Taylor County

1911-1912 Polk's Florida State Gazetteer & Business Directory

Index to Advertisers - Perry [page 15]

Hendry Realty & Abstract Co p 357
King C E page 356
Sparkman H C 357
Taylor County Herald 357

Bankers [page 40]

Perry First National Bank - W L Weaver, Cashier; Perry Banking Co, E F Dougherty, Cashier

[page 41]

Taylor county population 7,103

Agnes. [page 45]

Population 100. In Taylor county, 28 miles southeast of Perry, the county seat and nearest banking point and 3 from Fish Creek on the Gulf of Mexico. Mail by special supply. Willis A Brown postmaster.

Athena. [page 57]

Population 100. In Taylor county, 11 1-4 miles southeast of Perry, the county seat, banking and shipping point. Mail, daily. C O C Johnson, postmaster
Pearson J W Rev (Baptist)
Towles James X, live stock breeder

Boyd. [page 66]

Population 100. On the S G & W C R R, in Taylor county, 6 miles from Perry, the county seat and banking point, and 150 from Jacksonville.

Dublin. [page 104]

A country postoffice in Taylor county, 12 miles south of Perry, the county seat, banking and shipping point. John W. Williams, postmaster
Henderson R C, teacher
Strickland M R, turpentine
Williams John H, general store

Fenholloway. [page 114]

Population 200. On the Florida Ry and on the Fenholloway river, in Taylor country, 7 miles southeast of Perry, the county seat and banking point. Tel W Exp Southern. Telephone connection
Emily L Wigglesworth, postmaster
Baisdon J D, general store
Coleman W J, bottling works and general store
Heirs & Henaly, general store
Malthy Bros & Turner, turpentine
Potts U, turpentine

Lake Bird. [page 262]

A rural ostoffice on the S G & W C Ry, Taylor county, 10 miles north of Perry, the county seat and banking point. Exp Southern
Blanton Wm L, general store
Dowling Park, naval stores
Indiana Silo Co

Lake Joe. [page 265]

A country postoffice in Taylor county, 18 1/2 miles south of Perry, the county seat, usual banking and shipping point. Mail daily
Gordon A B & Co, turpentine and general store

Perry. [pages 356-358]

