Ortona Cemetery History & Index

There are several burial places located inside the boundaries of Glades County, Florida. Ortona Cemetery is the largest, it is located on SR78 just east of the community of Ortona. This cemetery was dedicated to the people of Glades County after the 1926 hurricane devastated the Glades County area. There are many persons buried in this cemetery that there is no record on file for their burial. Also at this cemetery is a burial mound, located in the northwest corner of block "M." In the past no plots have been sold in this area for concern that some of the mound may have deteriorated away. I have been told that this mound is a part of the Indian mound that is located in the Indian Mound Park behind the cemetery, and I have also been told there was a mass grave that caused this mound after the 26th hurricane. This cemetery is maintained by Glades County employees with tax payers funds.

The above information was volunteered by Ms. Ellen Gibson.

"South Florida Pioneers," by Robert Livingston contains transcriptions from the Ortona Cemetery with dates. Please go to Volunteers for look ups.

The following list of grave site "owners" is public record. Those listed are the purchasers and/or occupants of the grave sites in Ortona Cemetery. Listed next to the owner is the (block).


Ortona Cemetery (A - F)

The cemetery block is listed beside the name in parenthesis.

A - B - C - D - E - F  [G - L]   [ M - S]   [  T - Z]

Adams, Baby(L)

Adkins, Eddie(S)

Adins, Mr.(J)

Adkins, Mrs.(J)

Ahern, Nell Lucille(S)

Ahern, Robert T.(S)

Akin, Cecil J.(G)

Akin, Dorothy(G)

Akin, Valeria G.(G)

Akins, Jack(G)

Akins, Veda Mae(G)

Akins, William R. "Bill"(G)

Aldrich, Doris Evelyn(T)

Aldrich, Ernest Linwood(T)

Allison, Samuel D.(J)

Altman, Stanley(G)

Alverez, Elva(T)

Aly, Jesse S.(W)

Aly, Nora Oatman(W)

Andrews, Katherine C.(U)

Andrews, Parnell G.(U)

Ange, Fisher Wyatt Jr.(M)

Arbequst, Benjamin(V)

Arbequst, Charles L.(V)

Archer, Cyrus Newton(G)

Archer, Haywood Leon(G)

Archer, Nathaniel J.(G)

Archer, Robert L. Sr.(G)

Arnold, Baby(L)

Arnold, Bill(U)

Arnold, Bebra Lynn (Washburton)(U)

Arnold, Jacquelynn(U)

Arnold, John Burton(U)

Arnold, Modesta Cierne(F)

Arnold, Sydney(U)

Arnold, Thelma Margaret (McDuffie)(U)

Arnold William Jr. "Billy"(U)

Arvin, Lucille Ann(D)

Ashwell, John R.(I)

Atchley, Minnis G.(K)

Atkinson, Angela(C)

Austin, B.D."Bud"(S)

Austin, Julia D.(S)

Axtell, Lewis W.(K)

Axtell, Olive F.(K)

A - B - C - D - E - F  [G - L]   [ M - S]   [  T - Z]

Baby, Unknown Name(D)

Baby, Unknown Name(H)

Baby, Unknown Name(T)

(Block L is known as "Babyland")

Baby, Girl Adams (L)

Baby Arnold(L)

Baby Carey(L)

Baby appiel Clements(L)

Baby Girl Dingler(L)

Baby William F. Eckersley(L)

Baby Girl Equerin(L)

Baby Girl Fountain(L)

Baby Denice Lynn Golden(L)

Baby Jackie Arnton Handley(L)

Baby Jerry Lewis Handley(L)

Baby Robert Vernon Holt(L)

Baby Keechl (Boy)(L)

Baby McDaniel(L)

Baby Mitchell (Boy)(L)

Baby Girl Roberts(L)

Baby Sara Linda Stoddard(L)

Baby Richard Strickland(L)

Baby Tammy Lee Strickland(L)

Baby Jeffery Paul Walker(L)

(end of "Babyland")

Bailey, Alice Curry(I) "Mother" Oct 6, 1890 - Dec 30, 1967

Bailey, Louis Clinton(I) "Son" Apr. 22, 1914 - Dec. 22, 1944

Baker, Annie Lenora(H)

Baker, Leslie Edmon(H)

Bales, B. A. (H)

Bales, Caroline M.(H)

Bales, Henry Sinclair(H)

