This cemetery is now called Woodyard Cemetery. It can be reached by traveling west on Fish Creek Grade for about 3.1 miles from the Salem, FL Post Office (intersection of Fish Creek Grade and US19). Turn left on Tower Road and go about 4.7 miles south toward the Fire Tower. Turn right on dirt road and cemetery is located about 1/4 mile west of Tower Road. [*1]
From Salem on US Highway 19, go southwest on graded road for 8 miles. Turn right (west) on dirt road and continue one mile to cemetery, which lies 30 feet on the left side of the road in the woods. [*2]
Levingston, James B. ~ 1842-1910 Pvt Co E 61st Ga Reg
Rowell, David ~ 1844-1916 Pvt Co E 4th Fla Inf
Some additional surnames of those buried here include: Austin, Bishop, Brown, Carter, Clary, Cook, Croft, Davis, Deal, Drawdy, Green, Hudson, Jackson, Lamb, Lashley, Levingston, Linton, Livingston, Lynch, McMullen, Ragans, Russell, Sapp, Sheffield, Stanley, Strickland, Wilson, Woodall
[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk
[*2] from WPA Project
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