Marriage License (for William A. McCook and Marsilla Wood ************************************************************************ File contributed for use in Suwannee Co. GenWeb Archives by Linda McCook, ( GENWEB NOTICE: These electronic page may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter. The submitter has given permission to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ MARRIAGE LICENSE State of Florida, Suwannee County: To any Minister of the Gospel, or any Officer Legally Authorized to Solemnize the Rite of Matrimony. Whereas, Application having been made to the Clerk of the Court of Suwannee County, of the third Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, for a License of Marriage, and it appearing to the satisfaction of said Clerk that no legal impediments exist to the marriage now sought to be solemnized, these are therefore to authorize you to unite in the Holy Estate of Matrimony, Mr. William A. McCook & Miss Marsilla Wood and that you make return of same, duly certified under your hand to the Clerk of the Court aforesaid Witness Robt. A. Reid Clerk of said Court, and the seal of said Court, at the Court House in Live Oak, this 2nd day of Feby, 1881 [signature] Robt. A. Reid, Clerk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I CERTIFY That the within named W. A. McCook and Marsilla Wood were by me, the undersigned, duly united in the Holy Estate of Matrimony, my the authority of the within License. Done this 2nd day of } J. M. Caldwell March A. D. 1881 Pastor of First Baptist Church of Jasper (hand-written on back of certificate - “Filed in office March 2, 1881, Robt. A. Reid Clerk) **Notes: William Alexander McCook is the son of Patrick Hamilton McCook and Martha [Gibson] McCook. Marsilla Wood is the daughter of Lawrence H. Wood and Wealthy Ann [Lavender] Wood.