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Shingle Creek Cemetery

Source: D. A. R. publication: "BIBLE RECORDS of Keen, Keene and Mills Families; TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS of Orange and Osceola Counties, Florida AND 1850 Census and Tombstone Inscriptions of the RUTHERFORD FAMILY of MISSOURI," Copied and Contributed by Mrs. Mary M. (John R.) Ingersoll, Genealogical Records Chairman, 1965, Orlando DAR Chapter #723. A copy can be found at the Orange County Public Library in Orlando. This record also includes Locke Memorial Cemetery listed under Osceola county which is actually in Orange county, but near the county border with Osceola.

pages 79 to 87

This cemetery is located on the grounds of the Shingle Creek Methodist Church about 5 miles west from Kissimmee on Highway 530.

Copied in 1963 by Mrs. Mary M. Ingersoll, 219 E. Pierce Street, Pine Castle, Florida, 32809, and is a complete list of all marked graves at date copied.

Cora A. Bronson                  Arthur N. Bronson
1876 - 1957                      1874 - 1956

Arsula Tyner Bronson             Walter Lee Bronson
1885 - 1948                      1885 - 1962

Father                           Mother
S. T. Tyner                      Martha A. Tyner
b. Feb. 20, 1840                 b. Oct. 19, 1844
d. ---                           d. Dec. 31, 1916

Mary Clyde Griffin  1886 - 1962

Ernest Hedrick 1905 - 1960

Minnie Morris  no dates

John Latmore Reaves  d. Apr. 22, 1952  age 72 yrs.

Mrs. Martha F. Byars  d. Aug. 8th 1947

Kenneth D. Robbins  b. June 21, 1922 - d. aug. 8, 1936

Frank R. Bowen                    Cecil G. Robbins
d. Aug. 16, 1944                  b. Sept. 22, 1927
age 94 yrs 7 mon 18 days          d. July 23, 1930
(this on side of marker           this on other side of same marker)

Florence Yates  no dates

G. J. Yates                       V. M. Yates
Aug. 22, 1844                     Apr. 3, 1846
Mar. 21, 1916                     Mar. 27, 1920

Roberta Bauknight                 Henry Bauknight
no dates                          no dates

Clayton Johnson  no dates

4 unmarked graves

Edward Yates                      Nancy, wife of E. D. Yates
1873 - 1931                       Jan. 22, 1872
                                  Jan. 20, 1917

Leona Yates 1898 - 1919

Mary Yates 1848 -1922

Mother - Vina Johnson  July 19, 1876 - Feb. 5, 1935

William R.                         Nellie A.
1878 - 19__                        1884 - 1954

Metabel Louise Yates               Nathan William Yates
1907 - 1911                        1912 - 1913

Kate Farless  no dates

Achsah Bronson  1866 - 1955

J. S. Bronson  no dates

Bryan J. Taylor, Jr.               Anna Belle wife of B. J. Taylor, Jr.
Aug. 2, 1900                       Mar. 10, 1904
Sept. 28, 1942                     Feb. 25, 1940

Infant dau. of B. J. & Anna Belle Taylor  Jan. 19, 1935

son of J. R. and M. D. Bronson - Reid Ambrose Bronson June 9, 1895 - 
    May 30, 1898

John R. Bronson                    Mary D. Bronson Summerlin
1872 - 1921                        1873 - 1954

James H. Bronson  1868 - 1943

                 Father and Mother
George W. Bronson                  Margaret A. Bronson
b. Sept. 20, 1845                  b. Jan. 11, 1847
d. Nov. 6, 1910                    d. Feb. 27, 1921

Baby Bird

Chas. F. Prevatt                   Sarah Alice Prevatt
June 7, 1855                       June 20, 1867
Apr. 28, 1914                      Jan. 21, 1923
Member of Orange Blossom
Lodge #80 F & A. M.

