Taylor County


Antioch Baptist Church lat. 300627N long. 0833518W Perry

Location: 1939 in Newberry; 2002 at 708 W Lance Drive, Perry
Organized/Constituted: 1917 First services in unpainted, rectangular frame home owned by Mr. Bill Knipper.
First settled pastor was D. J. Stewart, 1917-1919; common-school education, c 1922, Jacksonville.
Last pastor, Rev. A. H. Reynolds, c 1922, Jacksonville.

Ash Street Church of Christ lat. 300740N long. 0833521W Boyd
Athena Church [*1] lat. 295851N long. 0832934W Salem

Formerly: Corinth Baptist Church, c1898-1900, 1906--
Location: 1939 10 mi. s of Perry, ¼ mi. rt. of Hwy #19, Taylor Co.; 2012 10060 Josh Ezell Grade, Perry 32348
Organized/Constituted: c.1898 Services in rectangular, log school building at site where present building now stands was purchased from School Board. The new building 20X30 with 2 Sunday School rooms was built in 1938, A half-time church, meeting 2nd and 4th Sundays. Present membership, 68. Active organization, Sunday School.
First settled pastor was Henry T. Austin 1898-date unk. Common school education.
Present pastor, A. B. Franklin, 1939-Live Oak, Common School.
1). 1915--, 1 vol Showing membership, financial records.
2.) Improved Six Point Sunday School Record, 1938-- Vol. 1, Showing officers, teachers, visitors, pupils, accord to Six Point Record System, attendance, financial records.
3.) Journal kept at church with above information. Prior were destroyed in the house of J. L. Towler, 1909.

Burton Baptist Church [*1]

Location: 1939 ¼ n. of Perry, Hwy #19, Perry
Constituted 1930: This church split from First Baptist Church of Perry, and was organized in a dwelling donated by burton Swartz Cypress Co. in the northeast section of the company quarters, about 300 yards north of the present church. This building used until 1932 when the present church, a T shape, white frame building 30x40 was erected and dedicated; additions 1935. Present membership 178. Active organizations, Sunday School, Baptist Training Union, Woman's Missionary Union.
First settled pastor was Rev. M. J. Howell, 1930-31. Education unknown.
Present pastor was Rev. C. W. Persons, 1937-- Perry; University of Florida, Gainesville.
1) Convention Church Record, 1930--, 2 vols. Showing membership roll, minutes of meetings, receipts and disbursements, 1930-38. Custody of Clerk, W. E. Baxter, Burton Swartz Lumber Co., Perry.
2) IMPROVED CHURCH TREASURER"S RECORD, 1938--, 1 Vol. Showing receipts and disbursements. Custody of treasurer, W. J. Porter, Burton Swartz Lumber Company, Perry.
3) CONVENTION SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORD, 1937-- 3 vols. Showing list of officers, teachers, pupils, collections. Custody of secretary, Maudell Frith, Burton Swartz Lumber Company, Perry.
4) SECRETARY'S RECORD BOOK for BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLES UNION OR BAPTIST ADULT UNION 1938--, 2 vols, Showing activities and reports according to Eight Point Record System.
5) D.E.LEDGER, (Records of Woman's Missionary Union), 1935--, 1 vol. Showing list of officers, circle leaders, members, minutes of meetings, receipts and disbursements. Custody of secretary, Anabel Oliver, Burton Swartz Lumber Company, Perry.

Calvary Baptist Church lat. 300506N long. 0833637W Perry
Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception Parish Center lat. 300512N long. 0833413W Perry
Church of God [*1] lat. 300742N long. 0833536W Boyd

