This cemetery is located about 3/10 miles north of the intersection of US221 north and FL 14 at Shady Grove. Turn right on Hendry Cemetery Road. [*1]
From Post Office in Shady Grove, go east 1/4 mile, crossing South Georgia RR, to new graded State Road 35. Turn north, go one mile, then right on graded road and continue 300 ft. to cemetery gate. [*2]
Rowell, Henry A. ~ 1834 - 1892 Pvt Co D 5th Fla Inf
Slaughter, Henry H. ~
1840 - 1908 Pvt Co C 2d Fla Cav
Wilder, Jerry M. ~ 1847 - 1922 Pvt 1st Fla
Some additional surnames of those buried here include: Akins, Albritton, Baeza, Benton, Blalock, Bland, Bolt, Collins, Compton, Cooey, Cox, Cruce, Dixon, Dugie, Ellison, Faircloth, Fouraker, Hall, Hartsfield, Henderson, Hendry, Hudson, Jack, Johnson, Jones, Kinneer, Knight, Koster, Lampp, Lauterbach, Mackey, Mathis, McLeod, Miller, Mills, Morgan, Perkins, Platt, Porter, Roswell, Sadler, Sapp, Sessions, Shallen, Sheffield, Simmons, Slaughter, Steen, Tedder, Thompson, Todd, Tuten, Wentworth, Wilder, Williams
[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk
[*2] from WPA Project
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