Taylor County

Faulkner’s Company A Roster

Major Charles J. Munnerlyn’s Battalion
1st Battalion Florida Special Calvary

"The Cow Calvary"


James W. Faulkner: Captain - James W. Faulkner was born in Jasper County Georgia. His father John M. Faulkner was also born in Georgia; he is listed on the 1850 Fayette County Georgia census. By 1850 James W. Faulkner was living in Pike County, Alabama and by 1860 he is on the Taylor County, Florida census. He first enlisted at Camp Mary Davis near Tallahassee, in Captain W. M. Footman’s Company F 1st Florida Cavalry on November 25, 1861. He is listed on the muster roll as a Blacksmith. He was discharged in 1862 due to illness. He became Captain of the newly formed Company A, 1st Battalion Florida Special Cavalry in April, 1864 at Taylor County, Florida.

Edward Jordan: 1st Lieutenant – Mr. Jordan is listed on the 1860 Taylor County census as a farmer. He was born in Georgia. Mr. Jordan served as Sheriff of Taylor County from 1859 till 1868.

G. W. Hendry: 2nd Lieutenant

William W. Wilder: 2nd Lieutenant - Mr. Wilder is listed on the 1870 Taylor County census as a farmer and he was born in Georgia.

Mills W. Parker: 3rd Lieutenant – Mr. Parker is listed on the 1870 Taylor County census as a farmer and he was born in Georgia.

John M. Towles: 1st Sergeant - Mr. Towles is listed on the 1870 Taylor County census as a farmer, he was born in Georgia.

Daniel C. Barker: Sergeant – Mr. Barker is listed on the 1860 Taylor County census. His occupation is a Blacksmith and he was born in South Carolina.

Elisha G. Barker: Sergeant - Mr. Barker was born in South Carolina and is on the 1860 Taylor County census. He enlisted in Captain J.W. Faulkner's Company A, on May 10, 1864. He died in Madison, County on the 7th of January, 1894.

William E. Hendry: Sergeant – Mr. Hendry is listed on the 1860 Taylor County census. He is 15 years old and was born in Georgia.

Moses Simmons: Sergeant – Mr. Simmons is listed on the 1870 Taylor County census. His occupation is a wheelwright, he was born in Georgia.

B. F. Stokes: Sergeant

William F. Barker: Corporal – Mr. Barker is listed on the 1870 Taylor County census. His occupation was a farmer and he was born in South Carolina.

William C. Henderson: Corporal - Mr. Henderson was born November 18, 1846 in Madison, County Florida. He joined Captain J.W. Faulkner's Company A in March or April 1864 in Taylor County. He was mustered out at Camp Carlton in Taylor County at the close of the war. Mr. Henderson applied for a soldier's pension in December 1907. He died August 3, 1908 in Taylor County.

John W. Hendry: Corporal - Mr. Hendry was born in Thomas County, Georgia on April 21st. 1848. He first enlisted in Captain Vance Randall’s Company in the fall of 1864. He transferred to Captain J.W. Faulkner's Company A in Madison, Florida around June, 1864. He was discharged in Taylor, County at the close of the war. Mr. Hendry applied for a soldier's pension in 1909 in Taylor County.

Archibal O’steen: Corporal:


Felix M. Adams: Mr. Adams was born in Taylor County, Florida August 31, 1845. He is on the 1860 Taylor County census. He enlisted at Camp Carlton, in Taylor County, in March, 1864 and was discharged at Mosley Hall, April, 1865. Mr. Adams applied for a soldier's pension on July 20, 1907 in Taylor County Florida. He lists his address as Fenholloway, Florida Taylor County. Mr. Adams died October 6, 1920 in Taylor County.

Edmond Anderson:

John Anderson:

John Barnett: Mr. Barnett is listed on the 1860 Taylor County census as a farmer and he was born in South Carolina.

Benjamin Bennett: Mr. Bennett was born, in Beauford County, South Carolina May 4, 1845. He enlisted March 1864, at Camp Carlton in Taylor County, Florida. He was paroled at Madison, Florida April 20, 1865. His pension application of 1909 shows his post office address was Salem, Florida. Mr. Bennett died in Taylor County, Florida, September 2, 1920.

J. C. Bennett:

D. M. Bryant:

Edward F. Bryant: Mr. Bryant was born in New Hanover County, North Carolina August 23, 1845. He enlisted in Captain Faulkner’s Company A, May 10, 1864. Sometime after his enlistment he was detailed to Jefferson County, to Captain E. J. Lutterloh’s Company. He was discharged in 1865 at Mosely Hall in Madison County, Florida.

