Austin, Florence Idella ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse William
Neal Stewart; child Elsie Roxie Stewart
Bailey, Lena Lenora
Hardee ~ born 19 Sep 1908, Taylor County, Florida; father Lewis L.
Hardee; mother Winnie Lewis
Barker, Sarah Ann ~ born Taylor
County, Florida; spouse Jerry Oscar Wilcox; child Hughy John Wilcox
Bennett, Evie Mae ~ born 1 Feb 1909, Perry, Taylor County, Florida;
father John Leslie Bennett; mother Rachel Mudora Wood
Nettie ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse George Argo; child Thomas
Allen Argo
Blanton, James Joshua ~ born Taylor County, Florida;
spouse Eliza Morgan; child Susie Blanton
Blanton, Susie ~ born 26
May 1889, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father James Joshua Blanton;
mother Eliza Morgan
Calhoun, Clara ~ born 22 Apr 1904, Perry,
Taylor County, Florida; father John Caldwell Calhoun; mother Mary Jane
Carlton, Gilbert Mills ~ born Perry, Taylor County,
Florida; spouse Lela Irene Whitfield; child Mamie Emma Carlton
Carlton, Mamie Emma ~ born 22 Dec 1886, Perry, Taylor County, Florida;
father Gilbert Mills Carlton; mother Lela Irene Whitfield
Carlton, Mary Elizabeth ~ born Perry, Taylor County, Florida; spouse
John Wiley Mixon; child Callie Alaska Mixon
Carter, Dewey Waltimo
~ born 4 Aug 1898, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father William Waltimo
Carter; mother Ella Lou Rainey Carter
Carter, Joel Ellis ~ born
20 Mar 1906, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father William Waltimo
Carter; mother Ella Lourany Parker
Carter, John Reed ~ born
Taylor County, Florida; spouse Martha Virginia Mathers; child William
Charles Carter; child Eva Lendora Carter
Carter, Stevens Leonard
~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Nancy Sarah Hodge; child Edna
Marie Carter; child Audrey Lee Carter
Chancy, Mary Columbia ~
born 10 May 1897, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father James Marion
Chancy; mother Elmina Davis
Chauncey, Mary A. ~ born Taylor
County, Florida; spouse Albert N. Mathers; child Effie Eudora Mathers
Chestnut, William Hiram ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Minnie
Etta Hillyer; child Sidney Hanford Chestnut; child Lizzie May Or Mae
Clark, Walton Bryant ~ born 26 Mar 1908, Perry, Taylor
County, Florida; father Charles Tony Clark; mother Ethel Beatrice
Coker, Perry ~ born 23 May 1904, Perry, Taylor County,
Florida; father John Coker; mother Chairoty Andrews
Combs, Lillie
~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse James Henry Crews; child Cobert
Cox, Nancy Catherine ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse
Aaron E. Parker; child Calvin Aaron Parker
Cumbie, Ida Pearl ~
born 5 Oct 1906, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father Beulah Gibson
Cumbie; mother Martha Virginia Barksdale
Davis, Elmina ~ born
Taylor County, Florida; spouse James Marion Chancy; child Mary Columbia
Davis, Mattie Lenora ~ born Perry, Florida; spouse Charles
Christopher Williams; child Pearl May Williams
Denmark, William
Brantley ~ born 20 Jan 1886, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father Green
Columbus Denmark; mother Susan Sofrona Parker
Durden, Mary
Elizabeth ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Thomas S Gill; child
Corrine Gill
Earnest, Thomas Allen ~ born Taylor County, Florida;
spouse Susan Cornelia Alderman; child Bennie Lee Earnest Sr.
