Taylor County

Biography - Cincinnatus Thomas Culpepper

CULPEPPER, M. D., Cincinnatus Thomas. Some of the most successful of the medical practitioners have found it expedient to devote themselves to a certain extent to special branches of their profession, either because of preference, or because of a popular demand. This is the case with Dr. Cincinnatus Thomas CULPEPPER of Perry, who, although engaged in a general practice, is kept so busy ministering to the ills of children, in whose diseases he has become a specialist, that he has but little time for other work.

Dr. CULPEPPER belongs to the old Culpepper family of Georgia, and he is an elder brother of Judge John O. CULPEPPER, county judge of Taylor County. Doctor CULPEPPER was born near Thomasville, Georgia, November 22, 1863, eldest son of JOHN S. and Dorothy (CHASTIAN) CULPEPPER. John S. CULPEPPER was born in Georgia, and he died in his native state in 1900 when he was sixty-eight years old. He was a veteran of the Confederate army, and an active democrat as long as he lived.

Carefully reared, Doctor CULPEPPER first attended the local schools and the Southern Georgia Military Institute, and then, while engaged in farming, studied medicine. Determined upon securing proper medical training, he worked in a turpentine plant during his vacations and earned the money to put him through the medical department of the Atlanta Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1892, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and immediately thereafter established himself in a practice at Meigs, Georgia, where he remained until 1895, and then came to Florida, and for three years was engaged in practice in Madison county, and then, in 1898, located permanently at Perry, and here, as above stated, he has become widely known as the “children’s doctor”.

He has farming interests and is a man of considerable means, all of which he has acquired by his own efforts. A democrat, he has been very active in local affairs, and during 1911 and 1913 represented the Twelfth Senatorial District in the State Senate. During the late war he was one of the most zealous workers, and he has always been active in local matters.

An ardent sportsman, he maintains Culpepper Camp, on the Fenholloway River which is noted for its turkey and deer shooting all over Northern Florida and Southern Georgia. Doctor CULPEPPER belongs to the County, State and National Medical Associations, and he maintains membership with the Knights of Pythias.

Dr. CULPEPPER was married to Miss Callie McDONALD, born at Boston, Georgia, a daughter of J.B. and Margaret (McGUIGAN) McDONALD, natives of North Carolina, both of whom are now deceased. Mr. McDONALD was a Confederate veteran, a farmer, and a prominent man, and one very active in the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. CULPEPPER is very active in church, club, political and social circles, and is a lady of unusual mentality and executive force of character. Doctor and Mrs. CULPEPPER have three living children: L.E., who is senior member of the Culpepper-Lee Drug Company of Perry; John I., who is manager of the hardware and farm department of the Burton-Swartz Mercantile Company of Perry, is married and has two children, Carolyn and Jack; and Maedell at home.

Extracted by Nancy Rayburn from 1923 The History of Florida: Past & Present, Volume 3, page 14.

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