This cemetery is located in the northwest part of Taylor County. It can be reached from Perry, FL by traveling north of the intersection of US!( and US(* for 17 miles in US19. Turn left on Mt. Gilead Rd., go past Mt. Gilead Church and you will intersect the Bert Whiddon Rd. after about 3 1/2 miles west of US19. Turn left on this road and go about 3 1/2 miles, cemetery is on your left on this road and can be seen from the road. [*1]
From where State Rd. No 42 crosses the Aucilla River, go south on State Rd. No. 42 for half a mile, turn left and continue a half mile to cemetery. [*2]
Brooks, Benjamin F. ~ ? - ? Pvt Leon Lt Arty
Hurst, Theophilus ~ 1831 -
1909 Pvt Co F 1st Fla Cav
Martin, John W. ~ ? - ? Pvt Co D 12th Ga Reg
Some surnames of those buried here include: Bradshaw, Brooks, Chambers, Hall, Hamilton, Hartsfield, Herring, Hurst, Jenkins, King, Lee, Lewis, Martin, Padgett, Page, Poppell, Reams, Reed, Sherouse, Snyder, Strickland, Wacaster, Watson, Whiddon
[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk
[*2] from WPA Project
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