Taylor County

Sealey Cemetery

From the Salem, FL Post Office, go about 2 miles north on US19 and turn left on the Jodie Morgan Rd. Cemetery is located approximately 7 1/2 miles west of US19 on this road and cemetery can be seen from the road.  [*1]

From Keaton Beach, go north-east on dirt road for 5 miles, turn left (west) and continue one mile to cemetery, which lioes 20 feet on the left side of road.  [*2]

Jenkins, John T. ~ 1817 - 1902 Pvt Co G 14 Ga Ref
McPherson, John J. ~ 1838 - 1890 Pvt Co I 2d Fla Cav
Quite, Thomas ~ 1835 - 1890 Pvt Co L 2d Fla Inf
Sealey, Ely ~ 1838 - 1924 Pvt Co E 1st Fla Res
Townsend, Lot ~ 1841 - 1898 1st Lt. Co H 50th Ga Reg

Some surnames of those buried here include: Ayers, Bass, Calafiore, Croft, Cruce, Cyphers, Denmark, Devane, Ezell, Gear, Henry, Jenkins, Lawson, Lee, Lynn, McDonald, McPherson, Parker, Peck, Quiett, Russell, Sealey, Smith, Townsend, Vapories, Vaporis, Wilcox

[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk

[*2] from WPA Project

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This page was last updated 03/02/2025