H. C. Sparkman, who has for some years past published the Wauchula Telegram, DeSoto county, has sold his subscription list to the Wauchula Advocate and will move his printing plant to Perry, Taylor county, where he has purchased the good will of the Perry Herald, which plant was recently destroyed by fire, and will move his plant to the latter place. The people of Taylor county can congratulate themselves upon Editor Pound being succeeded by such an able journalist as Mr. Sparkman. Gainesville Sun.
H. C. Sparkman started up publication of the Taylor County Herald, at Perry,
last Friday, succeeding J. E. Pound, who has gone to Georgia looking for a
location. The Herald, with its present energetic young publisher, will give
Taylor county a good, live, paper, and if it should fail the fault will be with
the people not supporting it, as the Herald is the only paper in that county.
Contributed 2020 Apr 26 by Norma Hass
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