Taylor County

Location of Civil War Veterans' Graves

PvtFelix M.AdamsCapt. Faulkners1st Fla Res18451920Adams Cemetery
PvtJohn ThomasAlbrittonCo D4th Fla Inf18271894Shiloh Cemetery
PvtHenryAndersonCo H4th Fla Inf18191893Pisgah Cemetery
PvtJohn H.AyersCo. D2nd Fla Cav.18461917City Cemetery
PvtArmen L.BarnesCo A1st Fla Cav18461900Carlton Cemetery
PvtAlexanderBassMilitia86th Reg Ga18301896Stanaland Cemetery
PvtBenj. M.BennettCapt. Faulkner's1st Fla Res18451920Salem Cemetery
Corp.Geo. C.BirchCo B1st Fla Inf18401916City Cemetery
PvtW. L.BlantonCo H5th Ga Res18451915Pisgah Cemetery
PvtColenBlueCo D2d Fla Cav18471920Pisgah Cemetery
PvtJohn W.BowdenCSA----------18311890Poor Spot Cemetery
PvtBenj. F.BrooksLeonLt Arty------------Rockford Cemetery
PvtRobt. R.CarltonCo E4th Fla Inf18351908Carlton Cemetery
PvtThos. L.CarltonCo F5th Fla Cav18451904Carlton Cemetery
PvtJohnChancyCo D1st Fla Cav------------Lake Bird Cemetery
PvtDrewery J.ClarkCo G2d Fla Cav1824------Oakland Cemetery
Corp.McKager A.CockcroftCo D1st Fla Cav18471929Salem Cemetery
----J. B.CorredCo E130th Ill Inf------------Steinhatchee Cemetery
PvtT. O.CruceCo C2d Fla Cav------------Shiloh Cemetery
PvtWm. BarnettDavisCo A6th Fla Inf18341901City Cemetery
PvtBenj. R.DenmarkCo B1st Fla Res18471903City Cemetery
PvtGreen C.DenmarkMcGeehee'sFla State Serv18451922City Cemetery
PvtJasperDenmarkCo G5th Fla Inf18391896City Cemetery
PvtJamesDevaneCo E11th Fla Inf18271911Shiloh Cemetery
PvtAndrew J. C.Faulkner------1st Fla Res18371902City Cemetery
Capt.James W.FaulknerCo F1st Fla Cav------------Kinsey Cemetery
----W. S.FifeFarrier CoArty18481885Pisgah Cemetery
PvtD. F.GambleCo D2d Batt18301902New Hope Cemetery
PvtSamGarrettCo F6th Fla Reg18471920Pleasant Grove Cemetery
----John J.GorntoCo B7th Fla Vol.18361892City Cemetery
PvtDaniel C.GranthamCo B9th Fla Inf18451917Adams Cemetery
PvtJames G.GreenCo G3d Fla Inf18431916Poor Spot Cemetery
PvtW. H.GrubbsCo F5th Fla Bn18331908Pisgah Cemetery
Capt.Andrew J.GumbieCo F6th Ga Inf18381892Carlton Cemetery
PvtThos. L.GunterCapt. Faulkner1st Fla Res18491914New Hope Cemetery
PvtS. F.HedgecockCo C2d Fla Cav------------Carlton Cemetery
PvtRobt.HendersonCo D15 Fla Cav18231911Henderson Cemetery
PvtWilliam C.HendersonCapt. Faulkner1st Fla Res18461908Henderson Cemetery
PvtThos. P.Hendry------1st Fla Res18491910Pisgah Cemetery
Corp.Wm S.HendryCo E4th Fla Inf18401896Carlton Cemetery
PvtTheophilusHurstCo F1st Fla Cav18311909Rockford Cemetery
PvtJohn T.JenkinsCo G14 Ga Ref18171902Sealey Cemetery
1 LtMilton W.JohnsonCo K8th Fla Inf18341897Mills Cemetery
MusRobt. E.JohnsonCo C2d Fla Cav18221897Spring Warrior Cemetery
PvtCharles A.KelleyCo E5th Ga Inf18371891New Hope Cemetery
PvtJohn R.KelleyCo D*18471932New Hope Cemetery
PvtThoa.KendrickCo B10th Fla Inf18321904City Cemetery
PvtGranville MoodyKentKold's BtryArty.18451924City Cemetery
KingAndrew J.Co. C61 Ala Res
PvtTuliousKinseyCo F1st Fla Res18421920Carlton Cemetery
PvtJohn TaylorKuhnCo A2d Tenn Cav18461925City Cemetery
4 SgtWilliam B.LandCo D11th Fla Inf18301889Land Cemetery
----A. J.Lee----------------18381930Adams Cemetery
PvtJames B.LevingstonCo E61st Ga Reg18421910Devil's Woodyard Cemetery
