From the intersection of US19 and US98, go north on US19 for about 4 miles, turn right on County Road 360. Church and Cemetery is about 1/2 mile on your right. [*1]
From Secotan, go SE on State Rd 19 for one mile, turn left (east) and continue 5/10 mile to cemetery, which lies fifty feet on the right (south) side of the road. [*2]
Anderson, Henry ~ 1819 - 1893 Pvt Co H 4th Fla Inf
Blanton, W. L. ~ 1845
- 1915 Pvt Co H 5th Ga Res
Blue, Colen ~ 1847 - 1920 Pvt Co D 2d Fla Cav
Fife, W. S. ~ 1848 - 1885 Farrier Co Arty
Grubbs, W. H. ~ 1833 - 1908 Pvt Co
F 5th Fla Bn
Hendry, Thomas P. ~ 1849 - 1910 Pvt 1st Fla Res
Poppell, W.
R. ~ 1847 - 1906 Pvt Co E 4th Fla Inf
Stripling, D. M. ~ 1832 - 1892 Pvt
Capt Hardee's 9th Ga Reg
Woods, Daniel Green ~ 1837 - 1879 Sgt Co D 2d Fla
Woods, Robert S. ~ ? - ? Pvt Co G 2d Fla Cav
Some surnames of those buried here include: Adams, Albritton, Alford, Allbritton, Allen, Alligood, Allison, Aman, Ancog, Anderson, Andrews, Applewhite, Archer, Armstrong, Avery, Aycoth, Baker, Banks, Barker, Bates, Bell, Bennett, Benton, Bishop, Blair, Blank, Blanton, Blaske, Blondheim, Blue, Bodiford, Bowden, Bowdoin, Boyd, Brannen, Brantley, Bratcher, Brewer, Brill, Brown, Bryson, Buckhalter, Burk, Bussell, Byrd, Cameron, Carlton, Carroll, Carter, Cash, Chance, Clark, Clemons, Cochran, Coleman, Collins, Conley, Connell, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Corbin, Costa, Couey, Courtney, Cowart, Cox, Crain, Crandall, Cribbs, Crissman, Croft, Cruce, Culverson, Cumbus, Davis, Dawley, Day, Denmark, DeWeese, Diamond, Dice, Donaldson, Doolittle, Driggers, Driscoll, DuBose, Duncan, Duty, Duvall, Eastman, Edenfield, Edge, Edney, Edwards, Ekins, Ellington, Elliott, Ellison, Emory, English, Erskine, Ethington, Evans, Fairbanks, Faircloth, Falling, Fallings, Farmer, Fender, Ferguson, Fields, Fife, Fleck, Fleming, Folsom, Ford, Foster, Franklin, Freeman, French, Frye, Fulford, Gantt, Garrett, Gianino, Giddens, Gill, Gipson, Glombowski, Glover, Gope, Graham, Grantham, Graves, Green, Griffin, Grubbs, Guilford, Gutshall, Hackle, Hagan, Hamby, Hamilton, Hammock, Hand, Haralson, Hardee, Harden, Harmon, Harrell, Harris, Hart, Heaster, Henderson, Hendry, Herrington, Hershberger, Hiers, High, Higley, Hill, Hockaday, Hodges, Holmes, Holton, Hoover, Hornsby, Horton, Howell, Hudson, Huff, Hughes, Hummelbaugh, Humphreys, Hunter, Irvin, Israel, Jackson, James, Jenkins, Jerrells, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kight, Killingsworth, King, Kirkland, Knehr, Knight, Lago, Langford, Leggett, Lego, Lewis, Livingston, Lloyd, Lollie, Lollis, Looper, Lundy, Lupari, Lutes, Luther, Lynch, Lynn, Maddox, Mallory, Markham, Mathers, Mathis, Matthews, McCall, McClanahan, McCormick, McCraw, McDaniel, McDonald, McGowan, McGraw, McGuire, McLeod, McMurrough, McRae, Meldrem, Merritt, Miles, Miller, Millican, Mills, Mims, Mitchell, Mixon, Moddy, Moore, Moreland, Morgan, Morrow, Moses, Mosley, Murray, Musselwhite, Nabinger, Nettles, Newell, Nichols, Nix, Nobles, Norman, O'Quinn, O'Steen, Oberto, Odom, Olliff, Olson, Omans, Padgett, Paga, Page, Painter, Paramore, Parker, Parks, Peacock, Perkins, Peters, Phillips, Pickles, Pierce, Piper, Pittman, Pitts, Poppell, Porter, Powell, Purvis, Ratliff, Raulerson, Reams, Redifer, Reese, Register, Reynolds, Rice, Ringer, Roberson, Roberts, Robertson, Robnett, Rodgers, Rogers, Rollins, Roper, Rouch, Rowell, Royals, Rushing, Russell, Sadler, Sage, Sapp, Satterwhite, Sauls, Schmaltz, Scott, Scaly, Sealy, Seay, Senn, Sessions, Sharp, Shaw, Sheppard, Sherouse, Sherrer, Shinholser, Shoaff, Silvestri, Simmons, Simon, Sims, Singletary, Skaggs, Slaughter, Smart, Smith, Snyder, Solomon, Stafford, Stephens, Stilwell, Straka, Strickland, Stricklen, Stripling, Studstill, Suber, Sullivan, Swain, Swank, Swearingen, Tatum, Tatun, Taylor, Tedder, Tharpe, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thurman, Tillman, Todd, Toole, Touchton, Townsend, Trickler, Tucker, Turner, Vanderhulst, Villa, Waldron, Walker, Walkins, Wall, Walters, Ward, Watson, Weaver, Weekly, Welch, Westberry, Wheelus, White, Wigglesworth, Wilbur, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wilson, Wise, Wood, Woodard, Woods, Wray, Wright, Wynn, Yates, Yon, York, Young
[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk
[*2] from WPA Project
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