GAREY HITCH Court Records

Submitted by Mike Hitch

On March 26, 1816, Garey Hitch was appointed guardian to Sally C. Ross, age 13, orphan daughter of ______ Ross – she accepted the appointment.  Note that this was Garey’s eventual second wife and places her birth at between April 1802 and March 1803.
(Caroline County Orphan’s Court Proceedings, entitiled the “1815 Book”, unpaged)

On May 23, 1816, a letter granted to Gary and William Hitch on the estate of Daniel Adams deceased in Caroline County.  On the same date, letters were granted to “Garry” and William Hitch on the estate of Lovey Adams with Edward Pritchett, Roger Wright Jr., James Houston and Fred Holbrook as appraisers.  Finally, on this date, it states Gary Hitch to search? for Sally C. Ross guardian.
(Caroline County, MD Orphan’s Court Minutes (rough) MSA-9988, Loc. 1/3/1/1)

On May 28, 1816, order was granted to Gary Hitch and William Hitch to sell the estate of Lovey Adams (NOTE: Lovey Adams was Gary and William Hitch’s sister-in-law, nee Lovey Ross).  At the same time, Gary Hitch was appointed guardian to Anthony Adams, age 8 years and William Adams, age 6 years, orphans of Daniel C. Adams. WilliamHitch was appointed guardian to Edward Adams, age 1 year and Margaret Adams age 3 years also orphans of Daniel C. Adams.
(Caroline County, MD Orphan’s Court Minutes (rough) MSA-9988, Loc. 1/3/1/1; also Orphan’s Court Proceedings, “1815 Book”, unpaged)

On August 29, 1816, Garey Hitch "of Sussex County, Delaware" brought a Deed of Mortgage with two endowments to have enrolled in the records of Caroline County.  They concerned a mortgage bond dated January 11, 1816 that bound William Meares of Caroline County to Garey Hitch for $311. Meares used for collateral 129 acres of land in Caroline County that adjoined Sovern Dawson, heirs of Jacob Wright and Minous Connaway et al.
(Caroline County Land Records, TR-S-552)

On September 3, 1816, Garey Hitch  "of Sussex County, Delaware" bought 69½ acres of land from James Wright of Caroline County for $261.  The land is a tract called "Peters Epithable Lott" and "Walker’s Addition" standing on the Maryland/Delaware border.
(Caroline County Land Records, TR-S-554)

On October 17, 1816, Gary Hitch is listed in the records of the Orphan’s Court as “Gary Hitch for 4 ____________ for Sally C. Ross guardian.
(Caroline County, MD Orphan’s Court Minutes (rough) MSA-9988, Loc. 1/3/1/1)

On March 31, 1818, the orphan account of Sally C. Ross was presented by Garey Hitch to the Orphan’s Court, examined and approved.
(Caroline County Orphan’s Court Proceedings, Book Commencing 8 May 1817, unpaged)

On May 11, 1819, the orphan account of Sally C. Ross was presented by Garey Hitch to the Orphan’s Court, examined and approved.
(Caroline County Orphan’s Court Proceedings, Book Commencing 27 Oct 1818, unpaged)

 In the 1820 Federal Census for Caroline County, Maryland, Garey Hitch is listed on page 114 with a household consisting of two males under age 10, one male age 26-45, two females under age 10, two females age 10-16, and two females age 16-26.

On May 12, 1820, Garey Hitch of Caroline County sold 160 acres of land for $1,500 to Hugh Valliant of same. Tracts were "Lockermans" and part of "Milly Hope".
(Caroline County Land Records, JR-N-48)

On October 14, 1822, Garey and Sarah Hitch sold 160 acres of land for $2,532 to William Potter, all of Caroline County.  The land was where Richard Andrews was living as a tenant and was encumbered by a mortgage with Isaac and Jacob Cannon of Sussex County, Delaware.
(Caroline County Land Records, JR-N-507)

On August 26, 1823, Garey Hitch, Tilghman Davis, Robert Medford, and Daniel Williams were appointed commissions to sell the land of Morgan Williams.
(Caroline County Land Records, JR-O-149)

On June 29, 1824, the orphan accounts of William and Anthony Adams were presented by Garey Hitch to the Orphan’s Court, examined and approved.
(Caroline County Orphan’s Court Proceedings, 1821-1827, unpaged)

On September 25, 1827, the orphan accounts of William and Anthony R. Adams were presented by Garey Hitch to the Orphan’s Court, examined and approved.
(Caroline County Orphan’s Court Proceedings, 1821-1827, unpaged)

On January 12, 1830, Garey Hitch sold 167½ acres of land for $670 to William Potter, both of Caroline County. This land included tracts called "Back Hare", "Addition to Rauley", "Addition to Lisks Prospect", "Addition to Miles Swamp", and "Blackwell."  The record refers to a deed of Abraham Ross and wife to Clement Ross on April 30, 1820.  (Caroline County Land Records, JR-Q-323)

In the 1830 Federal Census for Caroline County, Garey Hitch is indicated on page 325 in the Lower District with a household consisting of one male under age 5, one male age 20-30, one male age 40-50, one female age 10-15, three females age 20-30, one female age 30-40, and no slaves.

On May 7, 1830, Garey Hitch and William Potter, Gentleman, both of Caroline County sold land for $2,215 to Joseph Vickers and Charles Davis, both of Sussex County, Delaware.   The land included 443½ acres of tracts "Richards Farm", "Rosses Cross", and "Out Range."
(Caroline County Land Records, JR-Q-387).

In the 1846 Tax List for Caroline County, Gary Hitch is listed in the Middle District assessed with $1,084 and taxed $6.50.  (Caroline County, MD Tax List – 1846, MSA)

A sale of land was conducted in Greensborough, Caroline County, on November, 27, 1847 where Garey Hitch was highest bidder.  It was part of the case Thomas A. Turner, executor of William Turner versus William and Sarah Weeks et al.  The case resulted in an auction that was announced in the newspaper “Stewart’s Familae(?)” and hand bills placed throughout Caroline County.  The sale was conducted at Sherwood’s Hotel in Greensborough at 2:00 p.m. on the said date.  Garey Hitch bought land described as all that farm or percel called “Jackson’s Hardship,” 165 acres plus two 5 acre plots adjoining for $905.  Garey paid $400 down and received surety of William A. Tatem for the balance.  Other land sold as two lots on Old Tam Branch, a total of 20 acres, to William Sapp for $80. James L. Bartol was the trustee for the sale.
(Chancery Records, Liber B-171, Folio 602; MSA microfilm SR-5172)


The will of Garey Hitch was written on January 3, 1855 and probated January 23, 1855 as being "sick and weak in body, sound and disposing mind":

· Give wife Ann R. Hitch, farm and premises I now reside

· Give son Ezra M. Hitch farm he resides containing 120 acres

·  Give eldest daughter Ann Emily Hitch land called "Ennals Entrance" and "Addition to Venture" containing 153¾ acres and 18 acres purchased of Thomas Numbers

·  Give son Samuel S. Hitch and daughter Miriam Hitch $3,675 - $80 per year to their guardian until they are of age

· Give step daughter William Catherine Gray large mahogany frame clock

· Give grandson Peter Everngan $62.50 when he is of age

· Give, after death of wife Ann R. Hitch, sell farm to highest bidder and give $600 to son Ezra M. Hitch with residue to go to other three children Ann Emily, Samuel S. and Miriam Hitch.

Son Ezra M. Hitch, executor.
Witnesses: A.P. Saden, James R. Manship, A.A. Griffith.

(Caroline County Wills, Liber WGN, Folio 11)


Last Updated: January 2021