Mrs. J. T. Griggs, after enjoying a month's visit to her married daughter in Taylor county, returned home Tuesday.
C. A. Hardee grew up on a farm in Taylor county, did all kinds of farm labor, walked four miles to school. He spent his boyhood just like thousands of Florida's farmer boys are doing today and because he has made some success financially and has become president of a bank, some of his political enemies are saying that he should not be elected governor because he has made money. This is the cheaspest kind of demagogic political schemes. If such reasoning should prevail in Florida, it would be a withering blast to the many thousands of other ambitious farmer boys who are now struggling for education and success in the world as C. A. Hardee did when he was a boy. Such reasoning would say to them, if you succeed, you cannot be trusted with high office. - Mayo Free Press.
Contributed 2020 Apr 26 by Norma Hass
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