A. C. Patchett


  • Liden’s, No. 1 – Shadrach Liden, Clement Noble, Philip Noble
  • Concord, No. 2 – John Ahern, Jos. Everngham, Jas. A. Dixon
  • Friendship, No. 5 – Saml. Nichols, J. W. Todd, John Smith
  • Federaslburg, No. 6 – Dr. Chas. W. Jefferson, Wm. H. Watkins, Henry Mobray
  • Davis’, No. 7 – N. Davis, Albert Davis, Alfred Davis

DEATH OF DR. J.W. CONOWAY—Doct. John W. Conoway died suddenly, at his residence, in Preston, on Wednesday night last.  He had been suffering for more than two years from cancer of the lip, extending to the mouth and glands of the neck, ending in sudden death by suffocation.  He was about 66 years of age.

Dr. Conoway has been long and favorably known to many in this and the adjoining county of Dorchester, having practiced his profession for more than forty years in Federalsbur, Greensborough and Preston.  Of him it may truly be said, as far as the writer knows that he had not an enemy in the world.  His religious life was consistent.

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”

Saturday, August 16, 1873, page 3

SUICIDE—John Shultz, a German, aged between 70 and 80 years, making his home with a Mr. Shaffer, near Greensborough, committed suicide on Friday morning last by shooting himself in the head.  He had been sick for some time, and was no doubt laboring under temporary insanity, as no cause was assigned for the rash act.  He was  a _?_ by trade and has resided in this county for three or four years past.

STRUCK BY LIGHTNING—During the thunder storm which passed over this section of country on Friday of last week, the barn of Mr. Wm. Slaughter, near Ridgeley station, was struck by lightning and entirely destroyed, together with all his straw, corn house, corn, wagon and harness, 90 bushels of wheat, 175 lbs. bacon, all his farming implements, 10 bus. of potatoes, 500 laths, 500 shingles, 500 feet of poplar plank and a half ton fertilizer.  Mr. Slaughter estimates his loss at $1200.  No insurance.

A NOBLE ACT BY A HEROIC YOUTH—It is with pleasure that we record the heroic act of a noble youth, the son of Mr. D. J. Zacharias, living on the east side of the Choptank river, between this place and Greensborough.  On Saturday last Mr. Henry D. Marvel, residing in the neighborhood, sent his three little sons to Mr. Zacharias’ mill, and while the grist was being ground, Mr. Marvel’s little sons in company with Mr. Zacharias’, varying in age from 7 to 12 years, went to the pond fishing, and becoming tired of this sport, all concluded to go bathing.  The youngest of Mr. Marvel’s sons, named Henry, by some means got out into deep water and the other little fellow becoming frightened by his cries for help gave the alarm, which brought to their assistance Charley Zacharias, a lad of 14 years, who was at the time at work in his father’s mill, and at the risk of his own life, plunged into the water, not even taking time to rid himself of his clothing, and after a desperate struggle succeeded in rescuing the drowning boy.  Young Marvel caught Charley Zacharias around the neck, and had it not been for his presence of mind and being an expert swimmer, both would have been drowned. Mr. Zacharias was from home at the time, no one was present except the small boys to render assistance, save Charley, who undoubtedly saved the life of young Marvel, for which noble act he deserves the highest praise.  It was a noble act in the life of a brave boy.

Saturday, September 20, 1873, page 2

A list of names registered in District No. 3, Caroline county, Md., at the sittings of the Register of voters, commencing the third Monday in Sept. and ending Wednesday, Sept. 17th, as provided by the Act of General Assembly of Maryland.

Baggs, Andrew Sr.
Baggs, Andrew Jr.
Beaven, John M.
Boston, Herbert c 

Collins, Samuel J.
Chance, H. A.
Catrop, John E.

Downs, Perry c
Downes, Reyner B.
Dill, James E.
Day, Matthias
Dill, James K.
Draper, Horney
Davis, Daniel

Flynn, Charles H.
Fountain, Risden E.

Gearheart, A. C.
Gardner, Samuel T.

Heather, Thos. E.
Hicks, Wm. E.
Hinson, C. H.

Johnson, Daniel c

Kingsburry, Martin V.

Legg, Wm. Henry

Melvin, Geo. T.
Murphy, Wm.
Meeds, T. F.
Murphy, Horatio
Murphy, Wm. H.
Morgan, Wm. T.