Location: 1939 on Hampton Springs Rd between S. Jefferson St & Road #19
Organized 1903 This church was not listed in 1938 Minutes of Crhuch of God, Cleveland, Tn. The church was organized on Conly? Avenue church at that time being a frame building 18x30. Services were held here until 1937 when present frame building 36x61 was erected.
First settled and only pastor was General Cook , 1903-- Common school, 609 Suwannee Ave. Perry.
1) A Record of (W.M.B.) Womans' Missionary Book of the Church of God containing minutes of meetings and usual business membership roll and financial reports showing monies received. 1 vol. in house of Rosetta Robinson (Secretary) 1025 W. Conly Avenue.Condition of this record is fair.
2) VICTORY LEADERS BOOK contains minutes of regular business and amounts of offering, no record of monies paid out. The records are kept in the church.
3) LEDGER 1934-1938 A record of The Church of God containing minutes of meetings, motions, reports and regular church business, membership roll, death roll, and monies received. 2 vols. in house of Viola Lewis, church clerk near Riad #19 S directly back of colored school. Condition of record is fair.
4) RECORD OF SUNDAY SCHOOL Contains minutes of Sunda School , amounts of offering, names of Supt., Sec, & Pastor. There is no membership roll and no recording of disbursements. In house of Viola Lewis near S. Rd #19 directly back of Colored school. But usually kept in church. Condition of record not good.

Church of God, Center Street

Location: 1939 at S. Center St, Perry
Organized 1913 in Pine Level M. E. Church bldg., located in Perry; met here until 1915. 1915-16 Interstate Bldg, burned 1916. 1917-18 held in section buildings of the Atlantic Coast Line on present site, floor of straw. In 1918 same bldg repaired and remodelled, floor raised and blocks put under it and floor put in. Used until blown down 1935, torn down and rebuilt same year, an addition on end of building now 30x44. In 1938, addition to building making it 30X64 and having 2 Sunday School rooms, makes it the church of today; A rectangular, white wood frame bldg, erected 1935.
First settled pastor was Rev. Z. R. Thomas, 1913, common school education.
Present (1940) pastor was Rev. A. M. Sapp, 1937--, Perry, common school education.
1) Treasurer's Report 1926-- 1 vol Showing all receipts and disbursements, statements, reports, Custody, Ira J Cruce, Secy-Treas. Road #5-1, 2 mi from Perry.
2) Model Church Record 1925-40 5 vols. Contains minutes of church conferences, showing dates, reports, elections, actions on memberhips and pastorate, provisions for church welfare, elections of officer and delegates, also a membership roll and quarterly financial records. Custody, Ira J. Cruce
3) Church of God Model Record (Sunday School) 1939- Vol 1 Showing organizations, attendance, exercises, offereings,(including birthday offerings) activities, bueiness, elections, reports, Custody, Mrs. Jesse Torith, SEcy-Treas; 71 (c) Third St., Foley, Fl
4) Ledger (Willing Workers) 1939--, 1 vol showing organization, objectives, minutes, activities, money, ?, reports Custody, Mrs. E. M. Beard, Sey-TReas. House #513 Calbur Quarters, Perry.

Church of God of Prophecy lat. 300643N long. 0833511W Perry
First Baptist Church of Perry, Florida [*1]

Location: 1865-80 in log church, site of present cemetery; 1880-1903, small frame church; 1903-25 larger frame church; present 3-story, oblong, red brick church erected 1926, dedicated 1938; 1880-1925 churches built on site. 2012: 102 N. Center St, Perry 32347
Constituted 1865; Present membership 560. Active organizations, Sunday Schook, Baptist Training Union, Woman's Missionary Union.
First settled pastor was Rev. Frank Bostick, 1865-68
Present pastor, Rev. A. F. O'Kelly, 1932--, 501 E. Bay St., Perry; Mercer University, Macon, Ga.; Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louiseville, Ky.
1) RECORDS OF CHURCH, 1921-- 3 vols, Title varies: PERFECT CHURCH RECORD, 1921-35, 2 vols; (Church Record), 1936--, 1 vol. Showing pastors, officers, members, reports of Sunday School, B.T.U. and W.M.U.; 1921-37 financial record. Custody of clerk, W. E. Inman, 602 W. Main St., Perry.
2) SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORDS 1932--, 10 bundles of cards, 150 cards per bundle. Showing officers, teachers, records of pupils by Six Point Record System, attnedance and financial records.
3) SECRETARY's REPORT AND MEMBERSHIP ROLL, 1938--, 1 vol. Showing officers, circle leaders, members, minutes of meetings, financial record. Custody of Mrs. Jack Holmes, Hwy35, 1 mi N of Perry.

