Page No. ______5________           SUWANNEE COUNTY, FL 1880 FEDERAL CENSUS
Supervisor's Dist. No__18__
Enumeration 145
Microfilm Roll #132                                                                                                                STAMPED PAGE # 277 -A
     SCHEDULE 1.   Inhabitants in___District No. 1__, in the County of_Suwannee_,  State of __Florida__, 
                                                           enumerated by me on the __21st__ day of June, 1880.

                                                                                                                        _____ W. H. Slate________







   Last  Name  
First Name    











*** *****PERSONAl***COMMENTS*****
 5 46 46  OLNS  Tony  24   - M Farmer  Georgia  Georgia  Georgia   * 
5 2 - - 46 46 OLNS Phillis B F 16 - Wife M - Keeping House - - - Georgia Georgia Georgia  - -
5 3 - - 47 47 WILLIAMS Peter B M 26 - - M - Terpintine Hand 4 - - N.Carolina N.Carolina N.Carolina  - -
5 4 - - 47 47 WILLIAMS Hester B F 24 - Wife M - Keeping House - - X Florida Georgia Florida  - -
5 5 - - 47 47 WILLIAMS Lilla B F 1 - Daughter S - - - X X Florida N.Carolina Florida  - -
5 6 - - 47 47 WILLIAMS Charles B M 4 - Son S - - - - - Florida N.Carolina Florida  - -
5 7 - - 48 48 WHITE James L. W M 33 - - M - Farmer - - - Alabama Tenn Tenn  - -
5 8 - - 48 48 WHITE Sausin F. W F 30 - Wife M - Keeping House - - - Georgia S.Carolina S.Carolina  - -
5 9 - - 48 48 WHITE Emma W F 8 - Daughter S - - - - - Florida Alabama Georgia  - -
5 10 - - 48 48 WHITE Oscar W M 4/12 Feb. Son S - - - - - Florida Alabama Georgia  - -
5 11 - - 48 ** 48** ABRAMS, Elias W M 68 - - M - Farmer - - - Kentucky Illinois New Jersey  * This appears to be a separate household, but the # is the same as previous.
5 12 - - 48 48 ABRAMS Albertha j. W F 56 - Wife M - Keeping House - - - New York New York New York  - -
5 13 - - 48 48 ABRAMS Lilla D. W F 18 - Daughter S - General Helper - - - Indianna Kentucky New York  - -
5 14 - - 48 48 ABRAMS Allace F. W F 12 - Daughter S - - - - - Indianna Kentucky New York  - -
5 15 - - 48 48 HINSEY, Jane W F 8 - Daughter S - - - - - Ilinois Indianna Tullirson**  - Can't read p/b Mother- Best guess at spelling
5 16 - - 48 48 KISANETTE James W M 22 - Servant S - Farm Hand - - - Ilinois France France  - -
5 17 - - 49 49 JENNINGS Luey W M 44 - M - Preacher - - - Indianna New York Mass  - -
5 18 - - 49 49 JENNINGS Rachel J. W F 45 - Wife M - Keeping House - - - Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky  - -
5 19 - - 49 49 JENNINGS George W. W M 16 - Son S - Farm Hand - - - Illinois Indianna Kentucky  - -
5 20 - - 49 49 JENNINGS,  Mary B. W F 9 - Daughter S - - - - - Illinois Indianna Kentucky  - -
5 21 - - 49 49 JENNINGS Leroy R. W M 7 - Son S - - - - - Florida Indianna Kentucky  - -
5 22 - - 49 49 ELLIS John B. W M 20 - Servant S - Farming - - - Florida Georgia Georgia  - -
5 23 - - 50 50 JACKSON, Benj B M 53 - - S - Farming - X X N.Carolina S.Carolina S.Carolina  - -
5 24 - - 50 50 JACKSON Nellie B F 16 - Daughter S Farm Hand X X Georgia N.Carolina Georgia  - -
5 25 - - 50 50 JACKSON Luvenia B F 12 - Daughter S - - - X X Georgia N.Carolina Georgia  - -
5 26 - - 50 50 BRYANT Henry B M 22 - Boarder S -_ Farm Hand - - - Florida Florida Florida  - -
5 27 - - 50 50 ENIMAIST ** Luly ** B M 21 - Boarder S - Trainster - - - Georgia Georgia Georgia  * Both names Hard to read - best guess 
5 28 - - 51 51 TAYLOR Wm B. W M 42 - - M - Attorney-at-law - - - Georgia Georgia Georgia  - -
5 29 - - 51 51 TAYLOR Mary L. W F 39 - Wife M - Keeping House - - - Florida S.Carolina S.Carolina  - -
5 30 - - 51 51 TAYLOR Wm B. W M 15 - Son S - School Boy - X - - Florida Georgia Florida  - -
5 31 - - 52 52 ELLIS ** R. K.  W M 54 - - M - Grocer - - - Alabama S.Carolina Tenn  * Letters "tte" on end of name look like they were marked out 
5 32 - - 52 52 ELLIS Mary W F 32 - Wife * - Keeping House - - - Florida N.Carolina Georgia  * This column is blank
5 33 - - 52 52 ELLIS ** W F 7 - Daughter S - - - X - - Florida Alabama Florida  * This is a one-letter name - No idea - 
5 34 - - 52 52 ELLIS Karr W M 6 - Son S - - - X - - Florida Alabama Florida  - -
5 35 - - 52 52 ELLIS Bettie R. W F 3 - Daughter - - - - - - Florida Alabama Florida  - -
5 36 - - 52 52 ELLIS Lang W F 1 - Daughter - - - - - - Florida Alabama Florida  - -
5 37 - - 52 52 TAYLOR Henry L. W M 17 - Son - - School Boy X - - Florida Georgia Florida  - -
5 38 - - 53 53 MILLS Andrew J. W M 29 - - S - Farmer - - - N.Carolina N.Carolina N.Carolina  - -
5 39 - - 53 53 MILLS Patience W F 33 - Sister S - Keeping House - - - N.Carolina N.Carolina N.Carolina  - -
5 40 - - 54 54 OVERSTREET S. T.  W M 50 - - M - Physican - - - Florida S.Carolina S.Carolina  - -
5 41 - - 54 54 OVERSTREET Adaline W F 40 - Wife M - Keeping House - - - Georgia Georgia Georgia  - -
5 42 - - 54 54 OVERSTREET George P. W M 12 - Son S - - - - - Florida Florida Florida  - -
5 43 - - 54 54 OVERSTREET Julia P. W F 10 - Daughter S - - - - - Florida Florida Florida  - -
5 44 - - 54 54 OVERSTREET Tepas ** W F 6 - Daughter S - - - - - Florida Florida Florida  * Not sure of spelling - could be "Lepas"
5 45 - 54 54 OVERSTREET HELLEN s. W F 1 - Daughter S - - - - - Florida Florida Florida  - -
5 46 - - 55 55 ROBERTSON Jessee W M 56* - - M - Farmer - - - Maryland Virginia Virginia  * Not clear. Pretty sure it is 56 
5 47 - 55 55 ROBERTSON Martha S W F 51 - Wife M - Keeping House - - - Indiana Maryland Ohio  - -
5 48 - - 55 55 ROBERTSON Hilry H. W M ** - Son S - Citty  Marshell - - - Kentucky Maryland Indianna  * Can not read age - believed to be 34
5 49 - - 55 55 ROBERTSON Ida O. W F 19 - Daughter  S - - - - - Kentucky Maryland Indianna - -
5 50 - - 55 55 ROBERTSON Charles W. W M 16 - Son S - Farm Hand - - - Kentucky Maryland Indianna - -

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