Taylor County

Voter Registration Roll, 1867-68

Adams, Felix M.
Adams, Flavious J.
Albritton, John T.
Albritton, William G.
Applewhite, General W.
Ayres, John H.

Barker, William F.
Barnett, John N.
Beaty, Robert H.
Bennett, William
Bevan, William
Bird, Abraham, H.
Bird, Silvanious
Blanten, Elbert C.
Blanton, David F.
Blanton, James A.
Blanton, James E.
Blanton, Luther L.
Blue, Colon
Blue, Samuel
Bozzele, Henry B. H.
Brannan, Francis J.
Brannan, Houston E.
Braxton, Anderson
Bridges, Emanuel
Brook, William D.
Brooks, Benjamin F.
Buckhannan, Henry
Burch, George C.

Carlten, Thomas A.
Carlton, John P.
Carlton, Robert R.
Carlton, Thomas L.
Carlton, William
Carver, Elijah
Carver, Henry R.
Carver, James M.
Carver, Sampsen B.
Clark, Drury J.
Clark, George W.
Clark, John T.
Coffee, Allen G.
Coffee, Henry E.
Coffee, James R.
Coffee, Simon
Coker, Allen
Coker, Bryant
Coker, Daniel J.
Coker, Isam T.
Coker, John A.
Collins, George C.
Colson, Benjamin
Colson, James
Colson, Jesse
Colson, Jessee Sr.
Colson, Lewis
Connel, Abner B.
Cooker, James
Cox, Clement W.
Cox, Eli H.
Cox, Thomas A.
Cox, Thomas F.
Cox, William
Crawley, George W.
Cruce, James F.
Cruce, John A. J.
Cruce, Thomas O.

Damon, Peter
Dasher, Benjamin
Davis, Allen B.
Davis, Elijah
Davis, James
Davis, Momos D.
Deal, Zachariah
Decassey, Henry
Devane, James.
Devane, Samuel R.
Dickinson, Edward V.

Eakin, George W.
Earnest, Elishar
Easters, Alfred
Edwards, Willis W.
Ellison, Henry E.
Ellison, Joshua H.
Ellison, Moses Jr.
Emmersen, Charles W.
English, Joseph H.
English, William
Enterkin, James
Erickson, John
Ezele, Charles C.
Ezele, Joshua H.
Ezell, Edward F.

Faulkner, Andrew J.
Faulkner, John M.
Faulkner, Zachariah T.
Fife, Spencer P.
Fort, William A.

Gambol, David
Glover, George H.
Granderson, Charles
Grantham, John
Grice, Wiley
Grubbs, William H.

Ham, Hardy
Hampton, James W.
Hampton, Joseph L.
Harmon, William
Harrell, James C.
Harrison, Jessee
Harvile, James
Heace, Willis
Hedgecock, Solomon F.
Henderson, William C.
Hendry, John W.
Hendry, Robert M.
Hendry, William E.
Hill, Green B. Jr.
Hill, Green B. Sr.
Hill, John W.
Hill, Theophilus
Hinten, John J.
Hodges, Ezekiel L.
Hodges, Fredrick
Hogan, James H.
Houck, David
Houck, Frances M.
Howell, Daniel
Howell, Mason J

Inman, Willis

Jackson, Martin V.
Jenkins, James U.
Johnson, Isaac
Johnson, James W.
Johnson, Milton
Johnson, Moses
Johnson, William N.
Jordan, Thomas C.

Keen, George W.
King, Nathan C.
King, William
Kinsey, James J.

Lamb, John F.
Laneer, Lewis F.
Lee, Isaac
Lernous, Macom
Lewis, John
Lewis, Levi T.
Linton, Hampden S.
Lovett, Zachariah O.
Lundy, James
Lundy, James T.
Lundy, Mathew W.

Maddox, William
Marshale, Edward
Matthis, David L.
Matthis, James T.
Matthis, John H.
Matthis, Joseph W.
Matthis, Malakiah
Matthis, Milton R.
Matthis, Rice
Maxwell, William B.
McAulley, Donald N
McCray, Clem
McDonald, W. J.
McDowele, William F.
McGuyre, Francis
McLeod, Zachariah O.
McMullin, John F.
McMullin, Thomas J.
McMullin, William
McPherson, John J.
Merritt, William J.
Minheart, Andrew
Monroe, Garrett
Moody, Gabriel
Moody, James W.
Moody, Joshua
Moss, John R.
Murphey, John

Neely, Charles
Nichols, John M.
Noles, Wiley

O'Harra, Charles F.
Oquinn, Allen
Oquinn, Andrew M.
Oquinn, David F.
Osteen, John
Osteen, Shadrick
Osteen, Thomas

Page, James J.
Parker, Berry F.
Parker, Daniel J.
Parker, Mills W.
Peacock, James M.
Poppele, Belford U.
Poppele, Paul
Poppell, Boyd D.
Poppell, Nathan W.
Poppell, William R.
Powele, Robert

Reding, Alexander
Reese, Drewry W.
Reese, Jasper
Richardson, Mark
Richerson, McCager
Riley, William
Roberson, Thomas E.
Roberts, James G.
Robertson, George
Rogers, Joseph B.
Rogers, William O.

Saddler, Bartlet
Sanders, Garrott
Sapp, Jackson
Sappington, Joseph H.
Sever, William W.
Sheperd, William
Shepherd, Thomas
Shuffield, Bryant
Shuffield, Gasson G.
Shuffield, James B.
Simmons, Alderman
Simmons, Moses
Slaughter, James D.
Slaughter, Moses W.
Smith, Shedrick N.
Stanford, Joseph H.
Stanland, Boaz
Stanland, Rabon C.
Stanland, William S.
Starling, Alfred
Stephens, James H.
Strickland, John
Stroud, James
Sutton, David S.
Sutton, John H.
Sutton, Lewis B.

Tedder, Benjamin W.
Thomas, Adam
Thomas, Lawson
Timmons, Isaac J.
Tullington, Charles E.
Tuten, James A.

Vann, Emoy

Wade, Daniel
Wentworth, James H.
Whatley, Willis R.
Whiddon, Wiley W.
Whitefield, Stephen W.
Whitehurst, Israel
Whitfield, Stephen W.
Whitty, Edward
Wilder, Edward M.
Wilder, Hesekiah H.
Wilder, John M. Sr.
Wilder, Thomas T.
Wilder, William W.
Willcox, Samuel A.
Williams, Benjamin D.
Williams, Cremel
Williams, William
Williams, William M.
Williamson, Stepney
Wilson, David S.
Woods, Daniel G.
Woods, Robert S.

York, Thomas

Compiled from Florida Memory, State Library and Archives of Florida.

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