Ball, Brewton Thomas(V)

Ball, Nancy E.(V)

Ball, William Rupert(V)

Ball, William Thomas(V)

Ballard, Clarence Elroy(I)

Ballard, Clarence Lewis(I)

Ballard, Leta Mae (Roseboom)(I)

Ballard, Mary Etta Blair(I)

Bankston, Tonya(F)

Barnes, Martha(F)

Barron, Alice(J)

Baxley, Clara(E)

Baxley, Ricky Ray(R)

Beck, A.A.(J)

Beck, Ada Marie (Strickland)(J)

Beck, Alice "Dee"(I)

Beck, Dovie Vannoy(J)

Beck, Gary Lynn(V) Nov. 16, 1962 - April 17, 1980

Beck, George W.(I)

Beck, James Windell(I)

Beck, John L.(J)

Beck, Juanita Gail (Killebrew)(V) Sept. 20, 1938 - Nov. 3, 1994

Beck, Mary A.(J)

Beck, Theodore M.(J)

Beck, William Earl(J)

Beck, William Thomas(J)

Bell, John Edward Jr.(F)

Bellamy, Herman G. (W)

Bellamy, Maggie M.(W)

Bellamy, Walter L.(W)

Bembry, Della Mae (U)

Benson, Edwin Olif (H)

Benson, Mary Ellen (H)

Bering, Horace V.C.(M)

Bernhardt, Amelia Charlotte (H)

Bernhardt, (Ralph) H.(H)

Berrara, Dimas (F)

Bigelow, Mamie (R)

Billie, Julia (R)

Billie, Lois (R)

Billie, Rosa (R)

Birdwell, Frank (V)

Birdwell, Theresa (V)

Birge, Carl(G)

Birge, Ruel(G)

Bishop, James F.(T)

Bishop, Laura B.(T)

Blackburn, Clifford L.(G)

Blackburn, Dale C.(G)

Blackburn, Lyle E.(G)

Blackburn, Mabelle H.(G)

Blackburn, Mary (G)

Black, Rita (O)

Black, Willard Lee (O)

Blackman, Thomas (F)

Blair, Eleanor Marie (J)

Blair, Francis S. (T)

Blair, Harold Eugene (J)

Blair, Ina Marie (T)

Blair, Mary Etta Ballard (I)

Blair, Wilma Jean (J)

Blenca, Rudolph (F)

Blosser, Jacob J. (G) 1857 - 1942

Blosser, Seloma Ream (G) 1855 - 1934

Boots, Virgil S. (J)

Boots, William H. (J)

Bowen, Idral l.(X)

Bowen, Janet L. (X)

Bowers, Andrew (R)

Bowers, Carol Sue (R) 1951 - 1995

Bowers, Dick (R) Apr. 8, 1917 / Sept. 14, 1979

Bowers, Leon (R) July 11, 1953 / Oct. 14, 1973

Bowlegs, Billy "Chief" III (R) Born Feb. 17, 1862 Died Feb. 13, 1965

Boyd, Effie (X)

Boyd, James A. Jr.(X)

Boyd, James A. SR.(X)

Bracken, Beatrice Burnett (T)

Bracken, Kenneth Norman (T)

Bradford, Mary (S)

Brannan, Edward Lano(W)

Brannan, Jessie Ruth(W)

Brannan, John McSwain (W)

Braswell, Leigh (Lumpkin)(S)

Brewer, Annie Roberta (V)

Bridgen, Eloise P.(V)

Brooks, Elizabeth Renee (W)

Brown, Avant (L)

Brown, Fredrick Lee (H)

Brown, John E. (N)

Brown, Lem (Leon)(U)

Brown, Mary (L)

Brown, Ronald Wayne (X)

Brown, Walter M. "Beaver"(F)

Bryant, Carolyn (O)

Bryant, George G. (L)

Bryant, Gordon (J)

Bryant, Granville Wynn (Lucky)(A)

Bryant, James (F)

Bryant, Leo D.(J)

Bryant, Mattie L. (J)

Bryant, Plot (Child-name unknown)(J)

Bryant, Ronald Earl (L)

Bryant, Rose H. (F)

Bryant, Rossie (L)

Bryant, William Dennis(L)

Bryant, Wilson L. (J)

Buck, Johnny (R)

Buck, Lizzie (R)

Buck, Roley C. (R) 1947 - 1977 (Tomb)