First Presbyterian Church lat. 300603N long. 0833336W Perry
First United Methodist Church lat. 300709N long. 0833456W Perry
Foley Missionary Baptist Church [*1]

Location: 1939: Foley
Constituted 1930; Services in white, T shaped frame building, razed, at Eastport, Fla., moved to present site and erected, 1930. Present mmebership, 214. Active organizations, Sunday School, Baptist Training Union, Women's Missionary Union.
First settled pastor was C. C. Jackson, 1930-31.Common school education. Education unknown.
Present pastor C. A. Martin, 1939--, Foley; Mercer University, Macon, GA.
1) Convention Church Record, 1930=36, 1 vol.; Perfect Church Record, 1936--, 1 vol. Showing minutes of meetings, register of members, bapatism deaths, financial records, reports. Custody of clerk, Max Hart, 93 Third St., Foley.
2) Improved Church Treasurer's Record, 1930--, 1 vol. Showing receipts and disbursements. Custody of treasurer, W. R. Rice, Foley.
3) Improved Six Point Sunday School Record, 1939--. 1 vol. Showing organisation, membership, receipts and disbursement to a; also records of auxilliaries. Custody of Mrs. J. W. Ferrell, 80 2nd St., Foley.

Friendship Baptist Church [*1] lat. 300812N long. 0833414W Boyd

Baptist concurrently called Stephensville 1888-1889
Location: 1939 at Steinwhatchie, Main Rd.
Constituted unk.;Southern Baptist Convention, Jacksonville, Tn.; Middle Fl Baptist Convention (1935,1937) See State Annual. Lafayette Baptist Association (no report-Stephensville, 1935) M C. Gardner, Cross City Harmony Baptist Association J. O. Knight, Hardestown, Moderator.
This church serves an old fishing village at Deadman's Bay; the town is reached from the south, Dixie County, by a ferry, but there is a newer road on the Taylor County side, a branch of road #19. The change in association may have been due more to progress of developement of the country, than to other causes.
First settled pastor was Jim X Sheffield 1888-1889, an exhorter, common school.

Friendship Church lat. 300951N long. 0833400W Boyd
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church [*1]
Lakeside Church lat. 300523N long. 0833208W Perry
Little Saint John Church lat. 295903N long. 0833409W Warrior Swamp
Methodist Church [*1]
Methodist Episcopal Church, South [*1]

Location: 1939: Route 2, Fenholloway, at Fenholloway ¼ mi. from highway
Organized 1903; First services held Fenholloway Spring House for a short time; Francis M. Houck's store; school house; then in 1905 present site was donated by W. J. Heirs and a rectangular, white fram building with bell and altar service was erected.
First settled pastor was Rev. J. L. Yates, November-December 1903.
Present (1940) pastor was C. C. Martin.
1) LEDGER (Church Records), 1938--, Showing minutes of meetings, membership rolls, baptisms, deaths; receipts and disbursements. Custody of clerk, Daisy (Sneed) Dunn, Perry.
2) CHURCH REGISTER, 1936--, 1 vol. Showing minutes of meetings, membership roll, baptisms, deaths. Custody of A. E. Jackson, Fenholloway.
3) SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORDS, 1939--, 1 vol. Showing pupils, teachers, officers, attendance, visitors.

Mount Carmel Church lat. 300952N long. 0833717W Boyd
Mount Gilead Baptist Church [*1] lat. 301804N long. 0834721W Lamont SE

Location: 1939 at Shady Grove (Rural); 2012 at 403 W Willow St
Constituted 1850. 1929 building erected. Small, square, wooden structure; not painted.
First settled pastor was S. C. Craft, 1850-51.unknown education.
Present pastor D. P. Hendry, 1937--, Foley, Shady Grove; Mercer University, Macon, GA.
1) LEDGER (Minutes) 1929 1 Vol. Shows business done, reports of pastor, treasurer auxiliaries, election of officers, deacons, delegates, register of members, batpisms, deaths, marriages, money recieved and spent and how. Conditions Fair. Custody E. D. Aman, Clerk, Shady Grove, Fl, Route 1.
Shows Membership, officers and teacher, attendance lessons, programs, visitors, collections and expenditures, Condition-good Custody: W M Vann, S.S.Supt, Shady Grove, Fla, Route 1.

Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church lat. 300702N long. 0833423W Perry
New Hope Baptist Church, South lat. 300642N long. 0833443W Perry

Location: 1939 8½ mi. S Perry on Hwy #19
Organized 1878; The church was organized by Dugald Calhoun and first services were held in a log building. Present white frame building 32x45 being erected in 1909.
First settled pastor was Dougold Calhoun, 1878--. Education Common school.
Present (1940) pastor was Wm P. Windsor, 1937-- Fenholloway, Fl. Common school
1) A short historical sketch written 1939 by D. D. Houck and in house of Wm L Windsor, Fenholloway, Fl. Not written in any church record book.
2) There is no financial record kept. Offerings being taken for pastors salary or to defray any other expenses.
3) CHURCH REGISTER A record of New Hope M. E. Church South containing minutes (these are loose leaves in church register), marriages, births, and deaths, dismissals and how dismissed' membership roll and how received. 1 vol. in house of D. D. Houck, 9 mi S of Perry, left Hwy #19.

Oakland Missionary Baptist Church [*1] lat. 300950N long. 0834812W Johnson Hammock

Location: 1939 16 mi W of Perryone Hampton Springs Rd by ¼ right of highway; 2002 at 100 Ridge Rd, Perry 32348
Began 1872. Constituted 1872; first report to convention 1878. The first building was of rough lumber and was used until 1929 when present building (size about 26x30) was bought from the school board after being used 1 yr as a school building. This building was torn down, moved ½ mi to present site, rebuilt and covered with tin, ceiled and painted.
First settled pastor was J. H. Wentworth , 1878-1879. Common school.
Present pastor C. W. Persons, 1939--. University of Florida, Gainesville.
Preceding pastor was J. E. Varen, 1911. Common School
1) LEDGER 1897 Condition fair considering age. In home of W, W. Wilson, church clerk. back of ice plant on W. Railroad St. 1 vol. minutes, contributions, and disbursements.

Perry Roman Catholic Church [*1]

Location: 1939 ½ mi W of Courthouse, Perry
Organized 1917 in a small frame structure located on present site; met here until blown down, 1926. Name was changed when the church was rebuilt 1926. It is a large white rectangular wooden structure. This church used to be on Tallahassee charge; in 1930 was changed with priest-in-charge stationed at Perry, for the church in Madison, Perry, Live Oak and Lake City. It has no bell- has plat on front with "Roman Catholic Mission of the Maculate Conception"' Rev. John Francis McKeown. No other special features.
First settled priest-in-charge was Rev. R. L. Littleton, 1918-19, Catholic University, Washington, D. C.
Present (1940) priest-in-charge,Rev. J. F. McKeown, 183400, Box 88 Perry, Duquesne University, Pittsburg, PA.; Roman Major Seminary, Rome, Italy.
1) REGISTER, 1930-- 1 vol. Showing members, baptisms, briths, deaths, burials, marriages, first communions with dates, all appropriate details, officiating priest. Contains also financial records all receipts and disbursements, Custody, Father J. F. McKeown, Box 88 Perry. The records from 1918 through 1929 are chrge of Rev. William Carroll, Tallahassee, Fl
2) Organizations - Christian Doctrine Club, Altar Society.

Pine Level Church lat. 300411N long. 0833518W Perry
Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church lat. 300951N long. 0833723W Boyd

Location: 1939 5 mi N of Perry, ¼ mi E of HWy 19, Perry; 2013 at 602 W Church St., Perry
Constituted 1918; Chuch was organized in John Amare's front yard with five charter members, after which services were held in an old store building located near "The Ris" and ¼ mi. E of present building, until 1920 when present unpainted, rectangular, frame building was erected. Present membership, 35. Active organization, Sunday School.
First settled pastor was Rev. A. M. Parker, 1918-1922. Education unknown.
Present pastor was Rev. D. P. Hendry 1938--, Shady Grove.
Preceding pastor was J. H. Steedley, 1937-1940. Education - Emory University, Henry College, Emory, Virginia.
1) MIGHTY, 1935--. Showing minutes of business meetings, reports, membership roll; reciepts and disbursements. Custody of clerk, Henry Collins, West Leon St., Perry
2) ONWARD (Sunday School Records) 1939-- 1 vol. Showing pupils, officers, teachers, attendance, visitors, collections.