PvtWm. CaryLipscombCo I2d Fla Cav18461925City Cemetery
Corp.Mathew W.LundyCo C2d Fla Cav18421896City Cemetery
PvtJohn W.MartinCo D12th Ga Reg------------Rockford Cemetery
PvtJohn H.MathisCo D1st Fla Cav18351897Carlton Cemetery
PvtWmMcDanielCo E1st Ga Reg18311909Lake Bird Cemetery
PvtJohn J.McPhersonCo I2d Fla Cav18381890Sealey Cemetery
----Wm.MurphyCSA----------18171899City Cemetery
PvtGeo. W.OdomCo D5th Fla Inf18391909City Cemetery
MusJohnO'SteenCo G3d Fla Inf1880------O'Steen Cemetery
Corp.ThomasO'SteenCo G3d Fla Inf1885------O'Steen Cemetery
PvtD. J.ParkerCo I2d Fla Cav18301895City Cemetery
PvtMills W.ParkerCo D2d Fla Inf18331876Shiloh Cemetery
PvtW. M.ParkerCo L2d Fla Inf18441918City Cemetery
PvtW. R.PoppellCo E4th Fla Inf18471906Pisgah Cemetery
PvtThomasQuiteCo L2d Fla Inf18351890Sealey Cemetery
PvtJasperReeseCo L69th Ga Inf18491887Hardee Cemetery
PvtGeorge C.RobertsonCo D2d Fla Cav------------Shiloh Cemetery
PvtDavidRowellCo E4th Fla Inf18441916Devil's Woodyard Cemetery
PvtHenry A.RowellCo D5th Fla Inf18341892Hendry Cemetery
PvtBartSadlerCSA----------18171873Indian Springs Cemetery
PvtJohn J.SadlerCo A22d Ga Btry Arty18321906Spring Warrior Cemetery
PvtW. A.SadlerCo K1st Fla Res18471922Spring Warrior Cemetery
PvtJos. H.SappingtonCo F1st Fla Inf18311880City Cemetery
PvtElySealeyCo E1st Fla Res18381924Sealey Cemetery
PvtGlasson G.SheffieldCo C29th Ga Cav------------Lake Bird Cemetery
2 LtJames B.SheffieldCo C2d Fla Cav------------Oakland Cemetery
PvtHenry H.SlaughterCo C2d Fla Cav18401908Hendry Cemetery
----Mose N.Slaughter------2d Fla Cav1829------Station Field Cemetery
SgtJohn HowardStephensCo I9th Fla Inf18251906Stephens Cemetery
PvtJohn J.StephensCo E6th Fla Inf18461908Carlton Cemetery
PvtWilliam CorneliusStephensMarionLt Arty18331907Land Cemetery
PvtD. M.StriplingCapt Hardee's9th Ga Reg18321892Pisgah Cemetery
PvtDavid S.SuttonCo H11th Fla Inf18311895City Cemetery
SgtJohn H.SuttonCo L2d Fla Inf18361900Sand Hill Cemetery
PvtWm B.TedderCo K10th Fla Inf18221890Pleasant Grove Cemetery
1st Lt.LotTownsendCo H50th Ga Reg18411898Sealey Cemetery
PvtJames AlbertTutenCo F1st Fla Res------1890Station Field Cemetery
PvtJohn H.WalkerCo F1st Fla Res18441918Salem Cemetery
----Samuel DavidWallaceCo A60 Regt Ala Inf18451901Pleasant Grove Cemetery
PvtAndrew J.WeaverCo H1st Fla Inf18171883Salem Cemetery
PvtBenj. R.WhitfieldCo G5th Fla Inf18271902City Cemetery
PvtWm.WigglesworthCo B17th Ind Inf1839------City Cemetery
PvtE. M.WilderCo L2d Fla Reg18421899City Cemetery
PvtJerry M.Wilder------1st Fla Res18471922Hendry Cemetery
Asst. Surg.S. A.WillcoxGAR----------------------Willcox Cemetery
PvtI. N.WoodCo I1st Fla Cav------------Salem Cemetery
PvtW. (S. or C.)WoodallCo G45th Reg18481937City Cemetery
SgtDaniel GreenWoodsCo D2d Fla Cav18371879Pisgah Cemerery
PvtRobt. S.WoodsCo G2d Fla Cav------------Pisgah Cemerery
PvtAndrew JacksonWrightCo D32d Ga Reg18471916New Hope Cemetery
PvtThomasYorkCo E2d Bn18301870Shiloh Cemetery
PvtMichaelYoung------2d Fla Cav18381885New Hope Cemetery

Contributed by Shirley Titus and Franklin Inman

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This page was last updated 03/02/2025