(From: Governor, State Governors' Incoming Correspondence, 1857-1888, Series 577)
Photos and text Courtesy, Florida State Library and Archives.
Harrison Reed (1813-1899), a native of Littleton,
Massachusetts, served as Florida governor from 1868 until 1873. Reed
lived in Wisconsin until 1861, when he came to Washington, D.C. to work
in the Treasury Department. He was appointed Direct Tax Commissioner
for Florida and moved to Union-occupied Fernandina in 1863. At the
close of the war he became a Federal postal agent for Florida. In 1868
he won election to governor, but during his term he faced virulent
opposition from Democrats and even from factions within the Republican
Party. The latter groups made two attempts to remove him from office. Document 1 relates to the first effort to oust Reed,
which occurred in 1868. In the fall of that year, an anti-Reed faction
in the state legislature attempted to remove the governor, but the
legislature adjourned on November 7 before the Senate could conduct an
impeachment trial. Lieutenant Governor William H. Gleason proclaimed
himself governor and, though was barred from the capitol by Reed
supporters, he established an office and issued documents signed as the
state's chief executive. On November 24, the Supreme Court of Florida
ruled that Reed had never been officially impeached because a quorum
did not exist when the Senate originally charged him. Reed then
successfully moved to oust Gleason as lieutenant governor on the
grounds that he failed to meet the state's residency requirements.
Gleason would subsequently be removed from office the following month.
Document 1
Executive Department Tallahassee Fla. November 7th 1868
To Hon. Wm. H. Gleason Lieut. Govr. Florida
I am, under the Constitution
and laws of this State, the rightful Governor
thereof, and shall continue to exercise the power
and authority, and discharge all of the duties belonging
to the office of the executive Department until
the Judicial tribunals of the State shall determine
otherwise. -- To the determination of the Judiciary
I will, like any other good citizen, yield peaceful
and immediate obedience.
Harrison Reed
Documents 2 and 3 relate to a second effort to
remove Governor Harrison Reed in 1872. Reed was impeached by the
Florida House of Representatives in February 1872. Considering himself
suspended until a trial was concluded, Reed left Tallahassee for his
home near Jacksonville. In Reed's absence, Lieutenant Governor Samuel
T. Day proclaimed himself acting governor. After the legislature
adjourned without bringing Reed to trial, the governor assumed that
this was the equivalent of an acquittal. In April 1872, when Day had
briefly left Tallahassee, Reed returned and declared himself the chief
executive. Once more Reed asked for a decision from the Florida Supreme
Court on who was governor. The justices upheld Reed's claim to the
office and stated that Day was "in no sense Governor." An attempt by
day to hold a special session of the legislature to vote on the
impeachment charges ended on May 4, 1872 with a dismissal of the
charges against Reed. The controversial governor would complete his
term, which ended in early 1873.
Document 2
Tallahassee May 4, 1872 Hon Saml T. Day, Lieut Governor of Florida
I have the honor to
notify you that the Senate of the State, sitting
for the trial of the impeachment of Harrison
Reed Governor, has this day at 5 1/2 O'clock
P.M. declared Governor Reed discharged
and acquitted of the Impeachment heretofore
pending against him-
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obt servt
E.M. Randall Chief Justice -
Document 3
Tallahassee May 4, 1872 His Excellency Harrison Reed Governor of the State of Florida -
You are hereby notified that
by the action of the Hon. the Senate of
this state on this day you were declared acquitted
and discharged of all and singular
the Impeachment heretofore pending against you -
I have the honor to be very
respectfully your obt servt
E.M. Randall
Chief Justice and president of the Senate for the purpose of the trial of Impeachment 

Readmission of Florida into the Union, 1868
As a result of the Military Reconstruction Act,
passed on March 2, 1867, congressional Republicans effectively took
control of Reconstruction away from President Andrew Johnson. The Act's
provisions divided the ex-Confederate States (except Tennessee) into
five military districts, required black suffrage and ratification of
the Fourteenth Amendment, and called for conventions to establish new
constitutions in each of the affected states. Delegates to the Florida
Constitutional Convention were elected in November 1867. The bitterly
divided convention met in Tallahassee the following January, and after
much controversy, a new constitution, with black suffrage, was adopted
and approved by the voters in May 1868. Republican Harrison Reed was
elected governor, and on July 2 he wrote a letter (Document 4) to the
military commander of Florida, Colonel John T. Sprague, informing him
that Florida had completed the requirements to be readmitted to the
Document 4
Executive Office
Tallahassee, July 2, 1868
Colonel John T. Sprague
Commanding District of Florida
I have the honor to inform
you that the state government provide[d] under the new Con-
stitution [sic] for the State of Florida, in accordance with the
Reconstruction Laws of congress, has been duly inagu-
rated & all the conditions precedent to the admission
of the State into the federal Union have been com-
plied with & our Representatives admitted to Congress.
with high respect I am, Colonel Your obt servt Harrison Reed Governor 