Elma M. Overstreet  1871 - 1957

E. L. D. Overstreet                Spicy A. Overstreet
Feb. 8, 1852                       b. July 28, 1852
married Spciy Anna Eaves           d. Dec. 13, 1910
Dec. 26, 1872
d. dec. 25, 1943

J. Hamron Steffee                  Henry L. Overstreet
1876 - 1951                        Apr. 7, 1877
                                   May 18, 1932
George T. McLaughlin   Hettie Whitehard   Almina       Henry
d. Aug. 4, 1941        no dates           McLaughlin   McLaughlin
58 yrs.                                   no dates     no dates

James M. Overstreet  1898 - 1959

W. S. J. Overstreet  no dates

                   Father and Mother
Henry Overstreet                    Mary wife of H. Overstreet
Oct. 11, 1821                       Mar. 21, 1826
Nov. 23, 1879                       June 26, 1904

son of Henry and Mary Overstreet  Mar. 6, 1856 - July 16, 1872

Victoria                       Samuel W. Short   James P. Short
Beloved wife of L. D. Graham   1863 - 1897       1891 - 1892
1856 - 1925

Margaret A. Taylor  1875 - 1946

Julia A. Johnston         William R. Johnston
Feb. 14, 1850             Jan. 3, 1844
Dec. 14, 1928             June 16, 1909   another marker:
                                          Wm. Reynolds Johnston
                                          Co. K Hampton's
                                          S.C. Legion CSA

Lawrence J. Keen                    Leona I. Keen
July 30, 1879                       Jan. 7, 1881
Oct. 5, 1902                        Sept. 16, 1881

Henry L. Keen                       John L. Keen
July 4, 1895                        May 3, 1885
Nov. 17, 1930                       Jan. 7, 1912

John E. Bronson  Dec. 7, 1836 - Nov. 16, 1910 (fenced in)

Grandfather Bronson                 Grandmother Bronson
no dates                            no dates

Olive Bell Tyner  b. 10-12-1883  d. 1?-1-1884

Mary L. dau. of W. S. & L. C.       Willie H. son of J.J.M. & M.J.
Overstreet                          Overstreet
Jan. 30, 1884                       b. Nov. 12, 1883
Apr. 22, 1884                       d. Sept. 17, 1884

Martha Yates      J. H. Bronson      Bronson
Aug. 30, 1846     1854 - 1922        Vinia V.
May 6, 1922                          1862 - 1936

Luther G. Bronson  Florida  Pvt. 376 Base H Q & A B Sq. AAF
World War II  Jan. 6, 1903 - Dec. 20, 1960

Frank Tyner    Alice Tyner    Tony Tyner    Preston Tyner
no dates       no dates       no dates      no dates

George Thigpen  no dates

Wm. (Bill) Healan  1885 - 1946

M. B. (no full name or dates)   Greely Bronson  no dates

Jane Clemons     Ida Healand     Willard Clemons
Jan. 15, 1842    Dec. 15, 1880   1884 - 1959
Apr. 22, 1926    Jan. 7, 1937 

Eva May Rudd           Silous Clemons
Mar. 17, 1908          1870 - 1939
Apr. 10, 1943

Glo ?           James C. (Jim) Clemons
1893 - 1941            d. Feb. 18, 1950  aged 78 yrs 7 mon 15 days

J. Sharp  no dates

Fannie Lee Tison  Nov. 12, 1908 - Mar. 19, 1910

Fannie Tidwell  1868 - 1885

Martha J. Gromartie               Mamie E. Cromartie
no dates                          no dates

Inf. children of H. N. Bratton and T. S. Clarkson

Thos. S. Clarkson  b. July 21, 1855 - d. May 5, 1885  
aged 29 yrs 9 mon 14 days

Virginia Lee, wife of W. C. Burckhart  Feb. 24, 1864 - June 11, 1895

Arthur Bronson      Lelia Bronson       Alma Bronson
1885 - 1947         d. Aug. 6, 1957     no dates
                    68 yrs.
Father                             Mother
Preston G. Cromartie               Martha Cromartie
1858 - 1925                        1867 - 1949

Arthur Charles  son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Alderman  Jan. 14, 1925 - 
Mar. 17, 1926

Cecilia Grace Woodrun  May 22, 1941 - Dec. 10, 1941

Franklin A. Babb                   Lenora B. wife of F. A. Babb
Sept. 27, 1877                     d. June 19, 1915  35 yrs.
July 30, 1938