English, Cornelius Washington ~ born Perry, Florida; spouse Mary Matilda
Hooker; child Maggie Hazel English
English, Henry Harrison ~ born
Taylor County, Florida; spouse Eliza Lou Fortner; child William Hardie
Ezell, Columbia Judson ~ born Taylor County, Florida;
spouse Lula Roberts; child Vivian Elena (Ezell) Cortina
Eleanor Elberta ~ born Perry, Florida; spouse Hugh Lafayette Coleman;
child Carolyn Marie Coleman Hussey
Ezell, Margie Harsis ~ born 16
Mar 1891, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father Robert Ezell; mother
Frances Stephens
Gornto, John Goodbread ~ born 5 Oct 1890, Perry,
Taylor County, Florida; father John Mitchell Gornto; mother Minnie Lee
Gornto, John Mitchell ~ born near Perry, Florida;
spouse Minnie Lee Goodbread; child John Goodbread Gornto
Mathew David ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Nellie Maude
Patterson; child Lyman Earl Green
Grubbs, Laura Arilla ~ born
Perry, Taylor County, Florida; spouse Felix David Fussell; child Felix
William Fussell; child Ida Valeney Fussell
Grubbs, Willie Thomas
~ born 13 Nov 1890, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father William Henry
Grubbs; mother Mary Jane Oharo
Hardee, Charles J. ~ born Taylor
County, Florida; spouse Martha Peacock; child Charles Jay Hardee
Hardee, Lewis L. ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Winnie Lewis;
child Lena Lenora Hardee Bailey
Harnage, Mary Lonie ~ born 27
March 1901, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father Isaac Marion Harnage;
mother Helen Madora Stansel
Harrell, Martha Jane ~ born Perry,
Florida; spouse George Edgerton Reeves; child Martha Edgerton Reeves
Harrod, John Henry ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Susan
Harrell; child Sadie Harrod Flowers
Hartell, Martha Jane ~ born
Perry, Taylor County, Florida; spouse Edward McCassa Green; child Ruth
Elizabeth Green Hughes; child Leola Green
Head, Julia Hester ~
born Taylor County, Florida; spouse John C. Brandon; child Marvin Edwin
Hendry, Ida Elizabeth ~ born Perry, Taylor County,
Florida; spouse William Meticus Cone; child John Hugh Cone
Hendry, Robert Pleott ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Lula
Blanton; child Roy Bryan Hendry
Henry, John James ~ born 29 Jan
1892, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father Robert Calvin Henry; mother
Mary Olive Kelly
Howard, Lillie Ellem ~ born 9 Jul 1889, Salam,
Taylor County, Florida; father Wesley Vinson Howard; mother Bunia Vista
Hunsucker, Rebecca Adeline ~ born Perry, Florida; spouse
Lewis Barnett; child Calvin Merritt Barnett
Jackson, Julia
Shirley ~ born 11 Sep 1891, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father James
Allen Jackson; mother Jane Georganne Stephens
Kelly, Mary Olive ~
born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Robert Calvin Henry; child John
James Henry
Lake, Anna Lee ~ born Shady Grove, Florida; spouse
Porter H. Graham; child Everlena Hurst
Lewis, John Thomas ~ born
Taylor County, Florida; spouse Hester Elizabeth Scarborough; child Edith
Irene Lewis
Lewis, Winnie ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse
Lewis L. Hardee; child Lena Lenora Hardee Bailey
Lott, Audrey
Peacock ~ born 22 Jun 1907, Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father Samuel
Hiram Peacock; mother Ada Williams
Lundy, George Washington ~
born Perry, Florida; spouse Soonie Lundy; child Blanche Rowena Lundy
Lynn, Viola Mattie ~ born 25 Mar 1894, Perry, Taylor County,
Florida; father George Henry Lynn; mother Lessie Victoria Felder
Mathers, Albert N. ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Mary A.
Chauncey; child Effie Eudora Mathers
Mathis, Daniel Chandler ~
born Perry, Florida; spouse Florence Smith; child Eddie David Mathis
Mathis, Eddie David ~ born 15 Sep 1905, Perry, Taylor County,
Florida; father Daniel Chandler Mathis; mother Florence Smith
Mercer, Clifton Alden ~ born 27 Oct 1908, Perry, Taylor County, Florida;
father Franklin Arnold Mercer; mother Othelia Chancy
Mercer, Noah
Lonsa ~ born 19 Nov 1883, Taylor County, Florida; father Christopher C.
