Taylor County

Sand Hill Cemetery

This cemetery is located southwest of Perry, FL off the Fox Hunter's Grade. From US98 and US19, go about 4.5 miles south on US19, turn right on Keaton Beach Road (County Road 361) and go 8 miles to Fox Hunter's Grade. Turn left on this graded road and follow this road 3.6 miles (do not turn or branch off but remain on this main road), where you will make a sharp right turn (almost back the way you came). Go straight on this road for exactly one mile you will come to the cemetery which is located on your left.  [*1]

From Athena go south-west on dirt road for 7 miles, turn right and go one mile to cemetery, which lies 50 feet on the south side of the road.

Sutton, John H. ~ 1836 - 1900 Sgt Co L 2d Fla Inf

Some surnames of those buried here include: Boatright, Boatwright, Bridges, Cornelius, Deal, Dixon, Fowler, Green, Hall, Hodges, Homer, Hoover, Howell, Lynn, McGowan, McMullen, Mixon, Mooring, Morgan, Parker, Peterson, Rowell, Sadler, Sealey, Stephens, Sutton, Taylor, Yon

[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk

[*2] from WPA Project

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This page was last updated 03/02/2025