Stephen Eli Carlton: Mr. Carlton enlisted May 10, 1864 at Camp Carlton in Taylor County. He was discharged at Camp Carlton May 20, 1865. He died July 28, 1889 in Polk County, Florida.

Jacob Chancy: Mr. Chancy was commended in the Official Records by Confederate Lieutenant Colonel H. D. Capers for guiding his troops in Taylor County, in their sweep through the county in 1864 to try and capture deserter’s in the William W. Strickland group. He said; I would respectfully commend to the commanding General the service of Mr. John Townsend and Jacob Chancy, whose perfect knowledge of the country and great activity make their services indispensable in this service. It would have been impossible for me to have penetrated these swamps even with a compass without their aid.

E. A. Clark:

J. C. Coker: - This is possibly the James Coker listed on the 1860-70 Taylor County censuses.

Nathan Coker: - Mr. Coker is listed on the 1870 Taylor County census as a farmer and was born in Georgia.

W. L. Cole:

Burr Cosby:

Isam Cruize: Possibly I. A. Cruse listed on the 1860 Taylor County census

A.B. Davis:

Capers Dewitt:

Bery Dugus: This is possibly Berry A. Driggers. The name Bery Dugus appears on the roll of Captain Faulkner’s Company A, it shows he enlisted September 1 1864 at Fenholloway, Florida (Taylor County). He was surrendered at Tallahassee, Florida May 10 1865 as B. Duggens and was paroled as B. A. Driggers May 17 1865 at Madison Florida.

J.I. Edwards:

John Edwards:

J. B. Enecks:

C. C. Ezell: Charley C. Ezell is listed on the 1860 Taylor County census age 15 in the household of Alexander Ezell. He was born in North Carolina.

David Ezell: Mr. Ezell was born in North Carolina on November 9th, 1846. He is on the 1860 Taylor County census. He enlisted in either late December 1864 or early January 1865, at Camp Carlton in Taylor County. Mr. Ezell was in Taylor County at the close of the war, he surrendered his rifle and cartridge box at Camp Carlton and was given a verbal discharge by Captain Faulkner. Those in the unit with horses went to Madison and were paroled. He was approved for a soldier’s pension in Lafayette County in 1909.

J. H. Ezell: Joshua H. Ezell is listed as a mechanic on the 1860 Taylor County census. He was born in North Carolina. He had a contract with the Confederate government to build barrels, in Taylor County during the war.

W. H. Ezell: Mr. Ezell was born in Cumberland County, North Carolina on September 15, 1850. He enlisted at Camp Carlton June 1, 1864. He was detailed by Captain Faulkner from June 1, 1864 till the end of the war to make barrels. His father Joshua H. Ezell had a contract with the Confederate government for barrels.

A.J. Faulkner: Records show Mr. Faulkner first enlisted in Company E. 1st Alabama Infantry, on July 26, 1861. He served 12 months and was discharged because of disabilities. He reenlisted in Captain J.W. Faulkner's Company A, in May of 1864 at Taylor County, Florida. He served till the end of the war in 1865. Mr. Faulkner filed for a soldier's pension in Taylor County on July 17, 1897. He died in Taylor County on March 29, 1902.

C. L. Fribley:

Richard L. Garrison:

Thomas L. GoodBread:

R. N. Griffis:

Thomas L. Gunter: Mr. Gunter was born in Mississippi, September 15, 1846. He enlisted in April of 1864 at Camp Carlton in Taylor County. In August 1864 he was detailed with several others to go to Jefferson County with Bill Thomas to guard cattle and gather, jerk and ship beef to the army. He was doing this when the surrender came. He was discharged June of 1865 at Tallahassee. He applied for a soldier's pension in 1907 at Taylor County, Florida. He lists his address as Spring Warrior, Florida. Mr. Gunter died in 1914 and is buried in New Hope Cemetery.

Thomas B. Hendry: Mr. Hendry was born in Thomas County, Georgia on April 21, 1848. He first enlisted in Captain Vance Randall’s Company. In June of 1864 he transferred to Captain J.W. Faulkner's Company at Madison, Florida around June, 1864. He was discharged in Taylor, County at the close of the war. Mr. Hendry applied for a soldier's pension in 1909 in Taylor County.

John W. Hill: Mr. Hill was born in Taylor County, Florida April 16, 1847. He appears on the 1860 Taylor County census. In May of 1864 he joined Captain J. W. Faulkner's Company at Camp Carlton in Taylor County. He was discharged at the same location in 1865 at the close of the war. Mr. Hill applied for a soldier's pension in July of 1907, he died December, 1909.

