Taylor County

Henderson Cemetery

This cemetery is located on Judge Robert Henderson's homeplace. To reach the cemetery, go about 10.5 miles north of Perry, FL Courthouse on US221 or go 3/10 miles past the Lake Bird Road; turn right up a private road and go 1/2 mile from US221. The cemetery is in a pine grove about 55 yards off this private road. It has a wrought iron fence surrounding the cemetery.  [*1]

From Lake Bird, go north on State Rd. 35 for 3/10 mile. Turn right (east) on dirt road and continue 4/10 mile to cemetery, which lies 16 feet on right (south) of the road.  [*2]

Henderson, Robert ~ 1823 - 1911 Pvt Co D 15 Fla Cav
Henderson, William C. ~ 1846 - 1908 Pvt Capt. Faulkner 1st Fla Res

[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk

[*2] from WPA Project

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This page was last updated 03/02/2025