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 Contributed by: Russell James


Source:  “Documents Reflecting the Records of Pensacola’s Elected Officials.” unpublished manuscript.  City Clerk’s Office, Pensacola.


[1820 – 1821  Noriega, Jose  (Spanish)]        

1821    George Bowie

1822    John de la Rua

1823    Peter Alba

1825    John Jerrison

1828    Benjamin D. Wright

1829    John Jerrison

1830    Peter Alba

1834    Charles Evans

1838    Hanson Kelly

1840    Charles Le Baron

1841    Benjamin D. Wright

1842    Charles Evans

1847    Francis de la Rua

1848    Charles Evans

1852    Joseph Sierra

1855    Francis B. Bobe

1859    C. Gonzalez

1861    C. H. Gingles

1862    Francis B. Bobe

1863    Francis B. Bobe                      

            City government in exile in Greenville, Alabama

1866    Samuel Leonard

1867    E. W. Anderson

1868    S. C. Cobb

1870    F. C. Humphrey

1873    Royal Putnam

1874    R. A. Stearns

1875    J. P. Jones

1877    R. A. Stearns

1878    Salvador Pons (first Black mayor of Pensacola)

1879    William M. Oerting

1881    George H. O’Neal

1882    J. M. Tarble

1883    George H. Welles

1885    S. S. Harvey

            At this time Governor E. A. Perry revoked Pensacola’s city charter and

            supported a bill to replace it with a state-appointed commission.  The

            bill failed and the city charter was restored.

1886    A. L. Avery


1887    W. D. Chipley

1888    A. L. Avery

1890    J. M. Hilliard

1893    W. E. Anderson

1895    Pat McHugh

In early 1895, a new legislature was promulgated by the state legislature and a   new election held for mayor and aldermen.

1894    W. E. Anderson

1897    W. H. Northrup

1899    J. M. Hilliard

1901    C. M. Jones

1903    T. E. Welles

1905    Charles H. Bliss

1907    C. C .Goodman

1909    Frank Reilly

1913    A. Greenhut

1916    G. Heinrich

1917    Thomas H. Johnson

1918    F. R. Pou

1919    F. D. Sanders

1921    J. H. Bayliss

Changed to a council-manager form of government

1931    H. Clay Armstrong

1936    W. L. Moyer

1936    Max L. Bear

1937    L. C. Hagler

1943    Walter E. Wicke

1947    C. P. Mason

1957    Roy S. Philpot

1961    Charles H. Overman Jr.

1963    C. P. Mason

1965    B. I. Greenhut

1967    Reinhardt Holm

1967    Charles Soule

1969    Bryant Liggett

1971    Eugene P. Elebash

1973    Barney B. Burkes

1977    Warren M. Briggs

1978    Vince Whibbs

1991    Jerry L. Maygarden

1994    John R. Fogg