Population 1,500. The judicial seat of Taylor county is an incorporated village, located on the L O P & G, the S & S P and the S G & W C R R's, 90 miles west of Jacksonville, 16 from the Gulf of Mexico and 44 southwest of Live Oak. It is lighted by electricity, has an excellent system of water works, fire department, 2 banks, ice plant, good hotels, cotton gin, grist mill, Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, a public school and a weekly newspaper, the Taylor County Herald. Tel W U. Exp Southern. Telephone connection.
Adams C R, marshal and tax collr
Atlantic Coast Line Ry, W C Lockhart agt
Barton Benjamin J, pool
Battle George R, dry goods, vice pres First National Bank
Battle W E, mayor
Bird & Adams (Paul Bird, Charles Adams), grocers
Black Gus A, restr
Blair & Hinley (J T Blair, S A Hinley) general store
Blanton Boyett P, meats
Blanton D F, notary public
Brown James J, bowling alley
Calhoun Abstract Co, W F Calhoun mgr abstract of land titles
Calhoun Eugene C, lawyer
Calhoun John C, clerk circuit court
Carter Sarah, cigars and tobaccos
Caswell Grocery Co, L E Caswell propr
Cole F D Rev (Baptist)
Cooper Sandy M, confectioner
Culpepper John O, county judge
Currie D C & Co (D C Currie, J H Mulloy, D G Mulloy), jewelers
Davis Mathew W, county commissioner
Davis Wm B, lawyer
Fain, Wm, barber
First National Bank (Capital $25,000), S H Peacock Pres, G R Battle Vice Pres, W L Weaver Cashr
Fletcher I M H, saloon
Fletcher Wm H, saloon
Florida Railway, L A Peacock ticket agt
Goldstein Abraham, dry goods
Goodwin Julia, restaurant
Gornto & Battle (J M Gornto, W E Battle), Attorneys-at-Law
Hendry Andrew, supervisor of registration
Hendry Realty & Abstract Co, W A Hendry Pres, W T Hendry Sec and Treas, D G Malloy Vice Pres, Real Estate and Abstract of land Titles (See adv)
Hendry W A, Pres Hendry Realty & Abastract Co, Mgr Perry Telephone Co and Supt Public Instruction
Hendry W T (Hendry & McKinnon), Sec and Treas Hendry Realty & Abstract Co
Hendry & McKinnon (W T Hendry, K W McKinnon), Attorneys-at-Law
Herald Book Store, H C Sparkman Propr, Books (see adv)
Herald Job Office, H C Sparkman Propr (See adv)
Hester Louis V, dry goods
Holt Walter S, pool
Horn J T, general store
Hotel Oakland, Mrs M L McDougal Propr, Rates $2.00
Houck Brinson, county commissioner
Inman Wm E, printer
Jones J L Rev (Methodist)
King Charles E, Surveyor and Buyer of Timber Lands (See adv)
Lanier Nelson W, confectioner
Lou Charles, lndry
Live Oak, Perry & Gulf Railroad Co, Arthur H Seibert agt
McAuley Auley, county treasurer
McRae Alexander B, physician
Malloy D G, Vice Pres Hendry Realty & Abstract Co
Massey Edward, barber
Mickelson David, dry goods
Milton Benjamin S, pool
Mobley Edward W, barber
Morgan Abner E, grocer
Page G W, county commissioner
Palmer B H, judge circuit court
Paris Decatur R, fish
Parker John H, sheriff
Parker Melvin H, barber
Peacock Hotel, Mrs S H Peacock propr
Peacock Samuel H, general store, saw mill and cotton gin and cotton grower and buyer
Perry Banking Co The (capital $20,000), D G Malloy pres, J H Scales vice pres, E F Dougherty cashr
Perry Bottling Works, Adams & Holmes proprs, soda water mfrs
Perry Clothing Co (Jacob Oelsner, D G Malloy, J H Malloy), gents' furnishing
Perry Electric Co, J D Renfroe mgr ice mfrs
Perry Live Stock & Vehicle Co, G A Collins pres, J P Miles vice pres, J H Scales sec and treas livery
Perry Meat Market (H J McMullin, H C Vick)
Perry Telephone Exchange, W A Hendry Mgr
Powell & Co (J L D Powell, G W Lanier), saloon
Powell & Lanier (D B L Powell, D W Lanier), saloon
Putnal Joseph A, grocer
Register D S, county tax assessor
Ricks J J, contractor
Roberts D D, dentist
Robinson Rosa, cigars and tobacco
Rolleson R M, county commissioner
Skipper James G, grocer
Slaughter Walter H, grocer
South Georgia & West Coast Railway Co, J B Jones agt
Southern Express Co, L A Peacock agt
Sparkman H C, Editor and Propr Taylor County Herald (See adv)
Stripling Robert L, county tax collr
Taylor County Herald, H C Sparkman Editor and Propr. Published Every Thursday (Dem), $1.00 Per Year (see adv)
Taylor C T, contractor
Taylor Samuel M, tailor
Thompson Benjamin W, tailor
Travellers Hotel, P M Poppell propr
Tyson Wm W, druggist and physician
United Hardware & Furniture Co, D G Malloy pres, H H Brown vice pres, J H Malloy sec and treas
Vereen Robert H, general store
Vereen & Blanton (R H Vereen, B P Blanton), saloon
Weaver W L, city clerk, tax assessor and treas
Wetern Union Telegraph Co, Arthur H Seibert mgr
White T E, contractor
Wilder Henry T, dry goods
Williams Perry, tailor
Williams U S, county commissioner

Sadler. [page 373]

A recently established postoffice in Taylor county.

Shady Grove. [page 405]

A station on the S G & W C Ry and on the Ecopfina river, in Taylor county, 13 1/2 miles north of Perry, the county seat and nearest banking point. Has rural delivery from Red Oak.
Blanton B C, general store
Blanton J B & Son, general store
Cochran J E, Drugs and Express Agt
Dowling Park, naval stores
McLean Campbell & Co, general store
Morgan J M & Co, general store
Powell McLean Co, turpentine
Williams E L, drugs
Williams U C, general store

Stephensville. [page 409]

A postoffice on the Steinhatchee river in Taylor county, 36 miles south of Perry, the county seat and nearest banking point. Mail daily. Sarah Stephens, postmaster.

Thelma. [page 475]

A country postoffice in Taylor county, 22 miles south of Perry, the county seat, usual shipping and banking point. Mail, daily.
Blue Creek Co, turpentine and general store
page 484 – Waylonzo. A country postoffice in Taylor county, 18 miles northwest of Perry, the county seat, banking and shipping point. Mail semi-weekly.

Extracted 19 Jun 2019 by Norma Hass, from 1911-1912 Polk's Florida State Gazetteer and Business Directory

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