D. S. Draper - 1912 (handritten in cement)

M. L. Bronson                      C. H. Bronson
Dec. 28, ????                      Apr. 5, 1850
Jan. 14, 1934                      Feb. 21, 1932

Harold Taylor  Nov. 22, 1929 - Dec. 20, 1932

William C. son of                  Aline  dau. of W. O. &
W. O. & Henrietta Bronson         Henrietta Bronson
June 1, 1907 - Aug. 11, 1907       May 5, 1910 - Sept. 5, 1910

Wilbur L. ("Bo") Bronson  Florida  T Sgt. 95 AAF Bomb G P
World War II A M  Mar. 11, 1912 - Jan. 3, 1950

William O.                         Henrieeta T.
1880 - 1959                        1879 - 1960

Charles A. Garrett                 May Haynes Garrett
1867 - 1953                        1871 - 1953

Herbert M. Johnston     2 unmarked graves     Edith M. Johnston
1883 - 1961                                   1884 - 1956

Lidy Emerson  no dates

Elizabeth Hodges Keen  July 18, 1858  Feb. 18, 1940

J. J.  son of Joseph B. Keen  June 10, 1859 - Sept. 4, 1918

Dan Keen                            Hettie Keen
no dates                            no dates

Baby Lois  dau. of W. E. and Annie L. Keen  Dec. 22, 1901 - 
Aug. 31, 1903

William E.                         Annie L.
1871 - 1956                        1874 - 1954

M. P. Keen                         J. B. Keen
July 13, 1840                      July 10, 1837
May 26, 1921                       Aug. 21, 1898

J. J.  son of Joseph B. Keen  no dates

Ernest J.                          ---
1892 - 1929

Hermane Keene                      Albert F. Keene
1915 - 1934                        1922 - 1943

Cordellia Belle Walling  Nov. 23, 1885 - Sept. 18, 1940

C. B. Hiers  Jan. 1, 1861 - Sept. 1, 1890

Jefferson D.                       Matchless B.
April 12, 1864                     Mar. 17, 1864
Aug. 14, 1925                      Aug. 23, 1918

Della McCorrey      J. McCorrey      Missouri Bronson
no dates            no dates         d. Feb. 19, 19?8    

Fannie                             Lena Harper
no dates                           d. Dec. 31, 1953
                                   age 92 yrs 3 mon 26 days
H. Holmes Mathev  1867 - 1960

Our Father - Martin A. Pierce  Jan. 4, 1834 - Dec. 12, 1894
aged 60 yrs  ?  mon 8 days

Arthur Hawkens  aged 35 yrs  d. mar. 18, 1889  An Englishman of 
London, England  Erected by his Mother

Elsie       Henry Allen Mathews     Isabella Lavinia Mathews
no dates    1842 - 1922             1851 - 1916
            CSA Marker
Allen H. Mathews  1880 - 1925

Daniel Johnson      R. L. Ivey      Martha Ivey
Mar. 6, 1876        no dates        May 31, 1839
Oct. 16, 1918                       Apr. 20, 1891

Robert L. Ivey  1880 - 1962

G. H. Ivey        Mary V. Ivey         Ed Ivey
Apr. 3, 1860      Oct. 31, 1866        no dates
Apr. 31, 1906     Nov. 22, 1922

Retha Ivey        Alton L. Bronson     Carrie Ivey Bronson
1905 - 1957       1880 - 1954          b. 1874  d. Mar. 4, 1938
                  d. Feb. 4, 1954
Will Ivey         Bettie Lee Ivey      Stewart Ivey
no dates          no dates             no dates

Maud Ivey         E. M. Ivey           William H. Ivey
1912 - 1917       Jan. 6, 1880         Co. E 10th Fla. Inf. CSA
                  Apr. 30, 1916
Thomas J. Ivey    Emma V. Ivey         Wesley W. Ivey
1887 - 1951       1868 - 1948          1857 - 1938
World War I Vet.

