Bill of Sale William MEDFORD to John RUMBOLD

Dated 24 January 1816
Submitted by Sandra L Willis

The following transcription of a Bill of Sale from William MEDFORD to John RUMBOLD was probably not recorded as I can not find any stamp or impression on this document.

Know all men by these presents that I William MEDFORD Sen of dorchester county and State of Marryland for the consideration of the sum of one Hundred and thirty dollars current money to me in hand payd by John RUMBOLD of Caroline County and State aforesaid the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained sold and delivered and by these presents do grant bargain sell and deliver unto the said John RUMBOLD my Negro Boy caled Charles wich said Boy Charles I will warrant and defend to the said John RUMBOLD his Executors administrators and assigns against my Executors and administrators and against every other purson or persons whomsoever In Witness where of I have hereunto set my name and affixed my Seal this 24th day of January Eighteen Hundred Sixteen in the presants of
Signed and Sealed William MEDFORD


Test Arthur LOVEL

Last Updated: January 2021