Taylor County

Carlton Cemetery

From the intersection of US19 and US98, you travel south on US19 for about 3 1/2 miles to Road FL 30A, turn right for about 1/12 miles. Cemetery is located on the right side of the road.  [*1]

From the courthouse in Perry, go south four miles on old road, turn left three hundred feet this side of Fenholloway River Bridge, Cemetery lies one-fourth mile on the left side of the road.  [*2]

Barnes, Armen L. ~ 1846-1900 Pvt Co A 1st Fla Cav
Carlton, Robert R. ~ 1835-1908 Pvt Co E 4th Fla Inf
Carlton, Thomas, L. ~ 1845-1904 Pvt Co F 5th Fla Cav
Gumbie, Andrew J. ~ 1838-1892 Capt Co F 6th Ga Inf
Hedgecock, S. F. ~ ?-? Pvt Co C 2d Fla Cav
Hendry, William S. ~ 1840-1896 Corp Co E 4th Fla Inf
Kinsey, Tulious ~ 1842-1920 Pvt Co F 1st Fla Res
Mathis, John H ~ 1835-1897 Pvt Co D 1st Fla Cav
Stephens, John J ~ 1846-1908 Pvt Co E 6th Fla Inf

There are many graves in Carlton cemetery. Some additional surnames buried here include: Adkins, All, Allen, Alred, Alvarez, Bard, Barnes, Barns, Bass, Batton, Beaty, Bembry, Bennett, Benton, Birch, Black, Bowden, Bowdoin, Brack, Brannen, Brickey, Brown, Burnell, Burris, Burroughs, Calhoun, Carlton, Carter, Cash, Chaney, Cheshise, Clark, Coker, Collins, Cordell, Courtney, Craft, Cruce, Culpepper, Cumbie, Cutter, Davis, Deas, Dees, Denniss, Devane, Dice, Dixon, Dorman, Duelar, Duncan, Ellison, Farrill, Flott, Floyd, Francis, Franklin, Freeman, Gillen, Goff, Gomez, Goodwin, Gosch, Grant, Grantham, Gray, Green, Gregory, Grubbs, Gunter, Guthrie, Haddon, Hampton, Hand, Harris, Headley, Hedgecock, Hendry, High, Hightower, Hillhouse, Hockaday, Holt, Horton, Houck, Howdeshell, Howell, Hudgens, Humphrey, Hunter, Hyde, Jackson, James, Johnson, Jolley, Jones, Kazee, Kelley, King, Kinsey, Koslowski, Lauramore, Lee, Leon, Lindsey, Lyons, Mahoney, Malone, Mangum, Mann, Manning, Mason, Mathis, McDaniel, McElveen, McGuire, McMillan, McMullen, McNeese, Miguel, Miller, Mills, Mixon, Morgan, Mullen, Mullis, Murphy, Musick, Musselwhite, Neel, Newton, Norris, Odom, Olah, Oliver, Page, Parker, Parsons, Pepper, Poitevint, Pollock, Powell, Pridgeon, Raulerson, Reed, Reiser, Reynolds, Roberts, Ross, Rowell, Sadler, Saline, Sapp, Schmidt, Scott, Sellers, Shaw, Sheofee, Sheppard, Shiver, Singletary, Slaughter, Smith, Sprague, StJohn, StJohns, Stephens, Stewart, Thomas, Thomley, Thompson, Tomlinson, Touchton, Towndrrow, Tucker, Urbanski, Waller, Walters, Ward, Warf, Warner, Warren, Watson, Weeks, Wentz, Westberry, Whiddon, Whitfield, Whitted, Wiles, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winters, Woodard, Woods, Worthington, Wright

[*1] from Survey of Taylor County, Florida Cemeteries by Jessie H. Paulk and Delma Wilson Paulk

[*2] from WPA Project

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This page was last updated 03/02/2025