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Federal Point
Cocifacio Land GrantThe Governor of St. Auguitine to the Captain General of Cuba.The first of this month I discharged from the military service in which they were employed the three companies of white militia of this city, not only for want of provisions here, but for the urgent necessity there was that the inhabitants should be allowed to turn once more their attention to the care of their respective families and occupations, with the object of making as light as possible the injuries suffered by them in the insurrection of the province. With that motive I cannot but recommend to your excellency the fidelity manifested by the militia and third battalion of Cuba in the performance of their duty, from the first moment in which the rebellion broke out, and for which I consider them worthy the gifts to which the supreme Government may think them entitled, taking the liberty of recommending the granting of some, which may be as follows: to each officer, who has been in actual service in said militia, a royal commission for each grade he may obtain as provincial; and to the soldiery, a certain quantity of land as established by regulation in this province, agreeably to the number of persons composing each family; and which gift can also be made to the married officers and soldiers of the said third battalion of Cuba. Men in general require to be excited by some stimulus, and it is not easy to find any who are indifferent to public approbation of thsir services. What I propose, without giving them in reality any thing, will be the means of contenting them, and produce henceforward the best effects; it being understood that this gift will be for those who occupy themselves in tha defence. And for this end, and in case that these, my ideas, merit the approbation of your excellency, I enclose, as regards the officers of both corps, lists of those who ought, in that case, to be comprehended. God preserve your excellency many years. His Excellency Don JUAN Ruiz ne APODACA.The Governor of the city of St. Augustine, East Florida, gives notice of his having discharged from the military service the companies of white militia of said city, and recommends their merits, as well as this third battalion of Cuba, which (hey obtained on account of the insurrection of this province. ST. AUOUSTINE, EAST FLORIDA,January 9, 1824.I, Francis J. Fatio, secretary of the Board of Land Commissioners for the district of East Florida, do certify that the foregoing is a true and correct translation from a document in the Spanish language. F. J. FATIO.CITY of ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA.List of the officers of militia companies of said city, and those of the third battalion of Cuba, who have been constantly employed in its defence. MILITIA.THIRD BATTALION OF CUBA.NOTE.The commandant of the battalion of Cuba, Don Juan Jose da Eatrada; the captain and lieutenant of the corps of national artillery, Don Ignacio Salens and Don Manuel Paulin; and the ensign of dragoons of America, Don Juan Percheman, have been equally occupied in the defence of this city; the said Don Juan Jose de Estrada having had the provisional command of the same at the beginning of the insurrection, and who, equally with the other officers in the above list, have, with the greatest exactitude, zeal, and vigilance, complied with their respective duties. ST. ADGUSTINE, FLORIDA, June 4, 1813.ST. ACOCBTINE, EAST FLORIDA, January 9, 1824.I, Francis J. Fatio, secretary of the Board of Land Commissioners for the district of East Florida, do certify that the foregoing is a true and correct translation from a document in the Spanish language. F. J. FATIO. |
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