Burgess, James (F)

Burgess, Lula Edwards (F)

Burke, Mrs. A.(H)

Burke, Addie Rhoene Cason (H)

Burke, Addie Elizabeth (H)

Burke, Alvah C. (H)

Burke, Coburn Cross "Gan"(H)

Burke, M.B.(H)

Burn, Franklin W. (T)

Burnett, Marcus Lamar (Infant)(F)

Burns, Gregory Lamont (F)

Burrus, Angus B.(G)

Burrus, James H.(G)

Bussell, Claude O.(X)

Buster, Marta (R)

Buster, Mary (R)

A - B - C - D - E - F  [G - L]   [ M - S]   [  T - Z]

Caldwell, Cordell M.(E)

Campbell, Annie P. (E)

Cantrell, Gus(K)

Cantrell, Gus Jr.(K)

Cantrell, Henrietta S.(K)

Carey, Baby (L) -psw had a query re: John Carey d 1930 located in lot one of block L with CA Clement and baby Carey also on block L. John Carey had property that was said to have been flooded in the 1926 hurricane. There are no markers for these persons in the Ortona Cemetery.

Carpenter, W.R. Sr. (U)

Carpenter, William R. III(U)

Cason, George Robert (G)

Cason, Mabry B. (G)

Cason, Maude E. Croft (G)

Cason, Selma Juanita (G)

Casper, Clara A.(J)

Cecil, Dorothy Patricia (K)

Cecil, Robert Annesley (K)

Cecil, Sybil Harte (K)

Cecil, Sybil Veronica (K)

Chalfant, Jennie Land (R) 1949 - 1966 (Jack 1944) married 10/25/66

Chaplin, William Francis (P)

Chew, Harvey Lewis (B)

Chmela, Alvin George (T)

Choban, Elizabeth G.(S)

Choban, Evelyn P.(S)

Choban, Joseph Sr. (S)

Choban, Steven (S)

Christensen, Daisy M. (H)

Christensen, P.J."Pete"(H)

Clark, Joyhnnie Pearl (F)

Clements, Appiel (Baby)(L)

Clemons, Pete (X)

Click, D.S.(W)

Click, Garland William (W)

Click, Janna Linn (X)

Click, John Nelson (K)

Click, Joseph Roscoe (W)

Click, Mary Matilda (K)

Click, Robert Wendell (S)

Click, Viola Mae (S)

Click, William R. (W)

Close, Carl Norton (K)

Close, Charles Roft (K)

Close, Herman Lee (K)

Close, Lela Norton (K)

Close, Margaret Jane (K)

Close, Sharon L.(K)

Clower, Charles (I)

Cockran, Sara D. (L)

Cohens, Eddie (Q)

Cohens, Melisa Bennett (F)

Colbert, Robert H. (O)

Cole, Linda Ann (J)

Cole, Ray W.(Ashes)(J)

Coleman, Erma Lenora (C)

Collier, Dorothy (T)

Collier, Ora (S)

Collier, Ray (S)

Collier, Renelda F. (S)

Collier, Rueben W. (T)

Collins, Acey E. (S)

Collins, Arcie (S)

Collins, Shannon (T)

Collins, Shawn (T)

Comiskey, Albert F. (U)

Compton, Stephanie Marie (I)

Cone, Woodrow W."Woody" (E)

Conklin, Minnie L.(W)

Conners, Phillip J. (V)

Cook, Thomas Oscar (H)

Cooksey, Clyde S. (H)

Coon, Hazel S. (T)

Cooper, Lemon (F)

Corbett, James E. (D)

Corbett, Viola (O)

Cottrell, Aimee (G)

Cottrell, John S. (G)

Cottrell, May (G)

Cotrell, Miriam Stewart (G)

Couse, Ann Margaret (Gram)(J)

Couse, E.G.(Ashes Only)(J)

Couse, James M. (J)

Covington, James (W)

Cowing, Betty Ann(W)

Cox, Francis (F)

Cox, James B. (G)

Cox, Hubert Jr. (F)

Cox, Mary Nell (Lott) (G)

Cox, Mildred Ann (G)

Coyner, Fred (S)

Coyner, Heleen (S)

Crawford, Bert G. Jr. (X)

Crawford, Lonnie Gail (Child)(I)

Crawford, Rhodia S. (S)

Crawford, Willie H. (X)