Nicholson, Chas. A.
Nichols, Geo. c

Pratt, Wm. H.
Potter, Geo. S.
Park, N. O.
Park, Jonas B.
Potter, Henry D.
Park, Elisha

Reynolds, Wm. C.
Russel, Alex. Jr.
Ringold, F.

Sneeds, Samuel
Slaughter, John S.
Saulsbury, Robt. H.
Sharp, W. Potter c
Smith, Charles A.
Smith, Theo. S.
Straughn, John
Starkey, Franklin
Smith, Perry c
Strawhand, Wm. H.

Thawley, Til.
Tuttle, A. N.
Tuttle, John M.
Thomas, Lewes c

Warren, Aug. T.
Walls, Wm. H.
Wilson, Chas. E.
Wilmot, John
Walls, Thos. C.

Names stricken from 
the Book of Registration
in District No. 3, 
Caroline co., Md.:
Camper, Frank H.
Christopher, Silas
Connolly, Wm.
Moore, David S.
Robinson, Luther
Roe, Levi D.
Ross, H. Spencer 
Stooks, Robt. C

J. Boon Dukes, Register.


Saturday, October 4, 1873, page 3

SUDDEN DEATH—John Nichols, Esq., of the 4th district, died very suddenly on Thursday morning last.  He was stricken down whilst on his way, on Wednesday, to Dorchester county in company with a young lady that he was taking from his house to her home, in that county.  The lady drove him to the house of a Mr. Payne, where he expired on Thursday morning, about one o’clock.  Mr. Nichols was a prominent man in the county, and represented as being very popular.  He was a steward and exhorter of the M.E. Church.  The rites of burial were performed on yesterday by the Masonic order.

Saturday, November  22, 1873, page 3

SUDDEN DEATH—Mrs. Rebecca Todd, widow of the late David Todd, residing with the family of A.W. Lord near Union Grove, fell from her chair on Sunday evening last, 16th inst., and expired in a few minutes.  Mrs. Todd had been in her usual health during the day, having walked to one of the neighboring houses in the afternoon.  She was a very estimable lady, and was about 64 years of age.

BURNED TO DEATH—Mrs. Elizabeth Fleetwood, aged 74 years, was burned to death at Milford, Del., last week, by her clothes taking fire.  When discovered she was lying upon the floor near the fire with her clothes entirely burned off, and a large portion of the body charred to a crisp.  Mrs. Fleetwood was a widow, and daughter of Rev. Charles Collins, deceased, who was a former resident of Milford, and a member of the Philadelphia conference.

Saturday, December 6, 1873, page 3

FATALLY BURNED—A little girl, 15 months old, only daughter of Mr. R.O. Christian, was fatally burned on Wednesday, Nov. 26th, by falling into the fire while Mrs. Christian was absent from the room for a moment.  Hearing a scream the mother hastened to the room to find her child fearfully burned over the right side of her head, face and neck; the right hand also was badly burned.  It is supposed that the little girl, who could not walk, had risen by a chair to push it forward, as she was wont to do, and, falling, had rolled into the fire.  Little Ollie was an unusually bright and sprightly child.  Much sympathy is felt in the community for Mr. and Mrs. Christian in this sad bereavement.

Saturday, December 13, 1873, page 3
IN JAIL—The friends of J. E. Johnson brought a lot of his goods and chattels to our town and placed them in jail on Thursday last.  Mr. Johnson’s friends decided, on the 4th of November last, that he should make the jail his home for the next two years, and his furniture has been placed there for his comfort and ease. Sheriff Evitts gave him the keys and has moved out of town.

MURDER—A foul murder is supposed to have been committed near Greensborough on Saturday night last.  A young man, by name, Wm. H. Phillips, son of Peter D. Phillips, who resides but a short distance from Denton, was on that night with several companions in Greensborough and drinking quite freely.  Before they separated, we learn, wrangling and fighting occurred between some of the parties.  About 10 o’clock, Phillips—then very much under the influence of liquor—bade his companions good nighht, and left, as he said, for the house of one John T. Dill who resided but a very short distance off.  At this point all knowledge of what became of him, where he went, or what befell him, further than conjecture or suspicion, so far as his friends are concerned, ceases.
M. Blades who lives in the same house with Dill, where young Phillips said he was going, went to Mr. Peter D. Phillips, the father of the missing young man, on Sunday and asked him if his son had come home, and being answered in the negative, he then said in an excited, anxious manner that “I must state the case to you, I think he is dead,” and stated that he had found his hat close to the river, and that he knew it and could swear to it.