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church [*1] lat. 301802N long. 0834308W Shady Grove

Location: 1939 Rt 1, 4 mi SW of Shady Grove
Constituted 1879; First services in small, frame church erected 1879 and used until torn down. Present large, white, rectangular, frame building erected 1904, dedicated 1906. A quarter-time church, meeting on 2nd Sunday. Present membership, 101.
First settled pastor was Rev. R. J. Berry, 1879-1880. Education unknown.
Present (1940) pastor was Rev. D. P. Hendry, 1937-- Shady Grove; Mercer University, Macon, Ga.
1) LEDGER (minutes), 1904--, Showing business transactions, membership rolls, baptisms, deaths; receipts and disbursements. Custody of Mrs. C. T. Lewis, Shady Grove.

Purity Church lat. 300422N long. 0833531W Perry
Restoration Faith Center Church lat. 300640N long. 0833528W Perry
Rocky Ford Primitive Baptist Church 1846-1939 History
Saint Johns Church lat. 300223N long. 0833636W Perry
Saint Peter Primitive Baptist Church lat. 300619N long. 0833513W Perry
San Pedro Missionary Baptist Church [*1] lat. 300623N long. 0833116W Perry

Location: 1939 Rt. 2, 4 mi E of Perry; 2013 at 4420 San Pedro Rd. , Perry 32347
Constituted c 1885; Services were held 1885-88 in log school building on present site. In 1889, the present white, rectangular, frame building was erected and dedicated. Present membership, 157. Active organizations, Sunday School.
First settled pastor was Capt. J. W. Faulkner, 1885-1887. Education unknown.
Present (1940) pastor was Rev. M. J. Fowler, 1938 -- Day.
1) CONVENTION Church Record, 1925--Showing membership rolls, baptisms, deaths; receipts and disbursements. Custody of Clerk-Treasurer, Mrs. N. D. Hunter, Route 2, 1 mi from San Pedro Church, Perry.

Shiloh Church lat. 301016N long. 0833604W Boyd
Solid Rock Family Christian Center lat. 300804N long. 0833504W Boyd
Spring Warrior Church lat. 300111N long. 0833132W Perry
Spring Hill Missionary Baptist Church [*1] lat. 300728N long. 0833408W Perry

Location: 1939 2 mi. E of Perry on graded road
Constituted 1916; Organized through interest of several individuals. This is said to be the oldest colored church in the county and services were first held in a shack made of brush. Later services were held in a log school house across road from present site. Next building was about ¼ mi E of present site. Next building for a church land being donated by Jack Faulkener. Next was erected on present site being a frame building about 20x30 but was blown down by a storm in 191116. Rebuilt 1917 and burned 1922. Present building erected 1923 about 25x30 with bell, now badly in need of repair. (May 8,1940)
First settled pastor was Billie Williams, tenure can't be determined. common school.
Present (1940) pastor was S. B. Burks, 1934--. Common school.

Stephensville Baptist Church [*1]

Constituted 1930; First services in very small, frame structure, erected 1930, holding services until torn down, and present large, white rectangular, frame building erected 1935, dedeicated 1936. A half-time church, meeting 2nd and 4th Sundays. Present membership, 30. Active organization, Sunday School.
First settled and only pastor was Rev. A. H. Townsend, 1930. Education: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY.
1) LEDGER( Minutes) 1930- 1 vol Shows business done, reports of pastor, treasurer, auxiliaries, election of officers, decons, delegates; register of members, baptisms, death, marriages by Pastor, money received and spent and how. Condition good. Custody Mrs. Pearl Jefford, Clerk, Steinhatchee, Fl
2) SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORDS, 1930-- 1 vol., Showing members, officers, teachers, sessions, attendance, lessons, programs, visitors, according to Six Point Record System; receipts and disbursements. Condition good. Custody of Superintendent, E. F. Buehler, Steinhatchee.

Stewart Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church lat. 300640N long. 0833528W Perry
Triumph Church lat. 300642N long. 0833531W Perry
Wesleyan Church lat. 300639N long. 0833451W Perry

*1 WPA Church Records are available to view online (no cost) at The State Library and Archives Florida Memory.

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