Crews, Elizabeth G. (K-5) July 18, 1929 (mother)

Crews, Joe (K-5) Nov 16, 1914 - June 25, 1982 (father)

Crews, Kate Townsend (H-13) (mother) Sept. 23, 1886 - Mar 10, 1949

Crews, Lorraine Beulah (H-13) (sister)April 29, 1906 - Sept 13, 1955

Crews, William Glen (W-9) "Corkey" August 14, 1930 - Mar 17, 1995

Crews, Marilyn L. (W-9) (wife) Mar 1, 1929 - Nov 5, 1998

Criswell, William Irvin Jr. (C)

Crosby, Arthur Owen (K)

Crosby, Lester Earl (K)

Cross, Ben (H)

Cross, Ben Ray (Child)(H)

Cross, Brandilee (T)

Cross, Emma Yoemans (H)

Cross, Herbert James (H)

Cross, J.F. (H)

Cross, James O. (I)

Cross, Lillian May (H)

Cross, Little Sister (H)

Cross, Lva Ray (R)

Cross, Opal (H)

Cross, Opal (T)

Cross, Paul (H)

Cross, Rhonel D. (H)

Cross, Thelma (I)

Cross, Vernon (T)

Crow, Carl C. (U)

Crow, Ora Meeks (U)

Cruz, Regina (F)

Cruz, Thomas (F)

Cummings, Montrey (E)

Cummings, Patricia (E)

Curry, Barney Denson (I) "Son" 1885 - 1972

Curry, Charles Winton (I) Nov. 12, 1884 - Aug. 14, 1929

Cury, Felistis Comella (I) (Mellie Garner) "Mother" Jan. 27, 1867 - Dec. 10, 1957

Curry, Henry Clinton (I) Dec. 21, 1861 - Feb. 2, 1938

Curry, Lula (L)

Curry, N.B.(L)

Curry, Thomas (G)

Curry, William J. (L)

Cypress, Anissa M. (R)

Cypress, Betty Ann (R)

A - B - C - D - E - F  [G - L]   [ M - S]   [  T - Z]

Daley, Fanny (F)

Dana, James F. (K)

Daniels, Baby Boy (S)

Daniels, Charles L. (K)

Daniels, Frank L. (G)

Daniels, Godfrey (S)

Daniels, Harry (L) 18?? (chipped) - 1928 with William M. Daniels

Daniels, Laura Bell (A)

Daniels, M. Inez R. Light (S)

Daniels, Nancy E. (L) Mar 20, 1865 Sept 28, 1959

Daniels, O.J. (A)

Daniels, Rev. J. Randolph (S)

Daniels, William M. (L) 1842 - 1924

Darby, Elizabeth (G)

Darby, Hele (G)

Darby, Jasper C. (G)

Darby, Rhett G. (G)

Davidson, Reginald M. (K)

Davidson, Ted Lewis (K)

Davidson, Vera L. (K)

Davis, Bette (M)

Davis, Denise (V)

Davis, Farris (M)

Davis, Rev. John (D)

Davis, Louisa Evelyn (K)

Davis, Lucille (D)

Davis, Luther (K)

Davis, Martha (F)

Davis, Mary Anna (V)

Davis, Thomas Bexley (V)

Davis, Tommy Lee (F)

Dazey, John C. (J)

Dazey, Mary Susi (J)

Dean, S. T. (L)

Decker, Alfred Kenneth (O)

Dees, edith (I)

Dees, Leslie Wayne (I)

Dees, Lottie B. (G)

Dees, James S. (G)

Dees, Wethyan (I)

Dees, Babies (2) (I)

Delaney, John Donald (I)

Demetreu, Glady W. (G)

Devinney, Edward L. (S)

Devinney, Elizabeth L. (S)

Devinney, Williams J. (S)

Dey, Lewis F. died in the 1928 hurricane, father of Vernon

Dey, Vernon, died Sept 16, 1928. Submitted by Ms. Jane Dey Van Husen of Polk County, FL.