It is generally conceded that the young man has been foully murdered, and that he was buried in the river.  Search has been made and is still being made for the supposed murdered man.  Excitement in regard to the matter is running high, and Dill and Blades have been arrested and are in our jail on suspicion of having had a hand in the murder.

There is no doubt in the minds of any one that we have converse with in regard to the matte but what the young man has been murdered, and the cause assigned in an improper intimacy with the wife of Dill.

Saturday, December 6, 1879, page 4

Henry Mullikin, an elderly invalid of Centreville, often expressed the wish that he could die and “get out of the way.”  The other morning he shot himself through the heart.

Saturday, March 19, 1881, page 3

Shadrack Fountain Liden, an upright and respectable citizen of Potter’s Landing, died at his residence on Sunday morning last, very suddenly from heart disease.  Mr. Liden was in his usual good health on Saturday and was in Denton attending the regular meeting of the Building Loan Association of which he was a prominent member.  But after sleeping soundly he was stricken towards morning with only a few moments warning.  He leaves a wife, a most estimable lady, and one child, a boy aged about ten years.  Mr. Liden was a thoroughgoman [sic] in everything he undertook, and by his energy and frugality had collected a fair portion of this world’s good.

Saturday, August 6, 1881, page 3

Denton was shocked on Thursday last by the death of a young and beautiful lady. Those who knew her in health will be astounded when they learn that Miss Lizzie Thawley was the victim.  A few weeks since she would pass our office daily to and from her school, looking lovely in white—a symbol of innocence and purity of soul that well became her.  He illness was attended with the most intense sutlering.  Her death, which had been expected and which she herself fervently prayed might relieve her, occurred Thursday morning about eleven o’clock, and it was triumphant.  “Mother, I see through the Pearly Gates!  I’m going,” were her last words.

Everyone knows the soul-harrowing pathos brought out by death; for who is so fortunate as never to have followed some one he has loved to the tomb?  But when innocence and beauty are called, laid low in the bloom of a happy existence, nothing can be more affecting.  The deceased last year attended school in the private family of Col. J. W. Bryant, having as preceptress Miss Lizzie Thomas.  She regularly attended Christ church.

Her burial took place in Hillsboro’ yesterday afternoon, and at the solemn consignment of the young body to the grave – “Earth to earth,  ashes to ashes, dust to dust!” –  the tears of youthful companions flowed unrestrained.  The mother, her only parent, was disconsolate and only thought of her child as a flower of the field, cut down and withered in the midst of its sweetness.  The family and all the young lady’s friends have our profound sympathy.

Mr. Charles B. Jones, aged 64, died suddenly Saturday of apoplexy, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. W.A. R. Griffith, No. 52 North Calhoun street, Baltimore.  Mr. Jones was in his usual health, and Saturday morning went up to Mr. Griffith’s on a visit.  The family were all away, no one being home but the servants.  About 1:30 o’clock one of the sons of Mr. Griffith came in and observed Mr. Jones asleep, as he thought, in an arm chair, as though he had fallen asleep while reading the paper.  When half an hour later an effort was made to rouse Mr. Jones he was found to be unconscious and apparently dead, his limbs being cold and rigid.  Three doctors were summoned and speedily on the spot, but he never gave any signs of consciousness, though some little life was observed, after which he shortly died. Mr. Jones was born in this county, and was once an enterprising merchant in Denton.  He went to Baltimore in 1848.  For many years he did a large commission business on South street, near Pratt street, the firm being Chaplain & Jones, but retired years ago.  He leaves a widow, son and two daughters.  Mr. Jones was re-cently on a visit to this place, and was in feeble health then.

Last Wednesday evening Mr. Richard Wright, aged 65 years, residing near Bloomery, was sitting in his porch shelling beans when without the slightest warning he fell to the floor, stricken with apoplexy.  He has since rallied but owing to his advanced age it is thought he will not recover.

On Sunday last, Alexander Vane, who lived in the lower part of this county, boarded an excursion train running over the Dorchester and Delaware railroad to Hurlock’s station where a colored camp was being held.  While the train was in motion Vane stumbled and fell through between the cars, and was caught by the steps and his body was shockingly mangled, both arms being broken, head cut and disfigured and otherwise injured.  Both arms were amputated above the elbow.  The terribly injured man died on Tuesday.

Saturday,  January 28, 1882, page 3

Probably in the history of this county never has one man had the hand of affliction more heavily placed upon him than Mr. Wm. Perry, of Preston.  Some time since it was noticed in the JOURNAL that his wife and three children had died within three weeks.  Last week the father followed to the grave the fourth child.

