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Newspaper Articles of Osceola County - Part 1

Kissimmee Valley Gazette
28 Feb 1902

Circuit Court Docket.
    The docket for the Spring term of the Circuit Court is a very small one.
    On the civil side there is only one case: that of Chas. H. Gross and H. M. Kreamer vs Osceola county, $300; R. H. Seymour for plaintiffs, and J. N. Taylor, for defendant. This is the rock road muck case, that has been pending some two years.
    On the criminal side there are seven cases: State vs Mart Manning, intercourse with unmarried female under 16 years old, 6th term; State vs Leander Underhill, larceny of a heifer, 5th term; State vs Lewis Johns, selling liquour without a license, 3rd term; State vs William Hilliard, larceny of a steer, 2nd term; State vs Woodson Muse, aggravated assault, 2nd term; State vs Frank Castle, forgery, 1st term; State vs Albert Spear, accessory after the facts, 1st term. The last case is connected with one of Wilburn Shiver's attempts to escape.

Kissimmee Valley Gazette
7 Mar 1902

Circuit Court Notes.
    It was the quietest session of the Circuit Court on record in this county. The Hilliard case will be tried at a special adjourned term called for April 2nd. Not a single indictment for cow stealing was found, and no cow stealing case was tried - a remarkable occurrence for this county. The only visiting lawyer in attendance was Senator C. C. Wilson, of Bartow, who is defending in the Underhill case. The verdict against the county in the muck case meets with general approval, especially in Kissimmee where the facts were known.
    The business was transacted with despatch and dignity and precision, and the whole court gave the impression of being a well ordered, strong piece of machinery.

Kissimmee Valley Gazette
21 Mar 1902

Calhoun's New Store.
    The new store of J. N. Calhoun in the new brick block on Broadway next the Bank presents a handsome and inviting appearance and is well filled with a large stock of fresh goods. In it are to be found shoes of all sorts, styles and sizes; ladies shoes and slippers from $2.50 down; men's shoes and slippers at any price and in any style; in Oxfords, Scotch welts and turned soles from $2.50 down; in Misses, boys and children's shoes, an extra large line at all prices, sized and varieties.
    There is also a complete line of ladies' gents' and children's hosiery - a special value in the latter - and a choice assortment of the latest thing in neckwear, underwear, summer shirts, especially boys' shirts, suspenders and other articles of apparel. A line of umbrellas, jewelry and other notions attract the customer. Everything in the stock is fresh from the market, and is offered at an astonishing low price for the value of the goods.
    Mr. Calhoun has had a lifetime experience in merchandising and knows just how to please the trade. He located here about a year ago, has made himself a nice home, attends to business night and day, is popular with everyone and deserves the favor and patronage of our people.

Kissimmee Valley Gazette
21 Mar 1902

A Big Sawmill.
    The firm of H. M. Pfann & Co., consisting of H. M. Pfann and his son-in-law, Geo. T. Singletary, have been busily engaged in opening their new sawmill at Campbell. This mill, which is of 140 horse power, has a capacity of 25,000 feet per diem, and is double decked, and has the most modern elevators and fixtures for Cheapening output. They have also in operation a Shay locomotive and two Ledgerwood skidders. In addition to the regular sawmill they will cut cypress shingles and convert the edging into lathes, so that there will practically be no waste of material.
    The firm has already erected three houses and 6 or 7 cabins for their hands who will number about 40 and they are still building more.
    At their late yards at Loughman they have over 1,000,000 feet of cypress lumber and at Campbell they have in sight at least 50,000,000 feet more of that valuable lumber.
    This is the biggest thing of the kind we have ever had in Osceola county, and we cordially wish Pfann & Co. every success.

Kissimmee Valley Gazette
16 May 1902

On Wednesday afternoon Edgar Katz, while engaged in a friendly wrestling match, had the misfortune to sustain a severe fracture of his right forearm. Drs. Hicks & Holloway were called and speedily reduced the fracture and Edgar is now doing very nicely, though it will be some time before he again engages in a wrestling bout.