Ezekiel Hodges:

W. P. Johnson:

M. C. Mathis: Mr. Mathis was born in Madison County, Florida May 27, 1847. He enlisted in Captain J.W. Faulkner's Company, July 27, 1864 at Taylor County. He was discharged at Perry, Florida in May of 1865.He applied for a soldier's pension in Madison, County September 9, 1897. He died in Madison County, Florida February 21, 1918. His widow applied for a pension in Taylor County, April 1, 1918.

G. W. Maxwell: Mr. Maxwell was born October 28, 1844 in Stewart County, Georgia. He enlisted at Camp Carlton in January of 1864. Some time after enlistment he was detailed to Captain E. J. Lutterloh’s Company. He was discharged at Mosely Hall, Florida in 1865.

James H. Mazingo:

D. C. McDonald:

Thomas J. McDaniel: Mr. McDaniel was born in Marion County, South Carolina, on November 11, 1847. He enlisted at Camp Carlton in February of 1864. In 1908 Mr. McDaniel applied for a soldier’s pension at Madison County, Florida. He died in Madison County March 10, 1911.

Norman McDonald: Mr. McDonald was born December 23, 1846 in Lowndes County, Georgia. He enlisted at Taylor County, Florida on May 10, 1864. He was discharged at Madison, Florida in May of 1865. He applied for a soldier’s pension at the same place in 1907.

J. D. McMullen: Mr. McMullen was born in Madison County, Florida, in 1846. He enlisted in Captain Faulkner’s Company in April of 1864. He served till the close of the war. He applied for a soldier’s pension in 1907 in Hillsboro County, Florida. He died October 16, 1918 in Pinellas County, Florida.

William Meeks:

James J. Mixon:

James Moody: Mr. Moody is listed on the 1860 Taylor County census as a farmer. He was born in Georgia.

William Jasper Morgan: Mr. Morgan was born November 20th, 1847 in Brooks County Georgia. He enlisted in Captain J. W. Faulkner's Company A in April of 1864, at Perry Florida. He was discharged at Taylor County in 1865. He was approved for a pension in 1913 and lists his mailing address as Shady Grove post office.

John G. Morris: Mr. Morris enlisted in May of 1864. He was discharged in 1865 at the close of the war. He died May 6, 1885 in Jefferson County, Florida.

Benjamin Norris:

W. H. O’Hara: Mr. O’Hara was born December 8, 1847 in Jefferson County, Florida. He enlisted in Company A in September of 1864. He was discharged at Madison, Florida in 1865. He filed for a soldier’s pension in Taylor County, Florida in 1913. He died in Suwannee County, Florida March 7, 1929.

J. H. Parker: James H. Parker is listed on the 1860 Taylor County census in the household of Henry Parker. Age 12, born in Florida.

J. P. Poppell:

William R. Poppell: Mr. Poppell enlisted at Fenholloway, Florida May, 1864. (Taylor County) He was discharged May 19, 1865 in Madison, Florida. He died March 12, 1907 in Taylor County, Florida.

Henry Rooker:

William W. Sever: Mr. Sever was born in Bullock County Georgia, January 10th, 1847. He is listed on the 1860 Taylor County, Florida census. He enlisted at Perry, Florida, in Captain J. W. Faulkner's Company A, Munnerlyn's battalion, on April 1st. 1864. He was discharged at Perry, Florida on April 26, 1865. Mr. Sever applied for a pension in Madison County July 5th, 1907.

Milton Simeons:

S. N. Smith: Mr. Smith is listed on the 1860, Taylor County, Florida census. He first enlisted in R. H. Gambles Light Artillery in 1862 then in April, 1864, Captain J. W. Faulkner's, Company A. He was surrendered and paroled at Madison Florida, May 17, 1865. He died February 6, 1900 in Taylor County, Florida.

James M. Stanfield:

John Strickland: Mr. Strickland is listed on the 1860 Taylor County census as a farmer and he was born in Georgia.

N. W. Strickland:

W.C. Thomas:

John I. Walker: Mr. Walker was born in Colton County, South Carolina October 1, 1846. He first enlisted in Company G 5th Florida Infantry but was discharged because of his age. He reenlisted in Captain Faulkner’s Company A. He states he was detailed to drive cattle and hunt deserters. He was paroled in Tallahassee in May of 1865. In 1907 Mr. Walker applied for a soldier’s pension at Jefferson County, Florida.

J. M. Wilder: Mr. Wilder was born in Taylor County, Florida on February 16, 1847. He is possibly the Jeremiah Wilder on the 1860 Taylor County census. He joined Captain J.W. Faulkner's Company A at Camp Carlton, in Taylor County in November or December 1864. He was mustered out at Mosley Hall, Florida at the close of the war. Mr. Wilder applied for a soldier's pension in 1909. He lists his address as Fenholloway, Florida in Taylor County.

S. H. Williams:

John Winn:

Contributed by William C. Wright

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