Saturday, June 17, 1882, page 3

Jacob Hess died suddenly in Washington some time ago, and was thought by the benevolent association that buried him to be in testate.  It would seem, however, that the deceased left property.  One Dr. Bond made application last week in the Probate Court in Washington for administration upon the estate of the deceased, and the usual order notifying interested parties to come forward was published.  On Monday last Mrs. John B. Isler, of Federalsburg, this county, presented to the Washington Probate Court a will of Jacob Hess, made the 27th of June 1878, in the presence of J. A. Rice, Paul Stuers and George D. Rice, in which he bequeaths his sister, Anna Nagle, of Cologne, Prussia, five dollars, the residue of his estate to John B. Isler, of Federalsburg, Caroline County, Md., whom he appoints his executor.

The petition of Dr. Bond filed on the 9th represents that Hess died without means and “was buried at the expense of Dawson Lodge of F.A.A.M., of which the petitioner is secretary.”  The will it is thought will lead to some litigation in court.

Saturday, September 16, 1882, page 3

Mr. James Roe, whose recent illness was mentioned in the  Journal a week or two ago, died somewhat unexpectedly last Thursday morning.  His health had been improving until last Sunday, when he was taken with a severe chill, followed by pneumonia, which was the immediate cause of his death.  Mr. Roe was born in Caroline county 82 years ago.  His life has been an exemplary Christian one, having for 35 years been a class leader in the M.E. Church in Tuckahoe Neck.

On Kent Island, Mr. Samuel Zacharias, a well known citizen of this county, died suddenly Tuesday last, at the residence of his son-in-law, Dr. Lewis, on Kent Island, Queen Annes’s county.  Mr. Zacharias, who was about seventy years of age and in excellent health, had gone to the stable for the purpose of harnessing his horse for a drive, and not returning to the house Dr. Lewis sought him at the stable, where he was found in the feed room in an insensible condition, and in a few minutes life became entirely extinct.  His hat was found in the loft above, a height of only seven feet, and there was a slight scar on the nose.  Whether Mr. Zacharias fell from the loft whilst in a fit and received fatal injuries or died from apoplexy was not determined.  He was a native of Pennsylvania and was highly respected.  Mr. Zacharias had been living in this county several years, where his son, Mr. Daniel Zacharias, is an influential citizen.  Deceased leaves five children.

Saturday, March 10, 1883, page 3

Mr. William F. Beauchamp, a highly esteemed citizen of Hillsborough, died of pneumonia on Wednesday evening last.  He was 41 years of age and unmarried.  His amiable and jovial disposition won many friends to him, and his untimely death will be sadly felt.  Mr. Beauchamp has for several years carried on the carpentering business.

Saturday, April 14, 1883, page 3

Estella Manship, eighteen years old, the daughter of Rev. Andrew Manship, in Philadelphia, while dressing herself Monday evening accidentally set fire to a garment at a gas-jet.  She was instantly enveloped in flames, but, instead of endeavoring to extinguish them, ran down stairs in her fright.  This served to increase the blaze.  Her father, hearing her shrieks, ran to her assistance, but she flung him aside and ran into the street, where he and the passers-by succeeded in tearing off the remnants of the charred garment.  The young woman was dangerously burned upon the body and limbs, and died the next day.  Her father’s hands and wrists were badly scorched.

Peter Wilson, born and raised in Tuckahoe Neck, on the farm where Charles H. Shields now resides, died at his home near Smyrna, Del., last week, in the 73d year of his age.  A sister and numerous relatives are living in this county.

The old rickety jail has three rooms in which prisoners can be kept—two cells on the first floor and one above.  The other apartments of the building, occupied by the sheriff’s family, consist of a basement, sitting room and three bed rooms.  Another room was intended to confine prisoners in, but it is used by the sheriff for storage.

