From: Wiggins, Daniel H., Diaries 1816-1834, 1838-1841, 1862, Collection M89-32
Photos and text Courtesy, Florida State Library and Archives.
A native of Long Island, New York, Daniel H. Wiggins
was living in Annapolis, Maryland in the 1830s with his second wife
Wilhelmina Welch and their five children, where he worked as a
millwright and wheelwright. In 1838, apparently at the urging of Thomas
Randall, an Annapolis acquaintance who was then living near in
Jefferson County and serving as a judge, Wiggins left Maryland for
greater economic opportunities in north Florida. He sailed from
Baltimore to Savannah, which he reached on October 15, 1838, and then
traveled overland to Monticello. Wiggins reached his destination after
an eleven day journey. He initially lived at Belmont, Randall's
plantation south of Monticello, but he also traveled extensively
through Jefferson, Leon, and Gadsden counties, working as a machinist
and experimenting with a cotton press. Wiggins remained in Florida at
least until the latter part of 1841. He eventually returned to
Annapolis, where he was living in 1850. Shortly thereafter he traveled
with Randall to the California gold fields. Unfortunately, while there
he contracted an unspecified illness and died.
Wiggins' diary, which he regularly maintained during
his years in Florida, is a remarkably detailed description of life in
the new territory. He commented extensively on the region's geography,
climate, and population. Wiggins also made observations on the
institution of slavery and on the ongoing Second Seminole War. The
November 5, 1838 entry reproduced here is particularly detailed, with
comments on farming, soil conditions, economic opportunities in the
territory, and his fear of the Seminoles, and the visit of a group of
soldiers to Randall's plantation. Nov. 5 The past week has been pleasent-- the first part some what cool one night a white frost 
it is now qite warm but some what cloudy-- we expect rain shortly-- it
is much needed-- I have enjoyed myself very well through the week-- but
feel the want of religious society no meeting with in reach but I have
free access to a great veriety of book-- I have been at work the whole
week-- for Judge Randal-- making cuts [?] Mr Clifard [?] and Mr Turney
finished the Judge's screw press yester day it works pretty well but
slow-- Mr Clifard
charged 100 dollars for the puting it up-- and the timber was heved [?]
and brought to the spot and hands furnished for lifting &c. and
board fur- nished-- I think that an industrous man would make about 10
dollars per day at such work-- I intend to put up a press upon my own
plan which I think-- will do much better then those now used-- if I
have my health I calcu- late making my fortune in a little time I hope I shall have grace and wisdom to make a right use of it--
Mechanics in this country are scarce and those few who are hear and
mostly inclined to disapation and as a natural consequence idleness--
may the Lord save me from both the evils-- I have enjoyed peice of mind
since I left Maryland-- it is true I some times have some apprehensions
of danger from the hostile Indians they have from time to time commited with in a few miles of this place most shocking cruelties upon indi-
vidual families murder- ing the most barberous manner men women and
children but (thank the Lord) we have a prospect for hostilities
speedily to come to a close There is a great scarcity of mills here
water [?] courses are apt to get dry in the summer and fall-- I think a
[illegible] mills might do well-- Judge Randal said I may get as much
timber on his place as I chuse free of expense------ Sunday evening it has rained
most of the day some times very hard Judge Randall came home on Friday
evening and left home again this morning for Tallahassee where court
begins on to morrow-- almost every things grows abundantly in Florida
except wheat-- corn is one dollar per bu. sweet potatoes 50 cents beaf
about 5 dollars per hun. flour-- about 15 dollars per bar. most of provi- sions are as cheap as
in the north and labour about twice as hight plenty of good land at
1,25 per acre timber standing for little or nothing-- horses are high
mules are mostly used for plan- tation work-- oxen are also used--
Judge Randall milked this summer 22 cows-- sheep do well goats and hogs
are raised in abundance with out feeding the labour of coloured people is high-- say from 300 to 600 dollars per
year Judge Randall has about 1500 acres of land in one body about 300
under cultivation-- and clearing more every year-- makes from 100 to
150 bales of cotton worth now from 4000 to 6000 dollars-- it is
prefered in clearing land to cut and burn the under brush and deden the
large trees it is said that leaving the large trees standing prevents the sun from burning the vegetation-- great veriety of timber aare
found hear-- I will name some of the most usefull viz live oak
white--past [?]--and red oak-- which aare good for cart [?] work-- red
bay good for mules [?]-- ash-hickory in aboun- dance. some popolay and
siprus and abundance of yellow and pitch pine mulbery and locus-- and
the pride of china thrives well wild chery also grow spontanious--
there are some other thing of timber the names of which I have as yet learnt the
soil of Judge Randalls land appears to be mostly a mixture of red clay
and sans-- the low ground is of a darker coulor and much richer-- but
the high lands are thought to be more healthy so it is hard to find a
place where all advan- tages concentrate of two ever [?] chuse the
least-- health of the first consideration may the Lord direct in my choice of a loca tion-- health content ment and competency are
the three grand constituents to human happiness-- but religion is the
one thing needfull a little after dark a detachment of soldiers stopt
here for the night-- they are on their way from St. Marks to Dedmans
bay they number about 20 under command of Lieutinant Todd-- I talked
with some of them they say they have seen tuff [?] times for 18 months past in pursuing the indians there is a considerable
force collecting at Dedmans bay intending to build a block house and to
cut 2 roads, one to st Marks and one to intersect the Augustine road so
that provisions can more readly be conveyed through the country-- it is
said that about Dedmans bay it is very unhealthy.