W. W. Ivey  no dates

Father              Bunyon Rewis       Mary Lee Rewis
William R. Rewis    Oct. 6, 1912       Sept. 19, 1911
1875 - 1939         Oct. 6, 1912       Dec. 29, 1911
                    Infant son and dau. of W. L. &
					Rosa B. Rewis     
Eliza Jane Alvey           Robert Alvy
d. Jan. 20, 1938           Apr. 27, 1892
age 71 yrs                 Nov. 2, 1902

Adelia Josephine, wife of Alfred Iverson  dau. of Dr. Joel and
Emily Branham of Eatonton, Ga.  May 9, 1833 - Feb. 6, 1904

Mary Sidney Steffee      Belle Fitzpatrick Steffee
Sept. 16, 1850           Sept. 18, 1879
Aug. 16, 1922            Nov. 5, 1891
                         dau. of J. H. & M. S. Steffee
Judson H. Steffee  1844 - 1926  (his grave has an American Flag
and white wooden cross at it)

Winnie Tates  Jan. 10, 1898 - May 7, 1901

Samuel G. Ingham          Charlie Ingham
Aug. 2, 1892              July 20, 1886
Nov. 29, 1893             Aug. 12, 1886

Ada Tates  Oct. 24, 1890 - Oct. 16, 1910

L. W. Potter  no dates

Viola Nettles  d. 1917         unmarked grave

Student of Theosophy  R. S. Dickerson  Nov. 12, 1843 - June 25, 1915

E. P. Walling  Dec. 28, 1849 - Oct. 21, 1927  age 75

Arthur Prescott          Weltha Ann Prescott
1890 - 1945              Sept. 29, 1856 - Feb. 27, 1936

Effie Bronson  Apr. 17, 1884 - Jan. 6, 1918

Wm. Henry                      Pearly Prescott
1874 - 1961                    1882 - 1956

Baby Bronson     Gussie P. Bronson  (1 space)  Mother
Sept. 5, 1929    Mar. 23, 1909                 Mattie Palmer
Sept. 5, 1929    Aug. 21, 1958                 Sept. 19, 1880
                                               Sept. 4, 1934
Mother                         John M. Prescott
Missouri Clark                 Co. M 1 Fla. Inf. Sp. Am. War
1860 - 1935                    d. Nov. 3?,  ? 5

Brother - Ellie Clark  1887 - 1953

Bob Hendrix                    Bessie Virginia
1906 - ---                     1909 - 1958

Ronald R. Bronson  d. July 2, 1950  age 1 day

Willie Mae Morris  d. Mar. 31, 1952

Father                         Mother
Charlie H. Taylor              Sarah E. Taylor
Aug. 10, 1873                  Sept. 25, 1866
May 16, 1951                   Feb. 6, 1958

John F. Niswonger              Catherine Niswonger
Nov. 9, 1850                   Dec. 7, 1854
Apr. 19, 1928                  Sept. 17, 1934

Robert H. Jones  1912 - 1960

Richard C. Maguffey  1882 - 1961

Andy S. Gilliland  1959 - 1962

Paul L. Yates  1962 (baby)

Mother                         Father
Martha D. Starr                Andrew H. Starr
1869 - 1941 Feb. 13            1862 - 1955 June 9
71 yrs 4 mon 15 days           92 yrs 7 mons 13 days

John Calvin Starr - Brother - 1891 - 1961

Myrtle J. Rooney  1881 - 1961

William H. Messer  1888 - 1962

Lizzie Newlon                  C. O. Newlon
no dates                       no dates

Ernest Stremlow  New York  Wagoner 3 Cav.  Dec. 19, 1938 - 
born May 18, 1882

Martha H.                      Herbert W.
1879 - 1958                    1884 - ---

Columbus W. Spence             Sarah Caroline Spence
July 4, 1855 - Nov. 4, 1943    1864 - 1945

Milton C.                      Minnie Wilson Davis
1903 - 1959                    1880 - 1962

Charles Howard Wilson          Clifford Rodney Wilson
1878 - 1948                    Aug. 22, 1906 - Sept. 3, 1941

Evelyn Clemons  Sept. 8, 1905 - Nov. 9, 1943

Mary Biersdofer  d. Dec. 19, 1940  65 yrs.

Mable Musselwhite  d. Oct. 10, 1955  age 31 yrs 4 mon 28 days

The End.

transcribed and donated to the site by Lisa Slaski, May 2017