This cemetery was also known as the "Prospect Cemetery." It is located west of Perry, FL. From the intersection of US19 and US98, go west on US98 for approximately 6 miles, turn left on Poor Spot Cemetery Road and go about 1 mile. Road ends in Cemetery. [*1]
From Perry, go southwest 1 1/4 mile, turn south on dirt road and continue 1 4/10 mile to cemetery, which lies 100 feet on the right side of the road. [*2]
Bowden, John W. ~ 1831 - 1890 Pvt CSA
Green, James G. ~ 1843 - 1916 Pvt
Co G 3d Fla Inf
Some surnames of those buried here include: Barber, Bowdoin, Brannen, Brannon, Cothran, Cox, Ellison, Green, King, Mathis, McEntire, McGuire, Miller, Rider, Spears, Suggs, Tedder, Woods
[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk
[*2] from WPA Project
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