Taylor County

Confederate Pensions

In addition to military service details, the documents for each applicant often contain a lot of family information. If your ancestor is listed in the partial lists below, documents are available to view online at no cost. You should be able to find them at Florida Memory and Family Search.

Veteran Records at Florida Memory

Adams, Felix M.
Aldridge, Simon W.
Aldridge, W. L.
Allen, Hiram

Bellamy, Calvin B.
Bennett, Benjamin M.
Bland, Elbert W.
Blautan, William Lacy
Boyett, Edward J.
Brooks, Benjamin Franklin
Burch, George C.

Carlton, Robert R.
Carlton, Thomas A.
Carlton, Thomas L.
Cheshire, James L.
Clifton, Stephen E. W.
Collins, George Columbus
Collins, John H.

Day, William
Denmark, Green C.
Denmark, Jasper
Denmark, Newton
Devane, James
Dorman, Benjamin B.
Douglas, M. F.
Driggers, Issac

English, Matthew J.
English, Redding
Ezell, David L.

Faircloth, Caleb
Faulkner, Andrew J.
Faulkner, Zackariah T.
Foster, James
Freeman, Thomas J.

Godwin, Stephen
Green, James G.
Grubbs, William H.
Gunter, Thomas L.

Hagan, Benjamin F.
Hall, Nathan L.
Hamilton, Thomas P.
Hartsfield, Jacob Franklin
Heir, Roland
Henderson, William C.
Hendry, Thomas B.
Hinton, John J.
Hogan, James H.
Hogan, Tiney
Holland, William W.
Horn, John T.
Horne, Cullen S. S.
Horne, Joseph W.
Houck, David
Hurdy, Robert W.
Hurst, Theophilus H.

Jackson, James F.
Jenkins, John T.
Jones, Mathew A.

Keen, William R.
Kelly, Charles A.
Kelly, John R.
King, Andrew J.
Kinsey, James I.
Kinsey, Tullius
Kuhn, John T.

Levingston, Barbarus J.
Lewis, Abner J.
Lewis, Henry B.
Lipscomb, William B.

Markey, Thomas A.
Mathis, John H.
Mathis, Mathew C.
Matthis, James T.
May, George A.
McCall, Robert F.
McDaniel, William
Minton, William R.
Morgan, James P.
Morgan, William Jasper
Moses, Mark
Murphy, William G.

Parker, Daniel J.
Parker, William M.
Pridgean, John E.

Red, J. H.
Rees, Drewry W.
Reese, Jasper
Reynolds, Jim M.
Roberts, Richard R.
Rogers, William O.
Rowell, David A.
Rowell, Henry A.
Rowell, Joseph R.

Saddler, John J.
Saddler, William
Sayers, William G.
Sealy, Eli
Sheffield, Game G.
Smith, Redding B.
Smith, Shadrach N.
Stephens, William Cornelius
Stripling, Daniel
Sutton, David S.
Sutton, John H.

Turner, Thomas F.

Walker, John Hamilton
Watts, James B.
Whitefield, Benjamin
Wilder, Edward M.
Wilder, Jerry M.
Wood, Iggliah Nelson
Woodall, W. S.
Wright, Andrew J.

Young, Michael

Source: State Library and Archives of Florida

Veteran records at Family Search

Adams, Felix M
Aldridge, W L
Allen, Henry
Allen, Hiram

Bellamy, Calvin B
Bennett, Benjamin M
Bland, E W
Blantan, William L
Blanton, David F
Boyett, Edward J
Brooks, Benjamin Franklin
Burch, George C

Campbell, Neil
Carlton, Robert R
Carlton, Thomas A
Carlton, Thomas L
Cheshire, James L
Clifton, S E W
Collins, George C
Collins, John Henry
Combie, Andrew J

Day, William
Denmark, Green C
Denmark, Jasper
Denmark, Newton
Devane, James
DeVane, James
Douglass, H W
Douglass, M F
Driggers, Isaac

Eakins, Geo W
Eldridge, S W
English, Mathew J
English, Redding

Faircloth, Caleb
Faulkner, Andrew J
Faulkner, Zachariah T
Foster, J L
Freeman, Thomas J

Gainer, Thomas H
Garbett, Sam L
Godwin, Stephen
Goodman, Elzy
Green, James G
Grubbs, William H
Gunter, Thomas L

Hagan, Benjamin F
Hall, Nathan L
Hamilton, Thos P
Hardee, Lewis L
Hartsfield, Jacob Franklin
Heir, Roland
Henderson, William C
Hendry, Robert W
Hendry, Thomas B
Hightower, Benjamin W
Hinton, John J
Hogan, James H
Holland, William W
Horn, John Thomas
Horne, Cullen Sherrard S
Hunter, James D
Hunter, Richard H
Hurst, Theophilus H

Jackson, James F
Jenkins, Chestly J
Jenkins, John T
Jones, Mathew A

Keen, Thomas
Kelly, Charles A
Kelly, John R
Kent, G M
King, Andrew J
Kinsey, James I
Kinsey, Tullius

Levingston, Barnabus J
Lewis, Abner J
Lewis, Henry B
Lewis, John
Lipscomb, William C
Lovett, Jasper Radford

Markey, Thomas I
Martin, Frank M
Mathis, James F
Mathis, John H
Mathis, M C
Matthis, James T
May, George A
McCall, Robert F
McDaniel, William
McDonald, Norman
McKinney, Madison
Minton, Henry S
Minton, William R
Morgan, James P
Morgan, Joseph
Morgan, William J
Moses, Marcus L
Murphy, William G

Nelson, Admiral
Neuman, George C
Newman, George C

Odom, George W
O'Hara, William W
O'Quinn, Daniel F

Pagett, E G
Parker, Daniel J
Parker, William
Pridgeon, John
Pridyean, John

Quiette, Thomas P

Red, J H
Redd, J H
Rees, Drewry J
Rees, Drewry W
Reese, Jasper
Reynolds, J M
Richards, J W
Roberts, Richard R
Rodgers, William O
Rowell, David A
Rowell, Henry A
Rowell, Joseph R

Saddler, John J
Saddler, William
Sayers, William G
Scaley, James E
Sealey, Eli
Sealey, James E
Sealy, Eli
Sharpe, J S
Sheffield, Game G
Sheffield, Glass G
Sheffield, Joseph
Slaughter, Moses W
Smith, Redding B
Smith, S N
Stanton, George W
Stephens, John J
Stephens, William C
Stripling, Daniel M
Sutton, David S
Sutton, John H

Taylor, John W
Thompson, Wm J
Townsend, Lot

Valentine, Henry Thomas
Vann, William L

Walker, Henry
Walker, J H
Watts, James B
White, Richard M
Whitfield, Benjamin
Wilder, Edward M
Wilder, Jerry M
Wood, I N
Woodall, W S
Wright, Andrew J

Young, Michael

Source: Florida Confederate Veterans and Widows Pension Applications, 1885-1955, Collection

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