This cemetery is located just east of US221 about 10 miles north of the Perry, FL Courthouse. It is behind the Lake Bird United Methodist Church on Lake Bird Road. [*1]
From the post office in Lake Bird, go north on State Rd. No, 35 for 1/2 mile. Then turn right on graded road, this side of concrete bridge and continue 3/4 mile to cemetery which lies 50 ft on the left side of road. [*2]
Chancy, John ~ ? - ? Pvt Co D 1st Fla Cav
McDaniel, William ~ 1831 - 1909
Pvt Co E 1st Ga Reg
Sheffield, Glasson G. ~ ? - ? Pvt Co C 29th Ga Cav
Some surnames of those buried here include: Agner, Allen, Andrews, Beach, Bellamy, Bishop, Blanton, Bradeen, Breeden, Broadwater, Carroll, Chancey, Clark, Copeland, Cruce, Davis, Durden, Dykes, English, Franklin, Godwin, Hanbury, Hart, Hayes, Heathington, Hendry, Horton, Howard, Johnson, Jones, King, Kirk, Ledford, Lee, Lopez, Lovett, Lundy, Lytle, Massey, Matthis, McCants, McDaniel, Miller, Mixon, Morgan, Murphy, O'Quinn, O'Steen, Otto, Parker, Pearson, Pickles, Planton, Poppell, Porter, Roberts, Ruediger, Russell, Sheffield, Shiver, Simmons, Simpson, Slaughter, Sowell, Starling, Stearman, Steely, Stephens, Stewart, Taylor, Townsend, Trammell, Tuten, Wambolt, Whiddon, Wilcox, Williams, Willis, Woodard, Wynn, York, Young
[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk
[*2] from WPA Project
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