Cemetery is located north of Perry, Fl. Courthouse just off US221. Go about 2.8 miles north on US221 and turn right for 2/10 miles on Shiloh Cemetery Rd. Cemetery is on your right. [*1]
From Boyd, go south on State road 35 for 2.5 miles. Turn right (east) on dirt road and continue 5/10 mile to cemetery which lies 16 feet on left, which is south of the road. [*2]
Albritton, John Thomas ~ 1827 - 1894 Pvt Co D 4th Fla Inf
Cruce, T. O. ~
? - ? Pvt Co C 2d Fla Cav
Devane, James ~ 1827 - 1911 Pvt Co E 11th Fla Inf
Parker, Mills W. ~ 1833 - 1876 Pvt Co D 2d Fla Inf
Robertson, George C.
~ ? - ? Pvt Co D 2d Fla
York, Thomas ~ 1830 - 1870 Pvt Co E 2d Bn
Some surnames of those buried here include: Albritton, Anderson, Becker, Bennette, Boban, Bodiford, Bowden, Brannen, Brannon, Buckley, Causey, Childers, Cruce, Denmark, Devane, Dykes, Edenfield, Farmer, Fulton, Goza, Heiser, Henderson, Hill, Hogans, Holden, Hunter, Jones, Kingston, Knehr, Knight, Leggett, Leveritt, Liam, Love, McCullers, Miller, Mixon, Murphy, Nix, Parker, Patterson, Pitts, Rawlins, Ray, Roberts, Robertson, Saddler, Sadler, Santee, Simmons, Smith, Townsend, Waldron, Way, Weaver, Wilder, Williams, Woodall, York
[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk
[*2] from WPA Project
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