

Rixford School (1907)


This is a list of individuals on the rear of a photograph of Rixford School, dated Sept. 3, 1907. The majority of the writing is in the handwriting in pencil of Margaret Frances “Fannie” Mobley (later McElveen) who was the 19-year-old teacher of the children. The Principal of the school was Professor Earl Boyd.

Several of the names were written over in ink by an unknown writer and are easy to read. Some of the names in pencil are difficult or impossible to read.

From left to right

1 ____k Moe or Wise/ Henry Grant

2 Jefrey (?) Brinson/ Jesse Blackman

3 Lee Andrew Kight/ James Poole

4 Bobby Mickler/ James Burnette

5 Bennie (?) Mikell/ Rolande Holland

6 Flossie Creekmore/ Henry Kight

7 Bessie Allison/ Inez Bevan

Oregani Brinson/ Lydia Creekmore

Alma Mikell/ Belle Hawkins

Jewell Poole/ Mamie Oliver

Vivian Haddock/ Viola Brinson

Annie Oliver/ Dola Haddock

Vonnie Mickler/ Georgia Johnson

Drew Allison/ Elvia (?) or Elmore Burnette

Verdie Johnson/ Worth Green

Erie Brinson/ Grover Brinson

Leon (?) Mikell/ Marvin Sheen

John Burnette/ Bevan Cobb

J___ Johnson/ Wiley Grant

Verner (?) Bevan/ Davis Johnson

Perry Allison/ George Allen

Green McGriff/ John Blackman

Maude Johnson/ G_____ Green

Earle Mickler/ Worth Haddock

Earle Oliver/ Prof. Boyd

Mammie Mickler/ Miss Mobley

Nita Oliver

Ruth Williams

Mattie Creekmore

Kathalen (?) Burnette

Nean Allen

Ruth Blackman

_____ Wise or Mill

Along the left side of the names it reads: Sept. 3 Rixford School

Along the right side it reads: Boarded as Charlton Brinson at Rixford near Live Oak

all lower grades 1907

C.J. Williams - Clyde Byrd

Back of photo of Rixford School (1907)


Copyright's belong to Nancy Towns, Do Not use photo without permission. To get permission email Nancy at:ntowns @ comcast.net

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