Taylor County

Land Cemetery

This cemetery is located behind the Andrew Wood property but was destroyed during logging operations and the old wooden markers/stakes were overrun by cattle. It is now planted over in pine trees. It can be reached by traveling west on Fish Creek Grade for about 3.1 miles from the Salem, FL Post Office (intersection of Fish Creek Grade and US19). Turn right on Andrew Wood Road and go about 8/10 mile to the second drive to his house.  [*1]

From Carbur, on US Highway 19, go south on dirt road for 2 2/10 miles. Turn right (SW) and continue one mile to cemetery, which lies 30 feet on the south side of the road in the woods.  [*2]

Coker, Pace
Land, Jane ~ 1845 - ?
Land, Joseph P. ~ 1867 - ?
Land, Martha L. ~ 1882 - ?
Land, William B. ~ 1830 – 1889 4 Sgt Co D 11th Fla Inf
Lynn, baby girl
McCall, Paralee E. ~ 1865 – 1930
McCall, Warren A. ~ 1863 – 1920
Stephens, Arthur ~ 1909 - ?
Stephens, Caroline W. ~ 1840 – 1935
Stephens, Edward ~ 1904 - ?
Stephens, Nataniel A. ~ 1866 – 1920
Stephens, W. E. L. ~ 1869 - ?
Stephens, William Cornelius ~ 1833 - 1907 Pvt Marion Lt Arty

[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk

[*2] from WPA Project

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This page was last updated 03/02/2025