Mrs. Frances Belle Beachamp, the woman indicted for the murder of her husband, occupies the cell on the second floor.  This room is located in the north-eastern corner of the building, and is the most secluded place of confinement about the prison, having but one window and that opening on the jail yard.  The room is furnished only with an iron cot, stool chairs, and a stove.  The prisoner spends most of her time in reading and sleeping.  Her visitors are received with pleasant greetings, but she seems much depressed by the enormity of the accusation against her.  When left alone she has often been heard to say to herself, “Oh, I am so tired.”  There was an affecting scene in the cell last Tuesday, when her child, a bright boy of two years, was brought to see his mother.  The little fellow, now for the first time from his mother’s breast, is cared for by relatives.  It is Mrs. Beachamp’s wish that her boy should not be with her in prison.  A number of ladies of town called at jail Wednesday, and Mrs. Beachamp was glad to see them, and chatted freely, but was quite broken down by their kindly sympathy and their hopes that she could prove her innocence expressed as they departed.  Mrs. Beachamp, now hardly middle-aged, is a woman of perfect health and is decidedly good-looking.  The long, square, clear-cut features of her face are not out of symmetry.  Her face is striking and once was exceedingly pretty, but it indicates a strong will at first glance.

In a cell directly below this is Jas. Ahearn, the man whose name has been recently connected with Mrs. Beachamp’s and who was indicted as an accessory before the fact in the poisoning of Martin Beachamp. Ahearn, as his name implies, is an Irishman, of decidedly Hibernian features, low forehead, dark complexion and is unprepossessing.  He calls to Mrs. Beachamp occasionally, and the two, together with a crazy man confined on the same floor with Ahearn, engage in loud talk, in which the woman takes no part but to respond to questions by Ahearn.

The following is a list of the 75 talesman to serve at the session of court on the 24 inst., at which the Beachamp case will come up for trial.  The names were drawn that no delay may occur in getting a jury.

W.H. Watkins          J.H. Douglas
Chas. Ellwanger       Mark E. Noble
C.H. Shields          E.S.H. James
Ernest Downes         G.W. Camper
Owen Lynch            T.W. Smith
R.E. Coursey          Nathaniel Roe
W.H. Mowbray          T. Nuttle
Edw. Saulsbury        J. Rumbold
Robt. J. Orrell       M.H. Gray
Chas. H. Whitby       Jas. R. Manship
W.J. Blackiston       T.H. Jarman
Levin W. Pool         Jas. A. Roe
Jos. B. Orrell        N. Horsey of R.
Wm. Massey            W.C. Satterfield
Capt. Thos. Eaton     C.E. Roe
Jas. W. Holt          P.D. Taylor
Walter Massey         J.H. Horsey of W.
Wm. G. Horsey         B. Coursey
Jas. G. Redden        J.F. Dawson
J.A. Heller           Hugh Duffy
Esma Lowe             W. Pennington
T.H. Slaughter        N. Horsey of S.
Jno. W. Clark         S. Nichols
Frank S. Todd         John S. Walters
R.E. Harris           Mat. Chilton
W.R. Emerson          J.S. Willis
R.B. Culbreth         S.G. Boyer
Saulsbury Hobbs       J.R. Fountain
Evan Morgan           W.A. Liden
T.M. Cooper           C.W. Hobbs
R.J. Carter           J.B. Bishop
E.M. Towers           E.C. Gullett
W.E. Liden            W.H. Willey
S.M. Carter           J.H. Vangesel
Jas. Wright           G.W. Smith
T.W. Porter           W.H. Deweese
N.J. Corkran          J.Y. Graham
E.W. Williamson

Saturday, June 23, 1883, page 3

        Roy Warren, a ten year old son of County Commissioner Warren, of Denton, fell from the bridge Monday afternoon and was drowned. In company with another boy about the same age, Roy sat fishing on the stone pier on which the draw rests, having his bait on the bridge. While climbing up to rebait his hook, he lost his hold and fell head foremost against the stone pier and then slid into the water.  The fall probably killed him.  The unfortunate little fellow’s companion could have brought assistance from the store nearby if he had given the alarm, but he stood unable to speak until the body disappeared.  He then hastened up town and breathlessly told of the drowning as above.  Among the first to learn of the sad accident was Mrs. Warren.  She had only a few minutes before given her little boy permission to go to the bridge fishing.  She was told that Roy had fallen overboard and hurrying to the river saw a floating hat and the fate of her boy was plain.  The anguish of the mother was heartrending.  All manner of grappling irons were used and a hauling seine dragged the river in the vicinity all the afternoon.  After night the search was kept up with hooks and about ten o’clock the body was brought up by Harry Mason, being raised by the fishing line yet firmly held.  The forehead of the drowned boy showed a deep cut, which was received in the fall on the stone pier.
        When the corpse of the drowned boy was brought home to his parents on Monday night death had been hovering about the house, and on Thursday morning little Malcom Warren, three years old, was claimed.  His sickness began last Friday week from eating green apples.


Last Updated: January 2021