Mercer; mother Catharine Elizabeth Carmichel
Mims, Thomas
Valentine ~ born Perry, Florida; spouse Eliza Vastine; child William
James Mims
Mixon, Callie Alaska ~ born 18 Jan 1904, Perry, Taylor
County, Florida; father John Wiley Mixon; mother Mary Elizabeth Carlton
Morgan, Aaron Joseph ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Mary
Hamilton; child Irma Nile Morgan
Morgan, Ansel Malcom ~ born
Taylor County, Florida; spouse Lola Howell; child Erial Easter Morgan
Morgan, Eliza ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse James Joshua
Blanton; child Susie Blanton
Oharo, Mary Jane ~ born Taylor
County, Florida; spouse William Henry Grubbs; child Willie Thomas Grubbs
Parker, Aaron E. ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Nancy
Catherine Cox; child Calvin Aaron Parker
Parker, Ella Lourany ~
born Perry, Taylor County, Florida; spouse William Waltimo Carter; child
Joel Ellis Carter; child Dewey Waltimo Carter
Parker, Susan
Sofrona ~ born Perry, Taylor County, Florida; spouse Green Columbus
Denmark; child William Brantley Denmark
Parker, Thomas Hansford ~
born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Susan Zelot Crum; child Martha
Estelle Parker
Peacock, Ida Annie ~ born Perry, Taylor County,
Florida; spouse Daniel Madison Albritton; child Daisy Roberta Albritton
Peacock, Martha ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Charles J.
Hardee; child Charles Jay Hardee
Peacock, Samuel Hiram ~ born
Salem, Florida; spouse Ada Williams; child Audrey Peacock Lott
Phinny, Malza Palena Morse ~ born 9 May 1895, Perry, Taylor County,
Florida; father Thomas Lee Morse; mother Matilda Ann Richardson
Powell, John Donald ~ born 8 Nov 1874, Perry, Taylor County, Florida;
father John Webster Powell; mother Joe Anna King; spouse Mary Agnes
Cross; child Olin Webster Powell
Rainie, Harriet Lou ~ born
Taylor County, Florida; spouse Peter James Malone; child Susie Virginia
Robertson, Marsaline Wilder ~ born Taylor County, Florida;
spouse James Jasper Robertson; child Ruth L. Robertson Martin
Sandford, Elizabeth Garmany ~ born 17 Sep 1906, Perry, Taylor County,
Florida; father Stephen Septimus Sandford; mother Janie Champion Mays
Sandford, Hiram Jackson ~ born 7 Apr 1882, near Perry, Taylor
County, Florida; father Jessie Sandford; mother Julia Sophronia
Carmichael; spouse Sallie Emeline Sanders; child Joseph Fenley Sandford
Or Jodie Sanford
Scott, Thyra Ethel ~ born 19 Oct 1902, Perry,
Taylor County, Florida; father George Taylor Scott; mother Ella Frances
Sealey, William B. ~ born Taylor County Co., Florida;
spouse Jessie Ellis; child Juliette Tesa Sealey
Shepherd, John
Michael ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Celesta Cristene Dossey;
child Macy Shepherd; child Eunice Elvenia Shepherd
Simmons, Jesse
Wright ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Sarah Elizabeth Smith;
child Fuller Alsobrook Simmons
Smith, Florence ~ born Shady
Grove, Florida; spouse Daniel Chandler Mathis; child Eddie David Mathis
Snipes, Mary ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse George Washington
Jenkins; child James Milton Jenkins
Tharps, James Franklin ~ born
28 Jul 1902, Blue Creek, Taylor County, Florida; father James Guy
Tharps; mother Lilla Hughes
Wallace, Eliza Velany ~ born Taylor
County, Florida; spouse Joshua Mizell Waters; child Viola Mizpah Waters;
child Callie Rachel Waters
Wells, Leila Clare ~ born Taylor
County, Florida; spouse Walter Jackson Hawk; child James Wells Hawk
Whitfield, Lela Irene ~ born Perry, Taylor County, Florida; spouse
Gilbert Mills Carlton; child Mamie Emma Carlton
Wilder, John
Malachi ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Lula Delma Mccall; child
Myrtle Eunice Wilder
Wilder, Mary Jane ~ born Taylor County Co,
Florida; spouse John Caldwell Calhoun; child Clara Calhoun
Wilder, Myrtle Eunice ~ born 27 Feb 1906, Salem, Taylor County, Florida;
father John Malachi Wilder; mother Lula Delma Mccall
Rebecca ~ born Taylor County, Florida; spouse Isaac C. Shepherd; child
George Shepherd
Williams, Hattie Indiana ~ born 16 May 1886, near
Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father James Harrison Williams; mother
Fannie Brooks Williams
Williams, James Archie ~ born 1 Oct 1906,
Perry, Taylor County, Florida; father Linson Edward Williams; mother
Mary Susan Ragans
Compiled 18 Jun 2019 by Norma Hass; from Florida Births and Christenings, 1880-1935, Collection at, where additional information and records images are available.
Copyright © 1996 - The USGenWeb® Project, FLGenWeb, Taylor County