This cemetery is located on the site of the New Hope Church before it disbanded. The cemetery is well kept and very pretty. It is located on the west side of US19 about 8 miles south of the intersection of US19 and US98 in Perry, FL. The cemetery can be seen from the main highway, US19, and can be reached by turning right off US19 onto a dirt road that ends at the cemetery gate. [*1]
From Athena, go north on U.S. Highway 19 for 2 miles. Turn left (west) on dirt road and continue 2/10 mile to cemetery, which lies 20 feet on right of (north) side of the road. [*2]
Gamble, D. F. ~ 1830 - 1902 Pvt Co D 2d Batt
Gunter, Thos. L. ~ 1849 -
1914 Pvt Capt. Faulkner 1st Fla Res
Kelley, Charles A. ~ 1837 - 1891 Pvt Co
E 5th Ga Inf
Kelley, John R. ~ 1847 - 1932 Pvt Co D
Wright, Andrew
Jackson ~ 1847 - 1916 Pvt Co D 32d Ga Reg
Young, Michael ~ 1838 - 1885 Pvt
2d Fla Cav
Some surnames of those buried here include: Ambrose, Austin, Bell, Bennett, Berryhill, Blanchard, Bodiford, Borklund, Bower, Brannen, Buchanan, Caldwell, Calhoun, Chester, Corbin, Cowart, Cruce, Daniels, Driggars, Driggers, Dukes, Durden, Dyal, Ellison, Gamble, Towles, Garrison, Geschwind, Giddens, Goff, Green, Gunter, Guthrie, Hadden, Hamm, Hayden, Helwig, Hendry, Hodge, Hogan, Hooks, Horne, Houck, Howard, Howell, Jenereaux, Johnson, Kelly, LaValle, Lee, Livingston, Lynn, Maxwell, McCall, McMullen, Morgan, Moses, Musselwhite, Myers, Newman, Nixon, Ouzts, Parker, Pridgeon, Ratliff, Redding, Ricketson, Robinson, Russell, Satterlee, Schermond, Scott, Shaw, Simpson, Smiley, Smith, Stevens, Thomas, Weatherly, Weaver, Whitehead, Whitfield, Williams, Wright, Young
[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk
[*2] from WPA Project
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