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Abstracted from the Territorial Papers of the US, Volume XXII
On 29 December, 1821, the Spanish Citizens of West Florida met at the house of A. COLLINS in Pensacola. J. de la RUA, Esquire presided. H. MICHELET, Esquire was appointed secretary. A Memorial to the Congress of the United States was read and the following resolutions were adopted at this meeting to be attached to the Memorial
(1) To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States asking that no act may be passed to annex the this territory to Alabama, but that a separate government be established.
(2) After the signatures of the Spanish Citizens are received, that the matter be laid open to citizens of the United States who have recently settled in the territory.
(3) A committee of three be appointed to see that the Honble. Elij. FROMENTIN bears the resolutions to the seat of government.
(4) J. de la RUA, J. NORIEGA, and H. MICHELET, Esquires be appointed to the said committee.
Meeting adjourned and signed by Jn. de la RUA, President, H. MICHELET, Secretario, and Jose NORIEGA.
The following Spanish Citizens signed the Memorial.
Jn de la Rua
Antonio Balderas
Manuel del Barco
Antonio Collin
Pedro de Alba
Thoms. Posse LaRioboo
Juan Innerarity
Jose Maina
Sebastian Caro
Ciriaco Lopez
Domingo Gomez
Juan Suarez
J. Sorves
Luis Gagmett
Luis Maestre
Joseph E. Caro
Pierre Bertrand
Bartholme Bisquera
Manuel Durante
Bernardo Pargas
Sebastian Barrios
M. Simon
Pierre Paul
Sebastian Aguilera
Jose' Cap de Bo
Millan de la Carrera
Gabriel Hernandez
Juan Reymund
O. Mitchel
Diego Reyes
Joseph Noriega
Franco. Bonal
Jose Sierra
John Keyser
Manuel Gonzales
Lorenzo Bru
H. Michelet
Joh. Bonifay
Silvestre Gomez
Anty. Jn. Guero
Francisco Garriga
Manuel Carrillo
Wm. Saltonstall
Jose' Camacho
Jose Balada
Franco. Gomez
Anto. Ramis
Franco. Bauve
Anto. Ramis
Antonio Perez
Ynigo Garcia
Alfonso de Sala
Ygnacio Florez
Pedro Mendoza
Joseph Roch
Jose Peynado
Antonio Sausa
Anto. Salazar
Mariano Maldonado
Cayetano Garcia