Church and cemetery is located south of Perry, FL. From the intersection of US98 and US19, go about 7 1/5 miles south on US19, turn left on County Road 356 and go about 1/2 mile, the church and cemetery is on your right. [*1]
From the courthouse in Perry, go south on US 19 for 7 miles, crossing small bridge, turn right on sand road and continue 500 feet to cemetery, which lies 6 feet on right side of road. [*2]
Johnson, Robert E. ~ 1822 - 1897 Mus Co C 2d Fla Cav
Sadler, John J. ~
1832 - 1906 Pvt Co A 22d Ga Btry Arty
Sadler, W. A. ~ 1847 - 1922 Pvt Co K
1st Fla Res
Some surnames of those buried here include: Adams, Akins, Anderson, Ashley, Austin, Bach, Beathea, Bembry, Benton, Bethea, Blair, Bodiford, Brannen, Cabral, Clark, Collins, Connell, Courtney, Croft, Dempsey, Denmark, Ellison, Flowers, Gamble, Giddens, Gnann, Grantham, Gunter, Gurr, Hall, Hazelwood, Hodges, Hogan, Holcomb, Howell, Johnson, Kelly, Ketron, King, Knowles, Leggett, Levingston, Looney, McCall, McGuire, McKinney, McLeod, McMullen, Messer, Millinor, Morgan, Murphy, Outler, Padgett, Parker, Parrish, Pope, Prideon, Redding, Reeves, Sadler, Skomp, Stephens, Strickland, Summerall, Topkins, Towles, Valentine, Weatherly, Whiddon
[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk
[*2] from WPA Project
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