Dezern, Delores Jean (V)

Dilley, Fern (W)

Dilley, James Hartford (W)

Dingler, Baby (L)

Dios, Hipolito De (U)

Divine, Pat (L)

Dotson, Joyce Ann (Williams) (W)

Dotson, Ruby (NMN) (S)

Doub, Charles (H)

Doub, Flethcer H. (H)

Doub, Harry E. (H)

Doub, Landon A. (H)

Doub, Mary Susan (H)

Douglas, Bessie O. D. (X)

Douglas, Cullie (X)

Douglas, Kenneth C. (Baby) (X)

Douglas, Riley (U)

Douglas, S. D. (L)

Douglas, Susie J. (U)

?Breblow, John R. (I)

?Breblow, Raymond D. (I)

Drummond, Charles E. (W)

Duncan, D. (O)

Dunklee, Clyde James (K)

Dupree, Ancil Levi (X)

Dupree, Eugene Darris (X)

Dupree, Garthie Darris (X)

Dupree, Jewell Elizabeth (X)

Dupree, Mamie Margaret (X)

Dupree, Rebecca L. (U)

Dupree, Stanley (X)

Dupree, Thomas J. (U)

Durden, Otis M. Sr. (W)

Dyess, Bert Cecil (G) 1888 - 1950

Dyess, Cecil Vincent (G) 1927 - 1931

Dyess, George R. (G) 1881 - 1946

Dyess, Nannie Frances May (G) 1890 - 1982

Dyess, Sarah W. (G) 1888 - 1948

A - B - C - D - E - F  [G - L]   [ M - S]   [  T - Z]

Eady, Clyde D. (K)

Eady, Louise M. (K)

Earnest, Irene (U)

Earnest, Robert G. (U)

Easterly, Charles J. (H-18) June 7, 1878 - Mar 18 1966

Easterly, Daisy F. (H-18) Dec. 6, 1888 - Oct 25, 1985 (with Charles J.)

Easterly, Grace Cason (G-12) 1915-1987

Easterly, Helen Dorothy (X-23) (Mother) Sept 26, 1913 - Feb 2, 1993

Easterly, Rovert Evans (X-23) (Father) Oct 29, 1910 - Feb 4, 1999

Easterly, William R. (G-12) Jan 4, 1909 - July 21, 1982, Sgt. US Army WWII married 1-14-1934

Eckersley, William F. (Baby) (L)

Edwards, Frank A. (U)

Edwards, Hubert F. (T)

Edwards, Rhoda Ellen (T)

Eldon, Kirkland B. Jr. (G)

Ellis, Andy (L)

Ellis, Carl Arthony (F)

Elrod, Alfred E. (KH)

Elrod, James E. (H)

Elrod, Mattielou (Jones) (H)

Emory, Josephine (I)

Engel, Judy Davis (M)

Engel, Karl (M)

Equerin, Baby Girl (L)

Espinosa, Laura Ann (Child) (J)

Ewers, Analia S. (D)

A - B - C - D - E - F  [G - L]   [ M - S]   [  T - Z]

Farabee, Baby (K)

Farabee, L. (L)

Farabee, Lula (K)

Farabee, Sam (K)

Farabee, T.L. (L)

Farabee, Thomas L. (L)

Farnam, Corey Nathan (Infant) (A)

Fatoc, Mona (G)

Faunce, Frank (X)

Feierson, Henry (See Frierson) (L)

Ferrell, John Oscar (I)

Ferrell, Mildred Marie Newland (I)

Field, Lester M. (T)

Field, Lois Ida (T)

Feilder, James A. (I)

Filmore, Millard (H)

Finnell, Paul Dwayne (A)

Fisher, John Henry (X)

Fleming, Bee "Manna" (U)

Fleming, Edd "Pappy" (U)

Fletcher, Dorcas E. (V)

Flynn, Charles Jr. (K)

Flynn, Joann (K)

Fontanella, Jerry (O)

Fontanella, Virginia (O)

Forbes, Jane (Ashes) (R)

Ford, James Herbert (F)

Ford, Mary Jane (W)

Ford, Miriam A. (J)

Ford, Vernon H. (W)

Ford, Willia A. (F)

Forest, Benjamin (F)

Foster, Gladstone I. (C)

Fountain, Baby Girl (L)

Fountain, Gideon (G)

Foy, John Lee Porter (F)

Fralish, Annie Mell (L)

Fralish, Marva Carol (L)

Frazier, Nevie C. (F)

Frazier, Joe (F)

Frazier, Rosa Lee (F)

Frier, Annie Laura (R)

Frierson, Henry (Hall)(See Feierson)(L)

A - B - C - D - E - F  |  G - L  |  M - S  |  T - Z



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