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Merchants in Hardee County History

Wauchula Merchants Of April 1887

Edited by Spessard Stone from the Bartow Advance Courier of April 27, 1887

Wauchula is a beautiful little village, situated in Manatee county, twenty-eight miles south of Bartow on the F.S.R.R. [Florida Southern Railroad]. The place deserves special mention from the fact of its magic-like growth.

There are perhaps many reasons for the rapid development of this place; the first of all being the fact of its location in one of the most fertile and productive sections on the line and not only is the town itself on this sort of soil, but it is backed up on all sides by large tracts of good available producing lands.

Much has been done also towards the upbuilding of the place by its industrious and hardworking inhabitants among which we mention:

Dr. L. Roberts who deals in real estate in every shape, and a gentleman who can be relied on for any information. Parties desiring to know more of Wauchula or its surroundings should write to the Dr. and we are sure he will take pleasure in answering.

Simmons & Sparkman are doing an immense business in groceries, grain, etc., as well as in general merchandise, such as dry goods, shoes, hats, hardware, etc., etc. These gentlemen are preparing to operate four separate business houses, along at different points on the road, and, of course, in buying goods in such quantities they will be able to sell cheaply.

Southerland Bro's have a neat and complete line of drugs, fancy and toilet articles, etc. They are both young men of merit and deserve the patronage they receive.

M. A. McConnell comes next with a stock of groceries, feed, hay, grain and is also proprietor of the Wauchula livery stable, the only place in the city where teams can be had. Mr. McConnell is the post master also and is efficient enough to give perfect satisfaction to all.

G. H. Gill, the pioneer merchant, says he is doing all the business it is possible for him to attend to. He deals in general merchandise and works under the motto, “Honesty is the best policy.”

J. E. Tison keeps a stock of general goods, groceries, etc., and proposes to be undersold by nobody. Don't fail to give him a trial.

J. E. Barron will be found with a line of necessaries, such as groceries, cigars and tobacco, also an assortment of drugs and medicines. Mr. Barron is a liberal business man, such a one as all like to deal with.

E. A. Cochran is well supplied with groceries, grain, provision and dry goods, and almost any other article usually called for.

Dr. T. J. Maddox is the resident physician and surgeon and is always ready to attend any calls. Read his card elsewhere in this paper and when in need of medical service give him a call. We spent quite a pleasant time in conversation with the Dr., having known him several years ago in a different part of the state. We were glad indeed to find and talk to the Doctor again.

F. J. Seward is the proprietor of the hotel, which is known as the Seward House, a nicely kept house and one which furnishes accommodation for all who visit the place.

A. G. Smith is in charge of the depot and telegraph office, but we learn that he is soon to be removed to another office. The people will regret very much to lose him as he is a young man who made friends with and pleased all.

A. A. Constantine has just donated four acres of land, in Constantine's addition, to the Baptist church and four acres for a city park, and the remainder of the addition, which will be about seventy-two acres, has been lotted off and will be offered for sale.

Space forbids us saying more this time. We wish to extend our thanks to the good people of Wauchula for their kind attention and liberal support to the appreciative representative of the Advance Courier.

This article was published in The Herald-Advocate (Wauchula, Fla.) of May 7, 1992.

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