Kissimmee Valley Gazette
28 Jan 1910

St. Cloud Colony
    Interesting Items of News Gathered by Our Correspondent in the Home of the Old Soldiers
    The Kissimmee Lumber co. has erected a new saw mill about two miles south of this town and will proceed to clear the timber from Section 14. The company has built a tram road to this Section and it is their intention to proceed to clear timber from this Section as rapidly as possible. The six sections lying south of town will be cleared at once and it is confidently expected that the timber will be all cut and the land cleared in a very short time.
    New arrivals continue to come in on every train. Nearly every one is from some part of the north and all express themselves as being delighted to reach a place where snow and ice are unknown quantities. One veteran arriving from Ohio said he left two and a half feet of snow on the ground and saw snow all the way until this side of Washington, D. C. He had a pair of overshoes in his hand which he needed badly when he left and he thinks likely now he will put them in cold storage for awhile at least.
    Mrs Geiger, who has started a boarding house at Lake View House, corner Kentucky avenue and 10th street, has had a large addition built to the dining room. Such a great demand for a good meal caused this move and she has all the boarders she can handle at present.
    Considerable criticism by outsiders has been heard concerning the sanitary conditions of the town. A careful inspection of the different streets and back yards by your correspondent has failed to find any grounds for such opinions. The streets are kept remarkably clean and many of the back yards could give pointers to like places in many large cities. The citizens of this town seem to take great pride in keeping their land and immediate vicinity neat and clean, and already many have started trees and shrubs to better decorate their house lots.
    Work was begun today in clearing and leveling 11th street, and this being but a forerunner of what the company intends to do concerning the streets, the citizens of St. Cloud can confidently look forward to some very good, beautiful and useful streets and avenues just as soon as such work can be accomplished.
    An amusement stand has been started near New York avenue by Lester Chambers and is proving quite an attraction for those seeking recreation.
    On Friday evening next there will be a musical social in the Assembly Tent opposite the post office under the auspices of the C. E. Society. The program is in charge of a committee of which Mrs. Hyre is chairman and an interesting and pleasing program has been prepared. The proceeds will be devoted to the treasury of the new C. E. Society.
    Among the recent arrivals we note the following: James L. Brown, Warren, O., J. I. Burneet, Glen Wilde, O., B. F. Cowill, Paronia, Colo., G. A. Ettel, Columbus, O., W. W. Ferguson and wife, Proctorville, O., W. B. Freas, Orlando, Fla., J. W. Franklin, Evanston, Ill., Ernie Gray, wife and daughter, Ashland, Ore., W. G. Gleason, Greenwich, Mich., John Hill, Jersey Shore, Pa., Milton P. Julian, Chester, Ark., I. W. Kinean, Harriston, Pa., R. B. Lauk, Green Castle, Ind., C., I. McClune and wife, New Town, Ind., W. C. Newton, Glen Ellen, Ill., Henry B. Perkins, Ecorse, Mich., Piene Clion, Peabody, Mass., J. M. VanKirvin and wife, Fort Angelos, Wash., J. P. Wescott, Mt. Dora, Fla., Mrs. S. M. Kellogg, Buffalo, N.Y., Mrs. Eliza P. Hogg, Franklinville, N.Y.
    Mr. Wm. J. Spain, of the Tampa Tribune, was a visitor at St. Cloud today.

Kissimmee Valley Gazette
11 Feb 1910

W. R. C. Organized
    Local Organization Instituted at St. Cloud February 3d, 1910
    A local organization of the Woman's Relief Corps was instituted at st. Cloud February 3d, 1910, Dr. Orpha D. Bruce of Tampa officiating. Miss Harriet Luce past dept. pres., of Nebraska, acting conductress, and Miss Moore, of Kentucky, chaplain. Fifty charter members were enrolled.
    The following officers were elected:
    Mary F. DeGraw, president; Fannie M. Ferguson, senior vice-president; Elmina C. Westcott, junior vice-president; Cora E. Hyre, treasurer; Ettina E. Rinkle, secretary; Rachel Mitchell, chaplain; Mae Cummings, conductress; Mary Widrig, guard; Charity Julian, pat. inst.; Loretta Garner, press correspondent; Anna Squires, ass't. cor.; Mary Ager, ass't. g.; Grace Skeggs, C. B. No. 1; Neva Large, C. B. No. 2; Jeanetta Mearns, C. B. No. 3; Ethel Mitchell, C. B. No. 4.
    The installation was public. Fourteen visiting members were present. Among the visitors were many members of the G. A. R.

Kissimmee Valley Gazette
11 Feb 1910

New Tailor Shop
    Mr. J. G. Kimbrough, who came to our city from Georgia four months ago, has opened a tailor shop on Broadway next door to D. Rotundo, and is prepared to take orders for suits, pants or vests, and make them in the best manner and latest styles and from the most up-to-date patterns. This character of business has long been a necessity in our town, and Mr. Kimbrough will no doubt do a splendid business, as he is a thorough workman and his prices are the same as those charged in the cities. He solicits your trade and guarantees satisfaction.

Transcribed and donated by Lisa Slaski, a member of the Genealogy Club of Osceola County, 2005 thru 2008