Taylor County

Pleasant Grove Cemetery

From the intersection of US19 and US98, travel north on US19 for 15.5 miles, turn right on FL14 for 1/5 mile, church and cemetery is located on your right.  [*1]

From Eridu go east on the dirt road for 5/10 miles to cemetery, which lies 16 feet on the right which is south side of the road.  [*2]

Garrett, Sam ~ 1847 - 1920 Pvt Co F 6th Fla Reg
Tedder, William B. ~ 1822 - 1890 Pvt Co K 10th Fla Inf
Wallace, Samuel David ~ 1845 - 1901 Co A 60 Regt Ala Inf

Some surnames of those buried here include: Aman, Andrews, Barkiewicz, Blue, Brown, Burroughs, Campbell, Cantrell, Carmichael, Caves, Chester, Connell, Cooley, Coulliette, Cruce, Culpepper, Davis, Dice, Dies, Evans, Garbett, Glisson, Glover, Grantham, Hinton, Holland, Home, James, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Kemp, Knowles, Lawson, Leverette, Lewis, Lyles, Monroe, Montgomery, Morris, Parker, Pemberton, Perryman, Platt, Reams, Rowell, Russell, Sadler, Schweinsberg, Sessions, Shaw, Sheffield, Sherrod, Shiver, Singletary, Smith, Spradley, Stephens, Suber, Summerlin, Suriano, Swilley, Tedder, Thompson, Timmons, Vann, Vinson, Waller, Watts, Wentworth, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Worley, Yates

[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk

[*2] from WPA Project

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This page was last updated 03/02/2025